/* Starshatter: The Open Source Project Copyright (c) 2021-2022, Starshatter: The Open Source Project Contributors Copyright (c) 2011-2012, Starshatter OpenSource Distribution Contributors Copyright (c) 1997-2006, Destroyer Studios LLC. AUTHOR: John DiCamillo OVERVIEW ======== "Air Boss" AI class for managing carrier fighter squadrons */ #include "MemDebug.h" #include "CarrierAI.h" #include "ShipAI.h" #include "Ship.h" #include "ShipDesign.h" #include "Element.h" #include "FlightPlanner.h" #include "Instruction.h" #include "RadioMessage.h" #include "RadioTraffic.h" #include "Hangar.h" #include "FlightDeck.h" #include "Mission.h" #include "Contact.h" #include "Sim.h" #include "StarSystem.h" #include "Callsign.h" #include "NetUtil.h" #include "Clock.h" #include "Random.h" // +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ CarrierAI::CarrierAI(Ship* s, int level) : sim(0), ship(s), hangar(0), exec_time(0), flight_planner(0), hold_time(0), ai_level(level) { if (ship) { sim = Sim::GetSim(); hangar = ship->GetHangar(); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) patrol_elem[i] = 0; if (ship) flight_planner = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) FlightPlanner(ship); hold_time = (int) Clock::GetInstance()->GameTime(); } } CarrierAI::~CarrierAI() { delete flight_planner; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void CarrierAI::ExecFrame(double secs) { const int INIT_HOLD = 15000; const int EXEC_PERIOD = 3000; if (!sim || !ship || !hangar) return; if (((int) Clock::GetInstance()->GameTime() - hold_time >= INIT_HOLD) && ((int) Clock::GetInstance()->GameTime() - exec_time > EXEC_PERIOD)) { CheckHostileElements(); CheckPatrolCoverage(); exec_time = (int) Clock::GetInstance()->GameTime(); } } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ bool CarrierAI::CheckPatrolCoverage() { const DWORD PATROL_PERIOD = 900 * 1000; // pick up existing patrol elements: ListIter iter = sim->GetElements(); while (++iter) { Element* elem = iter.value(); if (elem->GetCarrier() == ship && (elem->Type() == Mission::PATROL || elem->Type() == Mission::SWEEP || elem->Type() == Mission::AIR_PATROL || elem->Type() == Mission::AIR_SWEEP) && !elem->IsSquadron() && !elem->IsFinished()) { bool found = false; int open = -1; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if (patrol_elem[i] == elem) found = true; else if (patrol_elem[i] == 0 && open < 0) open = i; } if (!found && open >= 0) { patrol_elem[open] = elem; } } } // manage the four screening patrols: for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { Element* elem = patrol_elem[i]; if (elem) { if (elem->IsFinished()) { patrol_elem[i] = 0; } else { LaunchElement(elem); } } else if (Clock::GetInstance()->GameTime() - hangar->GetLastPatrolLaunch() > PATROL_PERIOD || hangar->GetLastPatrolLaunch() == 0) { Element* patrol = CreatePackage(0, 2, Mission::PATROL, 0, "ACM Medium Range"); if (patrol) { patrol_elem[i] = patrol; if (flight_planner) flight_planner->CreatePatrolRoute(patrol, i); hangar->SetLastPatrolLaunch(Clock::GetInstance()->GameTime()); return true; } } } return false; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ bool CarrierAI::CheckHostileElements() { List assigned; ListIter iter = sim->GetElements(); while (++iter) { Element* elem = iter.value(); // if this element is hostile to us // or if the element is a target objective // of the carrier, or is hostile to any // of our squadrons... bool hostile = false; if (elem->IsHostileTo(ship) || elem->IsObjectiveTargetOf(ship)) { hostile = true; } else { for (int i = 0; i < hangar->NumSquadrons() && !hostile; i++) { int squadron_iff = hangar->SquadronIFF(i); if (elem->IsHostileTo(squadron_iff)) hostile = true; } } if (hostile) { sim->GetAssignedElements(elem, assigned); // is one of our fighter elements already assigned to this target? bool found = false; ListIter a_iter = assigned; while (++a_iter && !found) { Element* a = a_iter.value(); if (a->GetCarrier() == ship) found = true; } // nobody is assigned yet, create an attack package if (!found && CreateStrike(elem)) { hold_time = (int) Clock::GetInstance()->GameTime() + 30000; return true; } } } return false; } bool