/* Starshatter: The Open Source Project Copyright (c) 2021-2022, Starshatter: The Open Source Project Contributors Copyright (c) 2011-2012, Starshatter OpenSource Distribution Contributors Copyright (c) 1997-2006, Destroyer Studios LLC. AUTHOR: John DiCamillo OVERVIEW ======== Universal Color Format class */ #include "MemDebug.h" #include "Color.h" #include "Video.h" #include "Pcx.h" #include "Fix.h" #include "Utils.h" // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ Color Color::White = Color(255,255,255); Color Color::Black = Color( 0, 0, 0); Color Color::Gray = Color(128,128,128); Color Color::LightGray = Color(192,192,192); Color Color::DarkGray = Color( 64, 64, 64); Color Color::BrightRed = Color(255, 0, 0); Color Color::BrightBlue = Color( 0, 0,255); Color Color::BrightGreen= Color( 0,255, 0); Color Color::DarkRed = Color(128, 0, 0); Color Color::DarkBlue = Color( 0, 0,128); Color Color::DarkGreen = Color( 0,128, 0); Color Color::Yellow = Color(255,255, 0); Color Color::Cyan = Color( 0,255,255); Color Color::Magenta = Color(255, 0,255); Color Color::Tan = Color(180,150,120); Color Color::Brown = Color(128,100, 80); Color Color::Violet = Color(128, 0,128); Color Color::Orange = Color(255,150, 20); bool Color::standard_format = false; int Color::texture_alpha_level = 0; ColorFormat Color::format = ColorFormat(256); ColorFormat Color::texture_format[4] = { ColorFormat(256), ColorFormat(256), ColorFormat(256), ColorFormat(256) }; PALETTEENTRY Color::palette[256]; BYTE Color::table[32768]; double Color::fade = 1.0; Color Color::fade_color; Video* Color::video = 0; DWORD ColorIndex::texture_palettes[4][256]; DWORD ColorIndex::unfaded_palette[256]; DWORD ColorIndex::formatted_palette[256]; DWORD ColorIndex::shade_table[256*256]; BYTE ColorIndex::blend_table[256*256]; DWORD* ColorIndex::texture_palette = ColorIndex::texture_palettes[0]; // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ Color::Color(BYTE index) { PALETTEENTRY* p = &palette[index]; Set(p->peRed, p->peGreen, p->peBlue); } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ Color& Color::operator+=(const Color& c) { int r = Red() + c.Red(); if (r > 255) r = 255; int g = Green() + c.Green(); if (g > 255) g = 255; int b = Blue() + c.Blue(); if (b > 255) b = 255; Set((BYTE) r, (BYTE) g, (BYTE) b); return *this; } Color Color::operator+(DWORD d) const { int r = Red() + ((d & RMask) >> RShift); if (r > 255) r = 255; int g = Green() + ((d & GMask) >> GShift); if (g > 255) g = 255; int b = Blue() + ((d & BMask) >> BShift); if (b > 255) b = 255; return Color((BYTE) r,(BYTE) g,(BYTE) b); } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ Color Color::operator+(const Color& c) const { float src_alpha = c.fAlpha(); float dst_alpha = 1.0f - src_alpha; BYTE r = (BYTE)((fRed() *dst_alpha + c.fRed() *src_alpha)*255.0f); BYTE g = (BYTE)((fGreen()*dst_alpha + c.fGreen()*src_alpha)*255.0f); BYTE b = (BYTE)((fBlue() *dst_alpha + c.fBlue() *src_alpha)*255.0f); return Color(r, g, b); } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ Color Color::operator*(const Color& c) const { BYTE r = (BYTE) ((fRed() * c.fRed()) *255.0f); BYTE g = (BYTE) ((fGreen() * c.fGreen()) *255.0f); BYTE b = (BYTE) ((fBlue() * c.fBlue()) *255.0f); return Color(r, g, b); } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ Color Color::operator*(double scale) const { int r = fast_f2i(Red() * scale); if (r > 255) r = 255; int g = fast_f2i(Green() * scale); if (g > 255) g = 255; int b = fast_f2i(Blue() * scale); if (b > 255) b = 255; int a = fast_f2i(Alpha() * scale); if (a > 255) a = 255; return Color((BYTE) r, (BYTE) g, (BYTE) b, (BYTE) a); } Color Color::dim(double scale) const { int r = fast_f2i(Red() * scale); int g = fast_f2i(Green() * scale); int b = fast_f2i(Blue() * scale); return Color((BYTE) r, (BYTE) g, (BYTE) b, (BYTE) Alpha()); } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ DWORD Color::Formatted() const { if (format.pal) { return Index(); } else { if (fade != 1.0) { double step = (1.0 - fade); DWORD r = ((int) ((fRed() - (fRed() - fade_color.fRed()) * step)*255.0)) >> format.rdown; DWORD g = ((int) ((fGreen() - (fGreen() - fade_color.fGreen())* step)*255.0)) >> format.gdown; DWORD b = ((int) ((fBlue() - (fBlue() - fade_color.fBlue()) * step)*255.0)) >> format.bdown; DWORD a = Alpha()>>format.adown; return (r<>format.rdown; DWORD g = Green()>>format.gdown; DWORD b = Blue() >>format.bdown; DWORD a = Alpha()>>format.adown; return (r<>format.rdown; DWORD g = Green()>>format.gdown; DWORD b = Blue() >>format.bdown; DWORD a = Alpha()>>format.adown; return (r<>tf.adown; } else if (texture_alpha_level == 1) { // transparent: a = 255>>tf.adown; } else if (texture_alpha_level == 2) { // translucent: if (r || g || b) a = ((r+g+b+255)>>2)>>tf.adown; } r = r >>tf.rdown; g = g >>tf.gdown; b = b >>tf.bdown; return (r< SHADE_LEVELS) { // shade towards white double step = (shade - range)/range; sr = fr - (fr - 1.0) * step; sg = fg - (fg - 1.0) * step; sb = fb - (fb - 1.0) * step; } return Color((BYTE) (sr*255.0), (BYTE) (sg*255.0), (BYTE) (sb*255.0), (BYTE) Alpha()); } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ DWORD Color::Shaded(int shade) const { return ShadeColor(shade).Formatted(); } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ Color Color::Unformat(DWORD formatted_color) { if (format.pal) { return Color((BYTE) formatted_color); } else if (standard_format) { Color c; c.Set(formatted_color); return c; } else { BYTE r = (BYTE) ((formatted_color & format.rmask)>>format.rshift) << format.rdown; BYTE g = (BYTE) ((formatted_color & format.gmask)>>format.gshift) << format.gdown; BYTE b = (BYTE) ((formatted_color & format.bmask)>>format.bshift) << format.bdown; BYTE a = (BYTE) ((formatted_color & format.amask)>>format.ashift) << format.adown; return Color(r,g,b,a); } } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ Color Color::Scale(const Color& c1, const Color& c2, double scale) { BYTE r = (BYTE) ((c1.fRed() + (c2.fRed() - c1.fRed() )*scale) * 255); BYTE g = (BYTE) ((c1.fGreen() + (c2.fGreen() - c1.fGreen())*scale) * 255); BYTE b = (BYTE) ((c1.fBlue() + (c2.fBlue() - c1.fBlue() )*scale) * 255); BYTE a = (BYTE) ((c1.fAlpha() + (c2.fAlpha() - c1.fAlpha())*scale) * 255); return Color(r,g,b,a); } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ DWORD Color::FormattedBlend(DWORD c1, DWORD c2) { if (format.pal) { return ColorIndex::blend_table[(BYTE) c1 * 256 + (BYTE) c2]; } else { ColorFormat& cf = format; DWORD r = (c1 & cf.rmask) + (c2 & cf.rmask); DWORD g = (c1 & cf.gmask) + (c2 & cf.gmask); DWORD b = (c1 & cf.bmask) + (c2 & cf.bmask); if (r & ~cf.rmask) r = cf.rmask; if (g & ~cf.gmask) g = cf.gmask; if (b & ~cf.bmask) b = cf.bmask; return (DWORD) (r|g|b); } } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void Color::UseVideo(Video* v) { video = v; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void Color::UseFormat(const ColorFormat& cf) { format = cf; if (format.rmask == RMask && format.gmask == GMask && format.bmask == BMask) standard_format = true; else standard_format = false; if (cf.pal) { for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) { ColorIndex::formatted_palette[i] = i; ColorIndex::unfaded_palette[i] = i; } } else { double old_fade = fade; for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) { ColorIndex::formatted_palette[i] = Color(i).Formatted(); fade = 1.0; ColorIndex::unfaded_palette[i] = Color(i).Formatted(); fade = old_fade; } } } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void Color::UseTextureFormat(const ColorFormat& cf, int alpha_level) { texture_format[alpha_level] = cf; if (cf.pal) { for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) { ColorIndex::texture_palettes[alpha_level][i] = i; } } else { double old_fade = fade; for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) { int old_texture_alpha_level = texture_alpha_level; texture_alpha_level = alpha_level; ColorIndex::texture_palettes[alpha_level][i] = Color(i).TextureFormat(); texture_alpha_level = old_texture_alpha_level; } } } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void Color::WithTextureFormat(int alpha_level) { texture_alpha_level = alpha_level; ColorIndex::texture_palette = ColorIndex::texture_palettes[alpha_level]; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ static BYTE MatchRGB(PALETTEENTRY* pal, BYTE r, BYTE g, BYTE b) { double mindist = 100000000.0; BYTE match = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) { PALETTEENTRY* p = pal++; double dr = p->peRed - r; double dg = p->peGreen - g; double db = p->peBlue - b; double d = (dr*dr) + (dg*dg) + (db*db); if (d < mindist) { mindist = d; match = i; if (d < 1.0) return