/* Starshatter OpenSource Distribution Copyright (c) 1997-2004, Destroyer Studios LLC. All Rights Reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name "Destroyer Studios" nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. SUBSYSTEM: nGenEx.lib FILE: CameraView.cpp AUTHOR: John DiCamillo OVERVIEW ======== 3D Projection Camera View class uses abstract PolyRender class to draw the triangles */ #include "MemDebug.h" #include "CameraView.h" #include "Color.h" #include "Window.h" #include "Scene.h" #include "Light.h" #include "Solid.h" #include "Shadow.h" #include "Sprite.h" #include "Video.h" #include "Bitmap.h" #include "Screen.h" #include "Game.h" // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void Print(const char* fmt, ...); // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ static Camera emergency_cam; static Scene emergency_scene; // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ CameraView::CameraView(Window* c, Camera* cam, Scene* s) : View(c), video(0), camera(cam), projector(c, cam), scene(s), lens_flare_enable(0), halo_bitmap(0), infinite(0), projection_type(Video::PROJECTION_PERSPECTIVE) { elem_bitmap[0] = 0; elem_bitmap[1] = 0; elem_bitmap[2] = 0; if (!camera) camera = &emergency_cam; if (!scene) scene = &emergency_scene; Rect r = window->GetRect(); width = r.w; height = r.h; } CameraView::~CameraView() { } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void CameraView::UseCamera(Camera* cam) { if (cam) camera = cam; else camera = &emergency_cam; projector.UseCamera(camera); } void CameraView::UseScene(Scene* s) { if (s) scene = s; else scene = &emergency_scene; } void CameraView::SetFieldOfView(double fov) { projector.SetFieldOfView(fov); } double CameraView::GetFieldOfView() const { return projector.GetFieldOfView(); } void CameraView::SetProjectionType(DWORD pt) { projector.SetOrthogonal(pt == Video::PROJECTION_ORTHOGONAL); projection_type = pt; } DWORD CameraView::GetProjectionType() const { return projection_type; } void CameraView::OnWindowMove() { Rect r = window->GetRect(); projector.UseWindow(window); width = r.w; height = r.h; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ // Enable or disable lens flare effect, and provide bitmaps for rendering // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void CameraView::LensFlare(int on, double dim) { lens_flare_enable = on; lens_flare_dim = dim; } void CameraView::LensFlareElements(Bitmap* halo, Bitmap* e1, Bitmap* e2, Bitmap* e3) { if (halo) halo_bitmap = halo; if (e1) elem_bitmap[0] = e1; if (e2) elem_bitmap[1] = e2; if (e3) elem_bitmap[2] = e3; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ int CameraView::SetInfinite(int i) { int old = infinite; infinite = i; projector.SetInfinite(i); return old; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ // Compute the Depth of a Graphic // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void CameraView::FindDepth(Graphic* g) { if (infinite) { g->SetDepth(1.0e20f); return; } // Translate into a viewpoint-relative coordinate Vec3 loc = g->Location() - camera->Pos(); // Rotate into the view orientation float z = (float) (loc * camera->vpn()); g->SetDepth(z); } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void CameraView::Refresh() { // disabled: if (camera == &emergency_cam) return; // prologue: video = Video::GetInstance(); if (!video) return; int cw = window->Width(); int ch = window->Height(); cvrt = camera->vrt(); cvup = camera->vup(); cvpn = camera->vpn(); TranslateScene(); MarkVisibleObjects(); Rect old_rect; video->GetWindowRect(old_rect); video->SetCamera(camera); video->SetWindowRect(window->GetRect()); video->SetProjection((float) GetFieldOfView(), 1.0f, 1.0e6f, projection_type); // project and render: RenderBackground(); RenderScene(); RenderForeground(); RenderSprites(); RenderLensFlare(); UnTranslateScene(); video->SetWindowRect(old_rect); } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ // Translate all objects and lights to camera relative coordinates: // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void CameraView::TranslateScene() { camera_loc = camera->Pos(); ListIter