/* Starshatter: The Open Source Project Copyright (c) 2021-2022, Starshatter: The Open Source Project Contributors Copyright (c) 2011-2012, Starshatter OpenSource Distribution Contributors Copyright (c) 1997-2006, Destroyer Studios LLC. AUTHOR: John DiCamillo OVERVIEW ======== 3D Projection Camera View class uses abstract PolyRender class to draw the triangles */ #include "MemDebug.h" #include "CameraView.h" #include "Color.h" #include "Window.h" #include "Scene.h" #include "Light.h" #include "Solid.h" #include "Shadow.h" #include "Sprite.h" #include "Video.h" #include "Bitmap.h" #include "Screen.h" #include "Game.h" #include "Utils.h" // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ static Camera emergency_cam; static Scene emergency_scene; // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ CameraView::CameraView(Window* c, Camera* cam, Scene* s) : View(c), video(0), camera(cam), projector(c, cam), scene(s), lens_flare_enable(0), halo_bitmap(0), infinite(0), projection_type(Video::PROJECTION_PERSPECTIVE) { elem_bitmap[0] = 0; elem_bitmap[1] = 0; elem_bitmap[2] = 0; if (!camera) camera = &emergency_cam; if (!scene) scene = &emergency_scene; Rect r = window->GetRect(); width = r.w; height = r.h; } CameraView::~CameraView() { } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void CameraView::UseCamera(Camera* cam) { if (cam) camera = cam; else camera = &emergency_cam; projector.UseCamera(camera); } void CameraView::UseScene(Scene* s) { if (s) scene = s; else scene = &emergency_scene; } void CameraView::SetFieldOfView(double fov) { projector.SetFieldOfView(fov); } double CameraView::GetFieldOfView() const { return projector.GetFieldOfView(); } void CameraView::SetProjectionType(DWORD pt) { projector.SetOrthogonal(pt == Video::PROJECTION_ORTHOGONAL); projection_type = pt; } DWORD CameraView::GetProjectionType() const { return projection_type; } void CameraView::OnWindowMove() { Rect r = window->GetRect(); projector.UseWindow(window); width = r.w; height = r.h; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ // Enable or disable lens flare effect, and provide bitmaps for rendering // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void CameraView::LensFlare(int on, double dim) { lens_flare_enable = on; lens_flare_dim = dim; } void CameraView::LensFlareElements(Bitmap* halo, Bitmap* e1, Bitmap* e2, Bitmap* e3) { if (halo) halo_bitmap = halo; if (e1) elem_bitmap[0] = e1; if (e2) elem_bitmap[1] = e2; if (e3) elem_bitmap[2] = e3; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ int CameraView::SetInfinite(int i) { int old = infinite; infinite = i; projector.SetInfinite(i); return old; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ // Compute the Depth of a Graphic // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void CameraView::FindDepth(Graphic* g) { if (infinite) { g->SetDepth(1.0e20f); return; } // Translate into a viewpoint-relative coordinate Vec3 loc = g->Location() - camera->Pos(); // Rotate into the view orientation float z = (float) (loc * camera->vpn()); g->SetDepth(z); } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void CameraView::Refresh() { // disabled: if (camera == &emergency_cam) return; // prologue: video = Video::GetInstance(); if (!video) return; int cw = window->Width(); int ch = window->Height(); cvrt = camera->vrt(); cvup = camera->vup(); cvpn = camera->vpn(); TranslateScene(); MarkVisibleObjects(); Rect old_rect; video->GetWindowRect(old_rect); video->SetCamera(camera); video->SetWindowRect(window->GetRect()); video->SetProjection((float) GetFieldOfView(), 1.0f, 1.0e6f, projection_type); // project and render: RenderBackground(); RenderScene(); RenderForeground(); RenderSprites(); RenderLensFlare(); UnTranslateScene(); video->SetWindowRect(old_rect); } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ // Translate all objects and lights to camera relative coordinates: // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void CameraView::TranslateScene() { camera_loc = camera->Pos(); ListIter g_iter = scene->Graphics(); while (++g_iter) { Graphic* graphic = g_iter.value(); if (!graphic->IsInfinite()) graphic->TranslateBy(camera_loc); } g_iter.attach(scene->Foreground()); while (++g_iter) { Graphic* graphic = g_iter.value(); graphic->TranslateBy(camera_loc); } g_iter.attach(scene->Sprites()); while (++g_iter) { Graphic* graphic = g_iter.value(); if (!graphic->IsInfinite()) graphic->TranslateBy(camera_loc); } ListIter l_iter = scene->Lights(); while (++l_iter) { Light* light = l_iter.value(); light->TranslateBy(camera_loc); } camera->MoveTo(0,0,0); } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ // Translate all objects and lights back to original positions: // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void CameraView::UnTranslateScene() { Point reloc = -camera_loc; ListIter g_iter = scene->Graphics(); while (++g_iter) { Graphic* graphic = g_iter.value(); if (!graphic->IsInfinite()) graphic->TranslateBy(reloc); } g_iter.attach(scene->Foreground()); while (++g_iter) { Graphic* graphic = g_iter.value(); graphic->TranslateBy(reloc); } g_iter.attach(scene->Sprites()); while (++g_iter) { Graphic* graphic = g_iter.value(); if (!graphic->IsInfinite()) graphic->TranslateBy(reloc); } ListIter l_iter = scene->Lights(); while (++l_iter) { Light* light = l_iter.value(); light->TranslateBy(reloc); } camera->MoveTo(camera_loc); } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ // Mark visible objects // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void CameraView::MarkVisibleObjects() { projector.StartFrame(); graphics.clear(); ListIter graphic_iter = scene->Graphics(); while (++graphic_iter) { Graphic* graphic = graphic_iter.value(); if (graphic->Hidden()) continue; if (graphic->CheckVisibility(projector)) { graphic->Update(); graphics.append(graphic); } else { graphic->ProjectScreenRect(0); } } } void CameraView::MarkVisibleLights(Graphic* graphic, DWORD flags) { if (flags < Graphic::RENDER_FIRST_LIGHT) { flags = flags | Graphic::RENDER_FIRST_LIGHT | Graphic::RENDER_ADD_LIGHT; } if (graphic->IsVisible()) { Vec3 eye = camera->Pos(); ListIter light_iter = scene->Lights(); while (++light_iter) { Light* light = light_iter.value(); bool bright_enough = light->Type() == Light::LIGHT_DIRECTIONAL || light->Intensity() >= 1e9; if (!bright_enough) { Point test = graphic->Location() - light->Location(); if (test.length() < light->Intensity()*10) bright_enough = true; } // turn off lights that won't be used this pass: if (light->CastsShadow()) { if ((flags & Graphic::RENDER_ADD_LIGHT) == 0) bright_enough = false; } else { if ((flags & Graphic::RENDER_FIRST_LIGHT) == 0) bright_enough = false; } double obs_radius = graphic->Radius(); if (obs_radius < 100) obs_radius = 100; light->SetActive(bright_enough); } } } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void CameraView::RenderBackground() { if (scene->Background().isEmpty()) return; video->SetRenderState(Video::FILL_MODE, Video::FILL_SOLID); video->SetRenderState(Video::Z_ENABLE, FALSE); video->SetRenderState(Video::Z_WRITE_ENABLE, FALSE); video->SetRenderState(Video::STENCIL_ENABLE, FALSE); video->SetRenderState(Video::LIGHTING_ENABLE, TRUE); // solid items: ListIter iter = scene->Background(); while (++iter) { Graphic* g = iter.value(); if (!g->Hidden()) Render(g, Graphic::RENDER_SOLID); } // blended items: iter.reset(); while (++iter) { Graphic* g = iter.value(); if (!g->Hidden()) Render(g, Graphic::RENDER_ALPHA); } // glowing items: iter.reset(); while (++iter) { Graphic* g = iter.value(); if (!g->Hidden()) Render(g, Graphic::RENDER_ADDITIVE); } } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void CameraView::RenderForeground() { bool foregroundVisible = false; ListIter iter = scene->Foreground(); while (++iter && !foregroundVisible) { Graphic* g = iter.value(); if (g && !g->Hidden()) foregroundVisible = true; } if (!foregroundVisible) return; video->SetRenderState(Video::FILL_MODE, Video::FILL_SOLID); video->SetRenderState(Video::Z_ENABLE, TRUE); video->SetRenderState(Video::Z_WRITE_ENABLE, TRUE); video->SetRenderState(Video::STENCIL_ENABLE, FALSE); video->SetRenderState(Video::LIGHTING_ENABLE, TRUE); video->SetProjection((float) GetFieldOfView(), 