/* Starshatter: The Open Source Project Copyright (c) 2021-2022, Starshatter: The Open Source Project Contributors Copyright (c) 2011-2012, Starshatter OpenSource Distribution Contributors Copyright (c) 1997-2006, Destroyer Studios LLC. AUTHOR: John DiCamillo OVERVIEW ======== Implementation of the ModelView class */ #include "stdafx.h" #include "Magic.h" #include "MagicDoc.h" #include "ModelView.h" #include "Grid.h" #include "Selector.h" #include "Selection.h" #include "ActiveWindow.h" #include "Color.h" #include "Light.h" #include "Scene.h" #include "Screen.h" #include "Shadow.h" #include "Solid.h" #include "Video.h" DWORD GetRealTime(); #ifdef _DEBUG #define new DEBUG_NEW #undef THIS_FILE static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__; #endif static ModelView* views[8] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ ModelView::ModelView(Window* c, Scene* s, DWORD m) : CameraView(c, 0, s), view_mode(100), fill_mode(FILL_WIRE), grid(0), az(-PI/4), el(PI/4) { UseCamera(&cam); SetViewMode(m); } ModelView::~ModelView() { if (views[view_mode] == this) views[view_mode] = 0; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void ModelView::SetViewMode(DWORD m) { if (view_mode != m) { view_mode = m; double x = 1e3 * sin(az) * cos(el); double y = 1e3 * cos(az) * cos(el); double z = 1e3 * sin(el); switch (view_mode) { case VIEW_PLAN: cam.LookAt(Point(0,0,0), Point(0,1e3,0), Point(0,0,1)); SetProjectionType(Video::PROJECTION_ORTHOGONAL); SetFieldOfView(1.75); break; case VIEW_FRONT: cam.LookAt(Point(0,0,0), Point(0,0,1e3), Point(0,1,0)); SetProjectionType(Video::PROJECTION_ORTHOGONAL); SetFieldOfView(1.75); break; case VIEW_SIDE: cam.LookAt(Point(0,0,0), Point(1e3,0,0), Point(0,1,0)); SetProjectionType(Video::PROJECTION_ORTHOGONAL); SetFieldOfView(1.75); break; case VIEW_PROJECT: cam.LookAt(Point(0,0,0), Point(x,z,y), Point(0,1,0)); SetProjectionType(Video::PROJECTION_PERSPECTIVE); SetFieldOfView(1.75); break; } views[view_mode] = this; } } ModelView* ModelView::FindView(DWORD mode) { if (mode >= 0 && mode < 8) return views[mode]; return 0; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void ModelView::MoveTo(Point pos) { switch (view_mode) { case VIEW_PLAN: cam.LookAt( pos - Point(0,1e3,0), pos, Point(0,0,1)); break; case VIEW_FRONT: cam.LookAt( pos - Point(0,0,1e3), pos, Point(0,1,0)); break; case VIEW_SIDE: cam.LookAt( pos - Point(1e3,0,0), pos, Point(0,1,0)); break; } } void ModelView::MoveBy(double dx, double dy) { Point pos = cam.Pos(); dx *= 2.00/GetFieldOfView(); dy *= 2.00/GetFieldOfView(); switch (view_mode) { case VIEW_PLAN: pos.x -= dx; pos.z += dy; cam.LookAt( pos - Point(0,1e3,0), pos, Point(0,0,1)); break; case VIEW_FRONT: pos.x += dx; pos.y += dy; cam.LookAt( pos - Point(0,0,1e3), pos, Point(0,1,0)); break; case VIEW_SIDE: pos.z -= dx; pos.y += dy; cam.LookAt( pos - Point(1e3,0,0), pos, Point(0,1,0)); break; } } void ModelView::SpinBy(double phi, double theta) { const double limit = (0.43 * PI); Point pos = cam.Pos(); double len = pos.length(); az += phi; el += theta; if (az > PI) az = -2*PI + az; else if (az < -PI) az = 2*PI + az; if (el > limit) el = limit; else if (el < -limit) el = -limit; double x = len * sin(az) * cos(el); double y = len * cos(az) * cos(el); double z = len * sin(el); cam.LookAt(Point(0,0,0), Point(x,z,y), Point(0,1,0)); } void ModelView::UseGrid(Grid* g) { grid = g; } void ModelView::ZoomNormal() { DWORD v = view_mode; // remember current view mode view_mode = 100; // force set view mode to setup the view az = -PI/4; // if this happens to be a perspective view, el = PI/4; // reset the spin to the original 3/4ths view SetViewMode(v); // restore default view params for