g_iter = scene->Graphics(); while (++g_iter) { Graphic* graphic = g_iter.value(); if (!graphic->IsInfinite()) graphic->TranslateBy(camera_loc); } g_iter.attach(scene->Foreground()); while (++g_iter) { Graphic* graphic = g_iter.value(); graphic->TranslateBy(camera_loc); } g_iter.attach(scene->Sprites()); while (++g_iter) { Graphic* graphic = g_iter.value(); if (!graphic->IsInfinite()) graphic->TranslateBy(camera_loc); } ListIter l_iter = scene->Lights(); while (++l_iter) { Light* light = l_iter.value(); light->TranslateBy(camera_loc); } camera->MoveTo(0,0,0); } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ // Translate all objects and lights back to original positions: // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void CameraView::UnTranslateScene() { Point reloc = -camera_loc; ListIter g_iter = scene->Graphics(); while (++g_iter) { Graphic* graphic = g_iter.value(); if (!graphic->IsInfinite()) graphic->TranslateBy(reloc); } g_iter.attach(scene->Foreground()); while (++g_iter) { Graphic* graphic = g_iter.value(); graphic->TranslateBy(reloc); } g_iter.attach(scene->Sprites()); while (++g_iter) { Graphic* graphic = g_iter.value(); if (!graphic->IsInfinite()) graphic->TranslateBy(reloc); } ListIter l_iter = scene->Lights(); while (++l_iter) { Light* light = l_iter.value(); light->TranslateBy(reloc); } camera->MoveTo(camera_loc); } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ // Mark visible objects // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void CameraView::MarkVisibleObjects() { projector.StartFrame(); graphics.clear(); ListIter graphic_iter = scene->Graphics(); while (++graphic_iter) { Graphic* graphic = graphic_iter.value(); if (graphic->Hidden()) continue; if (graphic->CheckVisibility(projector)) { graphic->Update(); graphics.append(graphic); } else { graphic->ProjectScreenRect(0); } } } void CameraView::MarkVisibleLights(Graphic* graphic, DWORD flags) { if (flags < Graphic::RENDER_FIRST_LIGHT) { flags = flags | Graphic::RENDER_FIRST_LIGHT | Graphic::RENDER_ADD_LIGHT; } if (graphic->IsVisible()) { Vec3 eye = camera->Pos(); ListIter light_iter = scene->Lights(); while (++light_iter) { Light* light = light_iter.value(); bool bright_enough = light->Type() == Light::LIGHT_DIRECTIONAL || light->Intensity() >= 1e9; if (!bright_enough) { Point test = graphic->Location() - light->Location(); if (test.length() < light->Intensity()*10) bright_enough = true; } // turn off lights that won't be used this pass: if (light->CastsShadow()) { if ((flags & Graphic::RENDER_ADD_LIGHT) == 0) bright_enough = false; } else { if ((flags & Graphic::RENDER_FIRST_LIGHT) == 0) bright_enough = false; } double obs_radius = graphic->Radius(); if (obs_radius < 100) obs_radius = 100; light->SetActive(bright_enough); } } } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void CameraView::RenderBackground() { if (scene->Background().isEmpty()) return; video->SetRenderState(Video::FILL_MODE, Video::FILL_SOLID); video->SetRenderState(Video::Z_ENABLE, FALSE); video->SetRenderState(Video::Z_WRITE_ENABLE, FALSE); video->SetRenderState(Video::STENCIL_ENABLE, FALSE); video->SetRenderState(Video::LIGHTING_ENABLE, TRUE); // solid items: ListIter iter = scene->Background(); while (++iter) { Graphic* g = iter.value(); if (!g->Hidden()) Render(g, Graphic::RENDER_SOLID); } // blended items: iter.reset(); while (++iter) { Graphic* g = iter.value(); if (!g->Hidden()) Render(g, Graphic::RENDER_ALPHA); } // glowing items: iter.reset(); while (++iter) { Graphic* g = iter.value(); if (!g->Hidden()) Render(g, Graphic::RENDER_ADDITIVE); } } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void CameraView::RenderForeground() { bool foregroundVisible = false; ListIter iter = scene->Foreground(); while (++iter && !foregroundVisible) { Graphic* g = iter.value(); if (g && !g->Hidden()) foregroundVisible = true; } if (!foregroundVisible) return; video->SetRenderState(Video::FILL_MODE, Video::FILL_SOLID); video->SetRenderState(Video::Z_ENABLE, TRUE); video->SetRenderState(Video::Z_WRITE_ENABLE, TRUE); video->SetRenderState(Video::STENCIL_ENABLE, FALSE); video->SetRenderState(Video::LIGHTING_ENABLE, TRUE); video->SetProjection((float) GetFieldOfView(), 