/* Starshatter: The Open Source Project Copyright (c) 2021-2022, Starshatter: The Open Source Project Contributors Copyright (c) 2011-2012, Starshatter OpenSource Distribution Contributors Copyright (c) 1997-2006, Destroyer Studios LLC. AUTHOR: John DiCamillo OVERVIEW ======== A ship, station, or ground unit in the dynamic campaign. */ #include "MemDebug.h" #include "CombatUnit.h" #include "CombatGroup.h" #include "Campaign.h" #include "ShipDesign.h" #include "Ship.h" #include "Game.h" // +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ #undef random inline double random() { return (double) rand() / (double) RAND_MAX; } // +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ CombatUnit::CombatUnit(const char* n, const char* reg, int t, const char* d, int c, int i) : name(n), regnum(reg), type(t), design_name(d), design(0), count(c), iff(i), leader(false), dead_count(0), available(c), carrier(0), plan_value(0), launch_time(-1e6), jump_time(0), sustained_damage(0), target(0), group(0), heading(0) { } CombatUnit::CombatUnit(const CombatUnit& u) : name(u.name), regnum(u.regnum), type(u.type), design_name(u.design_name), design(u.design), count(u.count), iff(u.iff), dead_count(u.dead_count), available(u.available), leader(u.leader), region(u.region), location(u.location), carrier(u.carrier), plan_value(0), launch_time(u.launch_time), jump_time(u.jump_time), sustained_damage(u.sustained_damage), target(0), group(0), heading(u.heading) { } // +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ const ShipDesign* CombatUnit::GetDesign() { if (!design) design = ShipDesign::Get(design_name); return design; } int CombatUnit::GetShipClass() const { if (design) return design->type; return type; } int CombatUnit::GetValue() const { return GetSingleValue() * LiveCount(); } int CombatUnit::GetSingleValue() const { return Ship::Value(GetShipClass()); } // +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ const char* CombatUnit::GetDescription() const { if (!design) { CombatUnit* pThis = (CombatUnit*) this; // cast-away const pThis->GetDesign(); } static char desc[256]; if (!design) { strcpy_s(desc, Game::GetText("[unknown]").data()); } else if (count > 1) { sprintf_s(desc, "%dx %s %s", LiveCount(), design->abrv, design->DisplayName()); } else { if (regnum.length() > 0) sprintf_s(desc, "%s-%s %s", design->abrv, (const char*) regnum, (const char*) name); else sprintf_s(desc, "%s %s", design->abrv, (const char*) name); if (dead_count > 0) { strcat_s(desc, " "); strcat_s(desc, Game::GetText("killed.in.action")); } } return desc; } // +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ bool CombatUnit::CanLaunch() const { bool result = false; switch (type) { case Ship::FIGHTER: case Ship::ATTACK: result = (Campaign::Stardate() - launch_time) >= 300; break; case Ship::CORVETTE: case Ship::FRIGATE: case Ship::DESTROYER: case Ship::CRUISER: case Ship::CARRIER: result = true; break; } return result; } // +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ Color CombatUnit::MarkerColor() const { return Ship::IFFColor(iff); } bool CombatUnit::IsGroundUnit() const { return (design && (design->type & Ship::GROUND_UNITS)) ? true : false; } bool CombatUnit::IsStarship() const { return (design && (design->type & Ship::STARSHIPS)) ? true : false; } bool CombatUnit::IsDropship() const { return (design && (design->type & Ship::DROPSHIPS)) ? true : false; } bool CombatUnit::IsStatic() const { return design && (design->type >= Ship::STATION); } // +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ double CombatUnit::MaxRange() const { return 100e3; } double CombatUnit::MaxEffectiveRange() const { return 50e3; } double CombatUnit::OptimumRange() const { if (type == Ship::FIGHTER || type == Ship::ATTACK) return 15e3; return 30e3; } // +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ bool CombatUnit::CanDefend(CombatUnit* unit) const { if (unit == 0 || unit == this) return false; if (type > Ship::STATION) return false; double distance = (location - unit->location).length(); if (type > unit->type) return false; if (distance > MaxRange()) return false; return true; } // +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ double CombatUnit::PowerVersus(CombatUnit* tgt) const { if (tgt == 0 || tgt == this || available < 1) return 0; if (type > Ship::STATION) return 0; double effectiveness = 1; double distance = (location - tgt->location).length(); if (distance > MaxRange()) return 0; if (distance > MaxEffectiveRange()) effectiveness = 0.5; if (type == Ship::FIGHTER) { if (tgt->type == Ship::FIGHTER || tgt->type == Ship::ATTACK) return Ship::FIGHTER * 2 * available * effectiveness; else return 0; } else if (type == Ship::ATTACK) { if (tgt->type > Ship::ATTACK) return Ship::ATTACK * 3 * available * effectiveness; else return 0; } else if (type == Ship::CARRIER) { return 0; } else if (type == Ship::SWACS) { return 0; } else if (type == Ship::CRUISER) { if (tgt->type <= Ship::ATTACK) return type * effectiveness; else return 0; } else { if (tgt->type > Ship::ATTACK) return type * effectiveness; else return type * 0.1 * effectiveness; } return 0; } // +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ int CombatUnit::AssignMission() { int assign = count; if (count > 4) assign = 4; if (assign > 0) { available -= assign; launch_time = Campaign::Stardate(); return assign; } return 0; } // +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ void CombatUnit::CompleteMission() { Disengage(); if (count > 4) available += 4; else available += count; } // +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ void CombatUnit::MoveTo(const Point& loc) { if (!carrier) location = loc; else location = carrier->location; } // +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ void CombatUnit::Engage(CombatUnit* tgt) { if (!tgt) Disengage(); else if (!tgt->attackers.contains(this)) tgt->attackers.append(this); target = tgt; } void CombatUnit::Disengage() { if (target) target->attackers.remove(this); target = 0; } // +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ static int KillGroup(CombatGroup* group) { int value_killed = 0; if (group) { ListIter u_iter = group->GetUnits(); while (++u_iter) { CombatUnit* u = u_iter.value(); value_killed += u->Kill(u->LiveCount()); } ListIter g_iter = group->GetComponents(); while (++g_iter) { CombatGroup* g = g_iter.value(); value_killed += KillGroup(g); } } return value_killed; } int CombatUnit::Kill(int n) { int killed = n; if (killed > LiveCount()) killed = LiveCount(); dead_count += killed; int value_killed = killed * GetSingleValue(); if (killed) { // if unit could support children, kill them too: if (type == Ship::CARRIER || type == Ship::STATION || type == Ship::STARBASE) { if (group) { ListIter iter = group->GetComponents(); while (++iter) { CombatGroup* g = iter.value(); value_killed += KillGroup(g); } } } } return value_killed; }