/* Starshatter: The Open Source Project Copyright (c) 2021-2022, Starshatter: The Open Source Project Contributors Copyright (c) 2011-2012, Starshatter OpenSource Distribution Contributors Copyright (c) 1997-2006, Destroyer Studios LLC. AUTHOR: John DiCamillo OVERVIEW ======== Stream-oriented network client class */ #ifndef NetClient_h #define NetClient_h #include #include "NetAddr.h" #include "NetSock.h" #include "Text.h" class NetClient { public: static const char* TYPENAME() { return "NetClient"; } NetClient(const NetAddr& server_addr); virtual ~NetClient(); int operator == (const NetClient& c) const { return this == &c; } NetAddr GetServerAddr() const { return addr; } bool Send(Text msg); Text Recv(); Text SendRecv(Text msg); int GetLastError() const { return err; } std::uint32_t GetTime() const { return delta; } protected: NetAddr addr; NetSock* sock; std::uint32_t delta; std::uint32_t time; int err; public: enum ERRS { ERR_INTR = 10004, ERR_BADF = 10009, ERR_ACCES = 10013, ERR_FAULT = 10014, ERR_INVAL = 10022, ERR_MFILE = 10024, ERR_WOULDBLOCK = 10035, ERR_INPROGRESS = 10036, ERR_ALREADY = 10037, ERR_NOTSOCK = 10038, ERR_DESTADDRREQ = 10039, ERR_MSGSIZE = 10040, ERR_PROTOTYPE = 10041, ERR_NOPROTOOPT = 10042, ERR_PROTONOSUPPORT = 10043, ERR_SOCKTNOSUPPORT = 10044, ERR_OPNOTSUPP = 10045, ERR_PFNOSUPPORT = 10046, ERR_AFNOSUPPORT = 10047, ERR_ADDRINUSE = 10048, ERR_ADDRNOTAVAIL = 10049, ERR_NETDOWN = 10050, ERR_NETUNREACH = 10051, ERR_NETRESET = 10052, ERR_CONNABORTED = 10053, ERR_CONNRESET = 10054, ERR_NOBUFS = 10055, ERR_ISCONN = 10056, ERR_NOTCONN = 10057, ERR_SHUTDOWN = 10058, ERR_TOOMANYREFS = 10059, ERR_TIMEDOUT = 10060, ERR_CONNREFUSED = 10061, ERR_LOOP = 10062, ERR_NAMETOOLONG = 10063, ERR_HOSTDOWN = 10064, ERR_HOSTUNREACH = 10065, ERR_NOTEMPTY = 10066, ERR_PROCLIM = 10067, ERR_USERS = 10068, ERR_DQUOT = 10069, ERR_STALE = 10070, ERR_REMOTE = 10071 }; }; #endif // NetClient_h