1.0f, 1.0e6f, projection_type); if (video->IsShadowEnabled() || video->IsBumpMapEnabled()) { // solid items, ambient and non-shadow lights: iter.reset(); while (++iter) { Graphic* g = iter.value(); Render(g, Graphic::RENDER_SOLID | Graphic::RENDER_FIRST_LIGHT); } video->SetAmbient(Color::Black); video->SetRenderState(Video::LIGHTING_PASS, 2); // solid items, shadow lights: iter.reset(); while (++iter) { Graphic* g = iter.value(); Render(g, Graphic::RENDER_SOLID | Graphic::RENDER_ADD_LIGHT); } } else { // solid items: iter.reset(); while (++iter) { Graphic* g = iter.value(); Render(g, Graphic::RENDER_SOLID); } } video->SetAmbient(scene->Ambient()); video->SetRenderState(Video::LIGHTING_PASS, 0); video->SetRenderState(Video::STENCIL_ENABLE, FALSE); video->SetRenderState(Video::Z_ENABLE, TRUE); video->SetRenderState(Video::Z_WRITE_ENABLE, FALSE); // blended items: iter.reset(); while (++iter) { Graphic* g = iter.value(); Render(g, Graphic::RENDER_ALPHA); g->ProjectScreenRect(&projector); } // glowing items: iter.reset(); while (++iter) { Graphic* g = iter.value(); Render(g, Graphic::RENDER_ADDITIVE); g->ProjectScreenRect(&projector); } } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void CameraView::RenderSprites() { if (scene->Sprites().isEmpty()) return; video->SetRenderState(Video::FILL_MODE, Video::FILL_SOLID); video->SetRenderState(Video::Z_ENABLE, TRUE); video->SetRenderState(Video::Z_WRITE_ENABLE, FALSE); video->SetRenderState(Video::STENCIL_ENABLE, FALSE); video->SetRenderState(Video::LIGHTING_ENABLE, TRUE); // compute depth: ListIter iter = scene->Sprites(); while (++iter) { Graphic* g = iter.value(); if (g && g->IsVisible() && !g->Hidden()) { FindDepth(g); } } // sort the list: scene->Sprites().sort(); // blended items: iter.reset(); while (++iter) { Graphic* g = iter.value(); Render(g, Graphic::RENDER_ALPHA); } // glowing items: iter.reset(); while (++iter) { Graphic* g = iter.value(); Render(g, Graphic::RENDER_ADDITIVE); } } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ // Render the whole scene, sorted back to front // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void CameraView::RenderScene() { if (graphics.isEmpty()) return; int i = 0; int ngraphics = graphics.size(); // compute depth: ListIter iter = graphics; while (++iter) { Graphic* g = iter.value(); if (g && !g->Hidden()) { FindDepth(g); if (g->IsSolid()) { Solid* solid = (Solid*) g; solid->SelectDetail(&projector); if (video->IsShadowEnabled()) { MarkVisibleLights(solid, Graphic::RENDER_ADD_LIGHT); solid->UpdateShadows(scene->Lights()); } } } } // sort the list: graphics.sort(); Graphic* g = graphics.last(); if (g->Depth() > 5e6) { RenderSceneObjects(true); video->ClearDepthBuffer(); } RenderSceneObjects(false); } void CameraView::RenderSceneObjects(bool distant) { ListIter iter = graphics; video->SetAmbient(scene->Ambient()); video->SetRenderState(Video::FILL_MODE, Video::FILL_SOLID); video->SetRenderState(Video::Z_ENABLE, TRUE); video->SetRenderState(Video::Z_WRITE_ENABLE, TRUE); video->SetRenderState(Video::LIGHTING_ENABLE, TRUE); if (distant) video->SetProjection((float) GetFieldOfView(), 5.0e6f, 1.0e12f, projection_type); else video->SetProjection((float) GetFieldOfView(), 1.0f, 1.0e6f, projection_type); if (video->IsShadowEnabled() || video->IsBumpMapEnabled()) { // solid items, ambient and non-shadow lights: iter.reset(); while (++iter) { Graphic* g = iter.value(); if (distant && g->Depth() > 5e6 || !distant && g->Depth() < 5e6) { Render(g, Graphic::RENDER_SOLID | Graphic::RENDER_FIRST_LIGHT); } } // send shadows to stencil buffer: if (video->IsShadowEnabled()) { iter.reset(); while (++iter) { Graphic* g = iter.value(); if (distant && g->Depth() > 5e6 || !distant && g->Depth() < 5e6) { if (g->IsSolid()) { Solid* solid = (Solid*) g; ListIter shadow_iter = solid->GetShadows(); while (++shadow_iter) { Shadow* shadow = shadow_iter.value(); shadow->Render(video); } } } } } video->SetAmbient(Color::Black); video->SetRenderState(Video::LIGHTING_PASS, 2); video->SetRenderState(Video::STENCIL_ENABLE, TRUE); // solid