1.0f, 1.0e6f, projection_type); if (video->IsShadowEnabled() || video->IsBumpMapEnabled()) { // solid items, ambient and non-shadow lights: iter.reset(); while (++iter) { Graphic* g = iter.value(); Render(g, Graphic::RENDER_SOLID | Graphic::RENDER_FIRST_LIGHT); } video->SetAmbient(Color::Black); video->SetRenderState(Video::LIGHTING_PASS, 2); // solid items, shadow lights: iter.reset(); while (++iter) { Graphic* g = iter.value(); Render(g, Graphic::RENDER_SOLID | Graphic::RENDER_ADD_LIGHT); } } else { // solid items: iter.reset(); while (++iter) { Graphic* g = iter.value(); Render(g, Graphic::RENDER_SOLID); } } video->SetAmbient(scene->Ambient()); video->SetRenderState(Video::LIGHTING_PASS, 0); video->SetRenderState(Video::STENCIL_ENABLE, FALSE); video->SetRenderState(Video::Z_ENABLE, TRUE); video->SetRenderState(Video::Z_WRITE_ENABLE, FALSE); // blended items: iter.reset(); while (++iter) { Graphic* g = iter.value(); Render(g, Graphic::RENDER_ALPHA); g->ProjectScreenRect(&projector); } // glowing items: iter.reset(); while (++iter) { Graphic* g = iter.value(); Render(g, Graphic::RENDER_ADDITIVE); g->ProjectScreenRect(&projector); } } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void CameraView::RenderSprites() { if (scene->Sprites().isEmpty()) return; video->SetRenderState(Video::FILL_MODE, Video::FILL_SOLID); video->SetRenderState(Video::Z_ENABLE, TRUE); video->SetRenderState(Video::Z_WRITE_ENABLE, FALSE); video->SetRenderState(Video::STENCIL_ENABLE, FALSE); video->SetRenderState(Video::LIGHTING_ENABLE, TRUE); // compute depth: ListIter iter = scene->Sprites(); while (++iter) { Graphic* g = iter.value(); if (g && g->IsVisible() && !g->Hidden()) { FindDepth(g); } } // sort the list: scene->Sprites().sort(); // blended items: iter.reset(); while (++iter) { Graphic* g = iter.value(); Render(g, Graphic::RENDER_ALPHA); } // glowing items: iter.reset(); while (++iter) { Graphic* g = iter.value(); Render(g, Graphic::RENDER_ADDITIVE); } } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ // Render the whole scene, sorted back to front // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void CameraView::RenderScene() { if (graphics.isEmpty()) return; int i = 0; int ngraphics = graphics.size(); // compute depth: ListIter iter = graphics; while (++iter) { Graphic* g = iter.value(); if (g && !g->Hidden()) { FindDepth(g); if (g->IsSolid()) { Solid* solid = (Solid*) g; solid->SelectDetail(&projector); if (video->IsShadowEnabled()) { MarkVisibleLights(solid, Graphic::RENDER_ADD_LIGHT); solid->UpdateShadows(scene->Lights()); } } } } // sort the list: graphics.sort(); Graphic* g = graphics.last(); if (g->Depth() > 5e6) { RenderSceneObjects(true); video->ClearDepthBuffer(); } RenderSceneObjects(false); } void CameraView::RenderSceneObjects(bool distant) { ListIter iter = graphics; video->SetAmbient(scene->Ambient()); video->SetRenderState(Video::FILL_MODE, Video::FILL_SOLID); video->SetRenderState(Video::Z_ENABLE, TRUE); video->SetRenderState(Video::Z_WRITE_ENABLE, TRUE); video->SetRenderState(Video::LIGHTING_ENABLE, TRUE); if (distant) video->SetProjection((float) GetFieldOfView(), 5.0e6f, 1.0e12f, projection_type); else video->SetProjection((float) GetFieldOfView(), 1.0f, 1.0e6f, projection_type); if (video->IsShadowEnabled() || video->IsBumpMapEnabled()) { // solid items, ambient and non-shadow lights: iter.reset(); while (++iter) { Graphic* g = iter.value(); if (distant && g->Depth() > 5e6 || !distant && g->Depth() < 5e6) { Render(g, Graphic::RENDER_SOLID | Graphic::RENDER_FIRST_LIGHT); } } // send shadows to stencil buffer: if (video->IsShadowEnabled()) { iter.reset(); while (++iter) { Graphic* g = iter.value(); if (distant && g->Depth() > 5e6 || !distant && g->Depth() < 5e6) { if (g->IsSolid()) { Solid* solid = (Solid*) g; ListIter shadow_iter = solid->GetShadows(); while (++shadow_iter) { Shadow* shadow = shadow_iter.value(); shadow->Render(video); } } } } } video->SetAmbient(Color::Black); video->SetRenderState(Video::LIGHTING_PASS, 2); video->SetRenderState(Video::STENCIL_ENABLE, TRUE); // solid items, shadow