CarrierAI::CreateStrike(Element* elem) { Element* strike = 0; Ship* target = elem->GetShip(1); if (target && !target->IsGroundUnit()) { Contact* contact = ship->FindContact(target); if (contact && contact->GetIFF(ship) > 0) { // fighter intercept if (target->IsDropship()) { int squadron = 0; if (hangar->NumShipsReady(1) >= hangar->NumShipsReady(0)) squadron = 1; int count = 2; if (count < elem->NumShips()) count = elem->NumShips(); strike = CreatePackage(squadron, count, Mission::INTERCEPT, elem->Name(), "ACM Medium Range"); if (strike) { strike->SetAssignment(elem); if (flight_planner) flight_planner->CreateStrikeRoute(strike, elem); } } // starship or station assault else { int squadron = 0; if (hangar->NumSquadrons() > 1) squadron = 1; if (hangar->NumSquadrons() > 2) squadron = 2; int count = 2; if (target->Class() > Ship::FRIGATE) { count = 4; strike = CreatePackage(squadron, count, Mission::ASSAULT, elem->Name(), "Hvy Ship Strike"); } else { count = 2; strike = CreatePackage(squadron, count, Mission::ASSAULT, elem->Name(), "Ship Strike"); } if (strike) { strike->SetAssignment(elem); if (flight_planner) flight_planner->CreateStrikeRoute(strike, elem); // strike escort if target has fighter protection: if (target->GetHangar()) { if (squadron > 1) squadron--; Element* escort = CreatePackage(squadron, 2, Mission::ESCORT_STRIKE, strike->Name(), "ACM Short Range"); if (escort && flight_planner) flight_planner->CreateEscortRoute(escort, strike); } } } } } return strike != 0; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ Element* CarrierAI::CreatePackage(int squadron, int size, int code, const char* target, const char* loadname) { if (squadron < 0 || size < 1 || code < Mission::PATROL || hangar->NumShipsReady(squadron) < size) return 0; Sim* sim = Sim::GetSim(); const char* call = sim->FindAvailCallsign(ship->GetIFF()); Element* elem = sim->CreateElement(call, ship->GetIFF(), code); FlightDeck* deck = 0; int queue = 1000; int* load = 0; const ShipDesign* design = hangar->SquadronDesign(squadron); elem->SetSquadron(hangar->SquadronName(squadron)); elem->SetCarrier(ship); if (target) { int i_code = 0; switch (code) { case Mission::ASSAULT: i_code = Instruction::ASSAULT; break; case Mission::STRIKE: i_code = Instruction::STRIKE; break; case Mission::AIR_INTERCEPT: case Mission::INTERCEPT: i_code = Instruction::INTERCEPT; break; case Mission::ESCORT: case Mission::ESCORT_STRIKE: case Mission::ESCORT_FREIGHT: i_code = Instruction::ESCORT; break; case Mission::DEFEND: i_code = Instruction::DEFEND; break; } Instruction* objective = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) Instruction(i_code, target); if (objective) elem->AddObjective(objective); } if (design && loadname) { Text name = loadname; name.setSensitive(false); ListIter sl = (List&) design->loadouts; while (++sl) { if (name == sl->name) { load = sl->load; elem->SetLoadout(load); } } } for (int i = 0; i < ship->NumFlightDecks(); i++) { FlightDeck* d = ship->GetFlightDeck(i); if (d && d->IsLaunchDeck()) { int dq = hangar->PreflightQueue(d); if (dq < queue) { queue = dq; deck = d; } } } int npackage = 0; int slots[4]; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) slots[i] = -1; for (int slot = 0; slot < hangar->SquadronSize(squadron); slot++) { const HangarSlot* s = hangar->GetSlot(squadron, slot); if (hangar->GetState(s) == Hangar::STORAGE) { if (npackage < 4) slots[npackage] = slot; hangar->GotoAlert(squadron, slot, deck, elem, load, code > Mission::SWEEP); npackage++; if (npackage >= size) break; } } NetUtil::SendElemCreate(elem, squadron, slots, code <= Mission::SWEEP); return elem; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ bool CarrierAI::LaunchElement(Element* elem) { bool result = false; if (!elem) return result; for (int squadron = 0; squadron < hangar->NumSquadrons(); squadron++) { for (int slot = 0; slot < hangar->SquadronSize(squadron); slot++) { const HangarSlot* s = hangar->GetSlot(squadron, slot); if (hangar->GetState(s) == Hangar::ALERT && hangar->GetPackageElement(s) == elem) { hangar->Launch(squadron, slot); NetUtil::SendShipLaunch(ship, squadron, slot); result = true; } } } return result; }