items, shadow lights: iter.reset(); while (++iter) { Graphic* g = iter.value(); if (distant && g->Depth() > 5e6 || !distant && g->Depth() < 5e6) { Render(g, Graphic::RENDER_SOLID | Graphic::RENDER_ADD_LIGHT); } } } else { // solid items: iter.reset(); while (++iter) { Graphic* g = iter.value(); if (distant && g->Depth() > 5e6 || !distant && g->Depth() < 5e6) { Render(g, Graphic::RENDER_SOLID); } } } video->SetAmbient(scene->Ambient()); video->SetRenderState(Video::LIGHTING_PASS, 0); video->SetRenderState(Video::STENCIL_ENABLE, FALSE); video->SetRenderState(Video::Z_ENABLE, TRUE); video->SetRenderState(Video::Z_WRITE_ENABLE, FALSE); // blended items: iter.reset(); while (++iter) { Graphic* g = iter.value(); if (distant && g->Depth() > 5e6 || !distant && g->Depth() < 5e6) { Render(g, Graphic::RENDER_ALPHA); g->ProjectScreenRect(&projector); } } // glowing items: iter.reset(); while (++iter) { Graphic* g = iter.value(); if (distant && g->Depth() > 5e6 || !distant && g->Depth() < 5e6) { Render(g, Graphic::RENDER_ADDITIVE); g->ProjectScreenRect(&projector); } } } void CameraView::Render(Graphic* g, DWORD flags) { if (g && g->IsVisible() && !g->Hidden()) { if (g->IsSolid()) { MarkVisibleLights(g, flags); video->SetLights(scene->Lights()); } g->Render(video, flags); } } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ // Draw the lens flare effect, if enabled and light source visible // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void CameraView::RenderLensFlare() { if (!lens_flare_enable || lens_flare_dim < 0.01) return; if (!halo_bitmap) return; video->SetRenderState(Video::STENCIL_ENABLE, FALSE); video->SetRenderState(Video::Z_ENABLE, FALSE); video->SetRenderState(Video::Z_WRITE_ENABLE, FALSE); Vec3 flare_pos; Vec3 sun_pos; Vec3 center((float)width/2.0f, (float)height/2.0f, 1.0f); int flare_visible = 0; ListIter light_iter = scene->Lights(); while (++light_iter) { Light* light = light_iter.value(); if (!light->IsActive()) continue; if (light->Type() == Light::LIGHT_DIRECTIONAL && light->Intensity() < 1) continue; double distance = (light->Location()-camera->Pos()).length(); // only do lens flare for the sun: if (distance > 1e9) { if (projector.IsVisible(light->Location(), 1.0f)) { // FOUND IT: TRANSFORM/PROJECT FLARE LOCATION Point sun_pos = light->Location(); if (light->CastsShadow() && scene->IsLightObscured(camera->Pos(), sun_pos, -1)) continue; projector.Transform(sun_pos); if (sun_pos.z < 100) continue; projector.Project(sun_pos, false); int x = (int) (sun_pos.x); int y = (int) (sun_pos.y); int w = (int) (window->Width() / 4.0); int h = w; // halo: window->DrawBitmap(x-w,y-h,x+w,y+h, halo_bitmap, Video::BLEND_ADDITIVE); // lens elements: if (elem_bitmap[0]) { Point vector = center - sun_pos; float vlen = (float) vector.length(); vector.Normalize(); static int nelem = 12; static int elem_indx[] = { 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 2 }; static float elem_dist[] = { -0.2f, 0.5f, 0.55f, 0.62f, 1.23f, 1.33f, 1.35f, 0.8f, 0.9f, 1.4f, 1.7f, 1.8f }; static float elem_size[] = { 0.3f, 0.2f, 0.4f, 0.3f, 0.4f, 0.2f, 0.6f, 0.1f, 0.1f, 1.6f, 1.0f, 0.2f }; for (int elem = 0; elem < nelem; elem++) { Bitmap* img = elem_bitmap[elem_indx[elem]]; /*** if (elem == 10) shade *= 0.5; ***/ if (img == 0) img = elem_bitmap[0]; flare_pos = sun_pos + (vector * elem_dist[elem] * vlen); x = (int) (flare_pos.x); y = (int) (flare_pos.y); w = (int) (window->Width() / 8.0 * elem_size[elem]); h = w; window->DrawBitmap(x-w,y-h,x+w,y+h, img, Video::BLEND_ADDITIVE); } } } } } } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ // Rotate and translate a plane in world space to view space. // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void CameraView::WorldPlaneToView(Plane& plane) { // Determine the distance from the viewpoint Vec3 tnormal = plane.normal; if (!infinite) plane.distance -= (float) (camera->Pos() * tnormal); // Rotate the normal into view orientation plane.normal.x = tnormal * cvrt; plane.normal.y = tnormal * cvup; plane.normal.z = tnormal * cvpn; } void CameraView::SetDepthScale(float scale) { projector.SetDepthScale(scale); }