lights: iter.reset(); while (++iter) { Graphic* g = iter.value(); if (distant && g->Depth() > 5e6 || !distant && g->Depth() < 5e6) { Render(g, Graphic::RENDER_SOLID | Graphic::RENDER_ADD_LIGHT); } } } else { // solid items: iter.reset(); while (++iter) { Graphic* g = iter.value(); if (distant && g->Depth() > 5e6 || !distant && g->Depth() < 5e6) { Render(g, Graphic::RENDER_SOLID); } } } video->SetAmbient(scene->Ambient()); video->SetRenderState(Video::LIGHTING_PASS, 0); video->SetRenderState(Video::STENCIL_ENABLE, FALSE); video->SetRenderState(Video::Z_ENABLE, TRUE); video->SetRenderState(Video::Z_WRITE_ENABLE, FALSE); // blended items: iter.reset(); while (++iter) { Graphic* g = iter.value(); if (distant && g->Depth() > 5e6 || !distant && g->Depth() < 5e6) { Render(g, Graphic::RENDER_ALPHA); g->ProjectScreenRect(&projector); } } // glowing items: iter.reset(); while (++iter) { Graphic* g = iter.value(); if (distant && g->Depth() > 5e6 || !distant && g->Depth() < 5e6) { Render(g, Graphic::RENDER_ADDITIVE); g->ProjectScreenRect(&projector); } } } void CameraView::Render(Graphic* g, DWORD flags) { if (g && g->IsVisible() && !g->Hidden()) { if (g->IsSolid()) { MarkVisibleLights(g, flags); video->SetLights(scene->Lights()); } g->Render(video, flags); } } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ // Draw the lens flare effect, if enabled and light source visible // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void CameraView::RenderLensFlare() { if (!lens_flare_enable || lens_flare_dim < 0.01) return; if (!halo_bitmap) return; video->SetRenderState(Video::STENCIL_ENABLE, FALSE); video->SetRenderState(Video::Z_ENABLE, FALSE); video->SetRenderState(Video::Z_WRITE_ENABLE, FALSE); Vec3 flare_pos; Vec3 sun_pos; Vec3 center((float)width/2.0f, (float)height/2.0f, 1.0f); int flare_visible = 0; ListIter light_iter = scene->Lights(); while (++light_iter) { Light* light = light_iter.value(); if (!light->IsActive()) continue; if (light->Type() == Light::LIGHT_DIRECTIONAL && light->Intensity() < 1) continue; double distance = (light->Location()-camera->Pos()).length(); // only do lens flare for the sun: if (distance > 1e9) { if (projector.IsVisible(light->Location(), 1.0f)) { // FOUND IT: TRANSFORM/PROJECT FLARE LOCATION Point sun_pos = light->Location(); if (light->CastsShadow() && scene->IsLightObscured(camera->Pos(), sun_pos, -1)) continue; projector.Transform(sun_pos); if (sun_pos.z < 100) continue; projector.Project(sun_pos, false); int x = (int) (sun_pos.x); int y = (int) (sun_pos.y); int w = (int) (window->Width() / 4.0); int h = w; // halo: window->DrawBitmap(x-w,y-h,x+w,y+h, halo_bitmap, Video::BLEND_ADDITIVE); // lens elements: if (elem_bitmap[0]) { Point vector = center - sun_pos; float vlen = (float) vector.length(); vector.Normalize(); static int nelem = 12; static int elem_indx[] = { 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 2 }; static float elem_dist[] = { -0.2f, 0.5f, 0.55f, 0.62f, 1.23f, 1.33f, 1.35f, 0.8f, 0.9f, 1.4f, 1.7f, 1.8f }; static float elem_size[] = { 0.3f, 0.2f, 0.4f, 0.3f, 0.4f, 0.2f, 0.6f, 0.1f, 0.1f, 1.6f, 1.0f, 0.2f }; for (int elem = 0; elem < nelem; elem++) { Bitmap* img = elem_bitmap[elem_indx[elem]]; /*** if (elem == 10) shade *= 0.5; ***/ if (img == 0) img = elem_bitmap[0]; flare_pos = sun_pos + (vector * elem_dist[elem] * vlen); x = (int) (flare_pos.x); y = (int) (flare_pos.y); w = (int) (window->Width() / 8.0 * elem_size[elem]); h = w; window->DrawBitmap(x-w,y-h,x+w,y+h, img, Video::BLEND_ADDITIVE); } } } } } } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ // Rotate and translate a plane in world space to view space. // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void CameraView::WorldPlaneToView(Plane& plane) { // Determine the distance from the viewpoint Vec3 tnormal = plane.normal; if (!infinite) plane.distance -= (float) (camera->Pos() * tnormal); // Rotate the normal into view orientation plane.normal.x = tnormal * cvrt; plane.normal.y = tnormal * cvup; plane.normal.z = tnormal * cvpn; } void CameraView::SetDepthScale(float scale) { projector.SetDepthScale(scale); }