this mode } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void ModelView::RenderScene() { // activate all lights: ListIter light_iter = scene->Lights(); while (++light_iter) { Light* light = light_iter.value(); light->SetActive(true); } video->SetLights(scene->Lights()); RenderGrid(); bool old_shadows = video->IsShadowEnabled(); bool old_bumps = video->IsBumpMapEnabled(); if (fill_mode != FILL_TEXTURE) { video->SetShadowEnabled(false); video->SetBumpMapEnabled(false); CameraView::RenderScene(); } else { CameraView::RenderScene(); } const char* title = "ModelView"; switch (view_mode) { case VIEW_PLAN: title = "Top"; break; case VIEW_FRONT: title = "Front"; break; case VIEW_SIDE: title = "Right Side"; break; case VIEW_PROJECT: title = "Perspective"; break; } int len = strlen(title); Rect r(6,4,200,20); r.x += window->GetRect().x; r.y += window->GetRect().y; video->DrawText(title, len, r, DT_LEFT|DT_SINGLELINE, Color::Black); r.x--; r.y--; video->DrawText(title, len, r, DT_LEFT|DT_SINGLELINE, Color::White); video->SetShadowEnabled(old_shadows); video->SetBumpMapEnabled(old_bumps); } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void ModelView::Render(Graphic* g, DWORD flags) { if (!g) return; if (!strcmp(g->Name(), "Selector")) { Selector* selector = (Selector*) g; if (selector->GetViewMode() != (int) view_mode) return; } else if (!strcmp(g->Name(), "Selection")) { Selection* selection = (Selection*) g; selection->UseView(this); } if (fill_mode == FILL_WIRE) { Material m; video->UseMaterial(&m); video->SetRenderState(Video::Z_ENABLE, FALSE); if (g->IsSolid()) { m.Kd = ColorValue(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.5f); m.Ke = ColorValue(0.8f, 0.8f, 0.9f, 1.0f); m.blend = Video::BLEND_ALPHA; m.luminous = true; video->SetRenderState(Video::FILL_MODE, Video::FILL_SOLID); g->Render(video, flags); } m.Ka = Color::Black; m.Kd = Color::Black; m.Ks = Color::Black; m.Ke = Color::Black; m.blend = Video::BLEND_SOLID; video->SetRenderState(Video::FILL_MODE, Video::FILL_WIREFRAME); g->Render(video, flags); video->UseMaterial(0); } else if (fill_mode == FILL_SOLID) { if (g->IsSolid() && flags != Graphic::RENDER_SOLID) return; Material m; video->UseMaterial(&m); video->SetRenderState(Video::Z_ENABLE, TRUE); m.Kd = ColorValue(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 1.0f); m.blend = Video::BLEND_SOLID; video->SetRenderState(Video::FILL_MODE, Video::FILL_SOLID); if (g->IsSolid()) { MarkVisibleLights(g, flags); video->SetLights(scene->Lights()); } g->Render(video, flags); video->UseMaterial(0); } else if (fill_mode == FILL_TEXTURE) { video->SetRenderState(Video::Z_ENABLE, TRUE); video->UseMaterial(0); if (g->IsSolid()) { MarkVisibleLights(g, flags); video->SetLights(scene->Lights()); } g->Render(video, flags); } } void ModelView::RenderGrid() { if (!grid || !grid->IsShow()) return; int plane = Grid::GRID_XZ; if (view_mode == VIEW_FRONT) plane = Grid::GRID_XY; else if (view_mode == VIEW_SIDE) plane = Grid::GRID_YZ; grid->ShowPlane(plane); grid->MoveTo(camera_loc * -1); grid->ShowReference(view_mode != VIEW_PROJECT); grid->Render(video, Graphic::RENDER_SOLID); video->SetRenderState(Video::Z_ENABLE, TRUE); video->SetRenderState(Video::LIGHTING_ENABLE, TRUE); video->UseMaterial(0); } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ CPoint ModelView::ProjectPoint(Vec3& p) { CPoint result; switch (view_mode) { case VIEW_PLAN: case VIEW_FRONT: case VIEW_SIDE: case VIEW_PROJECT: { Vec3 pt = p; projector.Transform(pt); projector.Project(pt, false); result.x = (LONG) (pt.x + GetWindow()->X()); result.y = (LONG) (pt.y + GetWindow()->Y()); } break; default: result.x = 0; result.y = 0; break; } return result; }