/* Project Starshatter 4.5 Destroyer Studios LLC Copyright © 1997-2004. All Rights Reserved. SUBSYSTEM: Stars.exe FILE: Authorization.cpp AUTHOR: John DiCamillo OVERVIEW ======== Authorization Sprite animation class */ #include "MemDebug.h" #include "Authorization.h" #include "Game.h" #include "Text.h" // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ static Text GetCDKeyFromRegistry() { Text cdkey; BYTE cdbuf[64]; DWORD cdlen = 0; HKEY hkey = 0; ZeroMemory(cdbuf, sizeof(cdbuf)); RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "SOFTWARE\\Matrix Games\\Starshatter", 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &hkey); if (hkey) { cdlen = 64; LONG result = RegQueryValueEx(hkey, "authorized", NULL, NULL, cdbuf, &cdlen); if (result == ERROR_SUCCESS && cdlen > 0) cdkey = (const char*) cdbuf; RegCloseKey(hkey); } return cdkey; } static Text GetCDKeyFromIniFile() { Text cdkey; char cdbuf[256]; ZeroMemory(cdbuf, sizeof(cdbuf)); FILE* f = fopen("maga.mg", "r"); if (f) { bool found_section = false; while (fgets(cdbuf, sizeof(cdbuf)-1, f)) { Text line = Text(cdbuf).trim(); line.setSensitive(false); if (line == "[SerialNumber]") found_section = true; if (found_section) { if (line.indexOf("serial") == 0) { // found the proper line in the proper section, // now we need to parse the 'name = value' sentence: const char* p = line.data(); // find the equal sign: while (p && *p && *p != '=') p++; // skip the equal sign: p++; // find the string after the equal sign: while (p && *p && isspace(*p)) p++; if (p && *p) { // deal with quoted strings: int cutoff = sizeof(cdbuf)-1; if (*p == '"') { char* s = cdbuf; p++; while (*p && *p != '"' && cutoff-- > 0) { *s++ = *p++; } *s = 0; } // and unquoted strings: else { char* s = cdbuf; while (*p && cutoff-- > 0) { *s++ = *p++; } *s = 0; } cdkey = cdbuf; } } } } fclose(f); } return cdkey; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ static char serial_number[64]; int execRegistrationProgram(); bool Authorization::IsUserAuthorized() { // XXX DEBUG ONLY! // return true; int authcode = execRegistrationProgram(); if (authcode != 1) { ::Print("Authorization failed, code = %d\n", authcode); } return (authcode == 1); } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ const char* Authorization::GetSerialNumber() { return serial_number; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ int execRegistrationProgram() { int result = 999; char cmdline[256]; strcpy(cmdline, "SS2rez"); STARTUPINFO s; ZeroMemory(&s, sizeof(s)); s.cb = sizeof(s); PROCESS_INFORMATION pi; ZeroMemory(&pi, sizeof(pi)); if (CreateProcess("SS2rez.exe", cmdline, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, &s, &pi)) { DWORD exitcode = STILL_ACTIVE; WaitForSingleObject(pi.hProcess, 20000); GetExitCodeProcess(pi.hProcess, &exitcode); if (exitcode != STILL_ACTIVE) result = exitcode; CloseHandle(pi.hProcess); CloseHandle(pi.hThread); } else { TCHAR message[256]; DWORD errcode = GetLastError(); ::Print(" WARN: Failed to create authorization process: %08X.\n", errcode); if (FormatMessage(FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM, 0, errcode, 0, message, 256, 0)) { ::Print(" "); ::Print(message); ::Print("\n"); } } return result; }