/* Starshatter OpenSource Distribution Copyright (c) 1997-2004, Destroyer Studios LLC. All Rights Reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name "Destroyer Studios" nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. SUBSYSTEM: Stars.exe FILE: ExceptionHandler.cpp AUTHOR: John DiCamillo */ #include #include extern void Print(const char* fmt, ...); // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ class ExceptionHandler { public: ExceptionHandler(); ~ExceptionHandler(); private: static LPTOP_LEVEL_EXCEPTION_FILTER old_filter; static LONG WINAPI ExceptionFilter(EXCEPTION_POINTERS* info); static void PrintReport(EXCEPTION_POINTERS* info); // Helper functions static const char* GetExceptionString(DWORD dwCode); static BOOL GetLogicalAddress(VOID* addr, char* module, int len, DWORD& section, DWORD& offset); static BOOL InitImageHelp(); static void ImageStackTrace(CONTEXT* context); static void IntelStackTrace(CONTEXT* context); // Make typedefs for some IMAGEHLP.DLL functions so that we can use them // with GetProcAddress typedef BOOL (__stdcall * SYMINITIALIZEPROC)(HANDLE, LPSTR, BOOL); typedef BOOL (__stdcall * SYMCLEANUPPROC)(HANDLE); typedef LPVOID (__stdcall *SYMFUNCTIONTABLEACCESSPROC)(HANDLE, DWORD); typedef DWORD (__stdcall *SYMGETMODULEBASEPROC)(HANDLE, DWORD); typedef BOOL (__stdcall *SYMGETSYMFROMADDRPROC)(HANDLE, DWORD, PDWORD, PIMAGEHLP_SYMBOL); typedef BOOL (__stdcall * STACKWALKPROC)(DWORD, HANDLE, HANDLE, LPSTACKFRAME, LPVOID, PREAD_PROCESS_MEMORY_ROUTINE, PFUNCTION_TABLE_ACCESS_ROUTINE, PGET_MODULE_BASE_ROUTINE, PTRANSLATE_ADDRESS_ROUTINE); static SYMINITIALIZEPROC SymInitialize; static SYMCLEANUPPROC SymCleanup; static STACKWALKPROC StackTrace; static SYMFUNCTIONTABLEACCESSPROC SymFunctionTableAccess; static SYMGETMODULEBASEPROC SymGetModuleBase; static SYMGETSYMFROMADDRPROC SymGetSymFromAddr; }; // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ LPTOP_LEVEL_EXCEPTION_FILTER ExceptionHandler::old_filter = 0; ExceptionHandler::SYMINITIALIZEPROC ExceptionHandler::SymInitialize = 0; ExceptionHandler::SYMCLEANUPPROC ExceptionHandler::SymCleanup = 0; ExceptionHandler::STACKWALKPROC ExceptionHandler::StackTrace = 0; ExceptionHandler::SYMFUNCTIONTABLEACCESSPROC ExceptionHandler::SymFunctionTableAccess = 0; ExceptionHandler::SYMGETMODULEBASEPROC ExceptionHandler::SymGetModuleBase = 0; ExceptionHandler::SYMGETSYMFROMADDRPROC ExceptionHandler::SymGetSymFromAddr = 0; ExceptionHandler global_exception_handler; // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ ExceptionHandler::ExceptionHandler() { old_filter = SetUnhandledExceptionFilter(ExceptionFilter); } ExceptionHandler::~ExceptionHandler() { SetUnhandledExceptionFilter(old_filter); } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ static bool in_filter = false; LONG WINAPI ExceptionHandler::ExceptionFilter(EXCEPTION_POINTERS* info) { if (in_filter) { Print("\n\n*********************************************\n"); Print("SECOND EXCEPTION CAUGHT: TERMINATING.\n"); Print("*********************************************\n"); } else { in_filter = true; PrintReport(info); in_filter = false; } if (old_filter) return old_filter(info); else return EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_SEARCH; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void ExceptionHandler::PrintReport(EXCEPTION_POINTERS* info) { EXCEPTION_RECORD* record = info->ExceptionRecord; CONTEXT* context = info->ContextRecord; DWORD code = record->ExceptionCode; Print("\n*********************************************\n"); Print("FATAL EXCEPTION:\n"); Print("\nRegisters:\n"); Print("EAX: %08x\n", context->Eax); Print("EBX: %08x\n", context->Ebx); Print("ECX: %08x\n", context->Ecx); Print("EDX: %08x\n", context->Edx); Print("EDI: %08x\n", context->Edi); Print("ESI: %08x\n", context->Esi); Print("EBP: %08x\n", context->Ebp); Print("\n"); Print("CS:EIP: %04x:%08x\n", context->SegCs, context->Eip); Print("SS:ESP: %04x:%08x\n", context->SegSs, context->Esp); Print("DS: %04x\n", context->SegDs); Print("ES: %04x\n", context->SegEs); Print("FS: %04x\n", context->SegFs); Print("GS: %04x\n", context->SegGs); Print("Flags: %08x\n", context->EFlags ); Print("\n"); Print("Exception Code: %08x %s\n",code, GetExceptionString(code)); Print("Exception Addr: %08x \n", record->ExceptionAddress); if (code == EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION && record->NumberParameters >= 2) { if (record->ExceptionInformation[0]) Print(" Program attempted to WRITE to address 0x%08x\n", record->ExceptionInformation[1]); else Print(" Program attempted to READ from address 0x%08x\n", record->ExceptionInformation[1]); } if (InitImageHelp()) { ImageStackTrace(context); SymCleanup(GetCurrentProcess()); } else { IntelStackTrace(context); } Print("\n*********************************************\nPROGRAM TERMINATED.\n"); } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ const char* ExceptionHandler::GetExceptionString(DWORD code) { #define EXCEPTION( x ) case EXCEPTION_##x: return #x; switch (code) { EXCEPTION( ACCESS_VIOLATION ) EXCEPTION( DATATYPE_MISALIGNMENT ) EXCEPTION( BREAKPOINT ) EXCEPTION( SINGLE_STEP ) EXCEPTION( ARRAY_BOUNDS_EXCEEDED ) EXCEPTION( FLT_DENORMAL_OPERAND ) EXCEPTION( FLT_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO ) EXCEPTION( FLT_INEXACT_RESULT ) EXCEPTION( FLT_INVALID_OPERATION ) EXCEPTION( FLT_OVERFLOW ) EXCEPTION( FLT_STACK_CHECK ) EXCEPTION( FLT_UNDERFLOW ) EXCEPTION( INT_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO ) EXCEPTION( INT_OVERFLOW ) EXCEPTION( PRIV_INSTRUCTION ) EXCEPTION( IN_PAGE_ERROR ) EXCEPTION( ILLEGAL_INSTRUCTION ) EXCEPTION( NONCONTINUABLE_EXCEPTION ) EXCEPTION( STACK_OVERFLOW ) EXCEPTION( INVALID_DISPOSITION ) EXCEPTION( GUARD_PAGE ) EXCEPTION( INVALID_HANDLE ) } static char buffer[512] = { 0 }; FormatMessage(FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS | FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_HMODULE, GetModuleHandle("NTDLL.DLL"), code, 0, buffer, sizeof(buffer), 0 ); return buffer; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ BOOL ExceptionHandler::GetLogicalAddress(void* addr, char* mod_name, int len, DWORD& section, DWORD& offset) { MEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION mbi; if (!VirtualQuery(addr, &mbi, sizeof(mbi))) return FALSE; DWORD hMod = (DWORD)mbi.AllocationBase; if (!GetModuleFileName((HMODULE)hMod, mod_name, len)) return FALSE; PIMAGE_DOS_HEADER pDosHdr = (PIMAGE_DOS_HEADER) hMod; PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS pNtHdr = (PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS)(hMod + pDosHdr->e_lfanew); PIMAGE_SECTION_HEADER pSection = IMAGE_FIRST_SECTION( pNtHdr ); DWORD rva = (DWORD)addr - hMod; // RVA is offset from module load address // Iterate through the section table, looking for the one that encompasses // the linear address. for (unsigned i = 0; i < pNtHdr->FileHeader.NumberOfSections; i++, pSection++ ) { DWORD sectionStart = pSection->VirtualAddress; DWORD sectionEnd = sectionStart + max(pSection->SizeOfRawData, pSection->Misc.VirtualSize); // Is the address in this section??? if ((rva >= sectionStart) && (rva <= sectionEnd)) { // Yes, address is in the section. Calculate section and offset, // and store in the "section" & "offset" params, which were // passed by reference. section = i+1; offset = rva - sectionStart; return TRUE; } } return FALSE; // Should never get here! } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void ExceptionHandler::IntelStackTrace(CONTEXT* context) { Print("\nStack Trace (Intel):\n"); Print("Address Frame Logical addr Module\n"); DWORD pc = context->Eip; DWORD* pFrame; DWORD* pPrevFrame; pFrame = (DWORD*)context->Ebp; do { char mod_name[256] = { 0 }; DWORD section = 0, offset = 0; GetLogicalAddress((void*)pc, mod_name, 256, section, offset); Print("%08X %08X %04X:%08X %s\n", pc, pFrame, section, offset, mod_name); pc = pFrame[1]; pPrevFrame = pFrame; pFrame = (PDWORD)pFrame[0]; // proceed to next higher frame on stack if ((DWORD)pFrame & 3) // Frame pointer must be aligned on a break; // DWORD boundary. Bail if not so. if (pFrame <= pPrevFrame) break; // Can two DWORDs be read from the supposed frame address? if (IsBadWritePtr(pFrame, sizeof(PVOID)*2)) break; } while ( 1 ); } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void ExceptionHandler::ImageStackTrace(CONTEXT* context) { Print("\nStack Trace (Symbolic):\n"); Print("Address Frame\n"); // Could use SymSetOptions here to add the SYMOPT_DEFERRED_LOADS flag STACKFRAME sf; memset(&sf, 0, sizeof(sf)); // Initialize the STACKFRAME structure for the first call. This is only // necessary for Intel CPUs, and isn't mentioned in the documentation. sf.AddrPC.Offset = context->Eip; sf.AddrPC.Mode = AddrModeFlat; sf.AddrStack.Offset = context->Esp; sf.AddrStack.Mode = AddrModeFlat; sf.AddrFrame.Offset = context->Ebp; sf.AddrFrame.Mode = AddrModeFlat; while ( 1 ) { if (!StackTrace( IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_I386, GetCurrentProcess(), GetCurrentThread(), &sf, context, 0, SymFunctionTableAccess, SymGetModuleBase, 0)) break; if (sf.AddrFrame.Offset == 0) // Basic sanity check to make sure break; // the frame is OK. Bail if not. Print("%08x %08x ", sf.AddrPC.Offset, sf.AddrFrame.Offset); // IMAGEHLP is wacky, and requires you to pass in a pointer to an // IMAGEHLP_SYMBOL structure. The problem is that this structure is // variable length. That is, you determine how big the structure is // at runtime. This means that you can't use sizeof(struct). // So...make a buffer that's big enough, and make a pointer // to the buffer. We also need to initialize not one, but TWO // members of the structure before it can be used. BYTE symbolBuffer[sizeof(IMAGEHLP_SYMBOL) + 512]; PIMAGEHLP_SYMBOL pSymbol = (PIMAGEHLP_SYMBOL)symbolBuffer; pSymbol->SizeOfStruct = sizeof(symbolBuffer); pSymbol->MaxNameLength = 512; DWORD symDisplacement = 0; // Displacement of the input address, // relative to the start of the symbol if (SymGetSymFromAddr(GetCurrentProcess(), sf.AddrPC.Offset, &symDisplacement, pSymbol)) { Print("%-40s [%04X]\n", pSymbol->Name, symDisplacement); } else { char mod_name[256] = { 0 }; DWORD section = 0, offset = 0; GetLogicalAddress((PVOID)sf.AddrPC.Offset, mod_name, 256, section, offset ); Print("%04X:%08X %s\n", section, offset, mod_name); } } } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ BOOL ExceptionHandler::InitImageHelp() { Print("\n"); HMODULE h = LoadLibrary("IMAGEHLP.DLL"); if (!h) { Print("--- could not load IMAGEHLP.DLL (%08x) ---\n", GetLastError()); return FALSE; } SymInitialize = (SYMINITIALIZEPROC) GetProcAddress(h, "SymInitialize"); if (!SymInitialize) { Print("--- could not find SymInitialize ---\n"); return FALSE; } SymCleanup = (SYMCLEANUPPROC) GetProcAddress(h, "SymCleanup"); if (!SymCleanup) { Print("--- could not find SymCleanup ---\n"); return FALSE; } StackTrace = (STACKWALKPROC) GetProcAddress(h, "StackWalk"); if (!StackTrace) { Print("--- could not find StackWalk ---\n"); return FALSE; } SymFunctionTableAccess = (SYMFUNCTIONTABLEACCESSPROC) GetProcAddress(h, "SymFunctionTableAccess"); if (!SymFunctionTableAccess) { Print("--- could not find SymFunctionTableAccess ---\n"); return FALSE; } SymGetModuleBase = (SYMGETMODULEBASEPROC) GetProcAddress(h, "SymGetModuleBase"); if (!SymGetModuleBase) { Print("--- could not find SymGetModuleBase ---\n"); return FALSE; } SymGetSymFromAddr = (SYMGETSYMFROMADDRPROC) GetProcAddress(h, "SymGetSymFromAddr"); if (!SymGetSymFromAddr) { Print("--- could not find SymGetSymFromAddr ---\n"); return FALSE; } if (!SymInitialize(GetCurrentProcess(), 0, TRUE)) { Print("--- could not Initialize IMAGEHLP.DLL (%08x) ---\n", GetLastError()); return FALSE; } Print("Loaded IMAGEHLP.DLL\n"); return TRUE; }