match; } } return match; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void Color::SetPalette(PALETTEENTRY* pal, int palsize, BYTE* invpal) { for (int i = 0; i < palsize; i++) palette[i] = pal[i]; if (invpal) { for (int i = 0; i < 32768; i++) table[i] = invpal[i]; } else { for (int i = 0; i < 32768; i++) { BYTE r = (i >> 10) & 0x1f; BYTE g = (i >> 5) & 0x1f; BYTE b = (i ) & 0x1f; Color c(r<<3, g<<3, b<<3); table[i] = MatchRGB(palette, r<<3, g<<3, b<<3); } } // set up formatted palette: UseFormat(format); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) UseTextureFormat(texture_format[i], i); // set up shade table: double old_fade = fade; fade = 1.0; BuildShadeTable(); fade = old_fade; // and blend table: BuildBlendTable(); } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void Color::SavePalette(const char* basename) { char filename[256]; sprintf_s(filename, "%s.ipl", basename); FILE* f; fopen_s(&f, filename, "wb"); if (f) { fwrite(table, sizeof(table), 1, f); fclose(f); } } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void Color::SetFade(double f, Color c, int build_shade) { static int shade_built = 0; if (fade == f && fade_color == c && (build_shade ? shade_built : 1)) return; fade = f; fade_color = c; // set up formatted palette: UseFormat(format); // if this is a paletted video mode, // modify the video palette as well: if (format.pal && video) { PALETTEENTRY fade_palette[256]; double step = (1.0 - fade); for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) { PALETTEENTRY& entry = fade_palette[i]; ColorIndex c = ColorIndex(i); entry.peRed = ((int) ((c.fRed() - (c.fRed() - fade_color.fRed()) * step)*255.0)); entry.peGreen = ((int) ((c.fGreen() - (c.fGreen() - fade_color.fGreen())* step)*255.0)); entry.peBlue = ((int) ((c.fBlue() - (c.fBlue() - fade_color.fBlue()) * step)*255.0)); entry.peFlags = 0; } } // otherwise, we need to re-compute // the shade table: else { if (build_shade) { BuildShadeTable(); shade_built = 1; } else { shade_built = 0; } } } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void Color::BuildShadeTable() { for (int shade = 0; shade < SHADE_LEVELS*2; shade++) for (int index = 0; index < 256; index++) ColorIndex::shade_table[shade*256+index] = Color(index).Shaded(shade); } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void Color::BuildBlendTable() { for (int src = 0; src < 256; src++) { for (int dst = 0; dst < 256; dst++) { ColorIndex src_clr = ColorIndex(src); ColorIndex dst_clr = ColorIndex(dst); int r = src_clr.Red() + dst_clr.Red(); int g = src_clr.Green() + dst_clr.Green(); int b = src_clr.Blue() + dst_clr.Blue(); if (r>255) r=255; if (g>255) g=255; if (b>255) b=255; ColorIndex::blend_table[src*256+dst] = Color((BYTE)r,(BYTE)g,(BYTE)b).Index(); } } } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void Color::SaveShadeTable(const char* basename) { if (!format.pal) return; char filename[256]; sprintf_s(filename, "%s_clut.pcx", basename); BYTE clut[256*256]; BYTE* pc = clut; int i; for (i = 0; i < SHADE_LEVELS*2; i++) for (int j = 0; j < 256; j++) *pc++ = (BYTE) ColorIndex::shade_table[i*256+j]; for (; i < 256; i++) for (int j = 0; j < 256; j++) *pc++ = (BYTE) 0; PcxImage pcx(256, 256, clut, (BYTE*) palette); pcx.Save(filename); } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ ColorValue& ColorValue::operator+=(const ColorValue& c) { r += c.r; g += c.g; b += c.b; return *this; } ColorValue ColorValue::operator+(const ColorValue& c) const { float src_alpha = c.a; float dst_alpha = 1.0f - a; float fr = (r * dst_alpha) + (c.r * src_alpha); float fg = (g * dst_alpha) + (c.g * src_alpha); float fb = (b * dst_alpha) + (c.b * src_alpha); return ColorValue(fr, fg, fb); } ColorValue ColorValue::operator*(const ColorValue& c) const { return ColorValue(r*c.r, g*c.g, b*c.b); } ColorValue ColorValue::operator*(double scale) const { return ColorValue((float) (r*scale), (float) (g*scale), (float) (b*scale), (float) (a*scale)); } ColorValue ColorValue::dim(double scale) const { return ColorValue((float) (r*scale), (float) (g*scale), (float) (b*scale)); } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ inline BYTE bclamp(float x) { return (BYTE) ((x<0) ? 0 : (x>255) ? 255 : x); } Color ColorValue::ToColor() const { return Color(bclamp(r * 255.0f), bclamp(g * 255.0f), bclamp(b * 255.0f), bclamp(a * 255.0f)); }