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THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. SUBSYSTEM: Magic.exe FILE: ModelFileMAG.cpp AUTHOR: John DiCamillo OVERVIEW ======== File loader for MAG format models */ #include "stdafx.h" #include "Magic.h" #include "MagicDoc.h" #include "ModelFileMAG.h" #include "Bitmap.h" #include "Polygon.h" #include "List.h" // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ struct MaterialMag6 { char name[Material::NAMELEN]; char shader[Material::NAMELEN]; float power; // highlight sharpness (big=shiny) float brilliance; // diffuse power function float bump; // bump level (0=none) DWORD blend; // alpha blend type bool shadow; // material casts shadow bool luminous; // verts have their own lighting Color ambient_color; Color diffuse_color; Color specular_color; Color emissive_color; float ambient_value; float diffuse_value; float specular_value; float emissive_value; BYTE tex_diffuse; BYTE tex_specular; BYTE tex_bumpmap; BYTE tex_emissive; }; // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ ModelFileMAG::ModelFileMAG(const char* fname) : ModelFile(fname) { } ModelFileMAG::~ModelFileMAG() { } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ bool ModelFileMAG::Load(Model* m, double scale) { if (m && scale > 0 && strlen(filename) > 0) { ModelFile::Load(m, scale); bool result = false; FILE* fp = fopen(filename, "rb"); // check MAG file: if (!fp) { ::MessageBox(0, "File Open Failed:\nMagic could not open the requested file.", "ERROR", MB_OK); return result; } ZeroMemory(pname, 64); strncpy(pname, filename, 63); char file_id[5]; fread(file_id, 4, 1, fp); file_id[4] = '\0'; int version = 1; if (!strcmp(file_id, "MAG6")) { version = 6; } else if (!strcmp(file_id, "MAG5")) { version = 5; } else if (!strcmp(file_id, "MAG4")) { version = 4; } else { ::MessageBox(0, "File Open Failed:\nThe requested file uses an invalid format.", "ERROR", MB_OK); fclose(fp); return result; } // get ready to load, delete existing model: m->GetSurfaces().destroy(); m->GetMaterials().destroy(); *pnverts = 0; *pnpolys = 0; // now load the model: switch (version) { case 4: case 5: result = LoadMag5(fp, m, scale); break; case 6: result = LoadMag6(fp, m, scale); break; default: break; } fclose(fp); return true; } return false; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ bool ModelFileMAG::Save(Model* m) { if (m) { ModelFile::Save(m); FILE* fp = fopen(filename, "wb"); if (!fp) { ::MessageBox(0, "Save Failed:\nMagic could not open the file for writing.", "ERROR", MB_OK); return FALSE; } fwrite("MAG6", 4, 1, fp); int i = 0; int ntex = 0; int nmtls = 0; int nsurfs = m->NumSurfaces(); List textures; ListIter m_iter = m->GetMaterials(); while (++m_iter) { Material* mtl = m_iter.value(); Bitmap* bmp = mtl->tex_diffuse; if (bmp && !textures.contains(bmp)) { textures.append(bmp); } bmp = mtl->tex_specular; if (bmp && !textures.contains(bmp)) { textures.append(bmp); } bmp = mtl->tex_emissive; if (bmp && !textures.contains(bmp)) { textures.append(bmp); } bmp = mtl->tex_bumpmap; if (bmp && !textures.contains(bmp)) { textures.append(bmp); } nmtls++; } ListIter t_iter = textures; while (++t_iter) { Bitmap* bmp = t_iter.value(); ntex += strlen(bmp->GetFilename()) + 1; } nsurfs = m->GetSurfaces().size(); fwrite(&ntex, 4, 1, fp); fwrite(&nmtls, 4, 1, fp); fwrite(&nsurfs, 4, 1, fp); if (ntex) { t_iter.reset(); while (++t_iter) { Bitmap* bmp = t_iter.value(); fwrite(bmp->GetFilename(), strlen(bmp->GetFilename()) + 1, 1, fp); } } if (nmtls) { m_iter.reset(); while (++m_iter) { Material* mtl = m_iter.value(); MaterialMag6 m6; ZeroMemory(&m6, sizeof(m6)); CopyMemory(m6.name, mtl->name, Material::NAMELEN); CopyMemory(m6.shader, mtl->shader, Material::NAMELEN); m6.ambient_value = mtl->ambient_value; m6.ambient_color = mtl->ambient_color; m6.diffuse_value = mtl->diffuse_value; m6.diffuse_color = mtl->diffuse_color; m6.specular_value = mtl->specular_value; m6.specular_color = mtl->specular_color; m6.emissive_value = mtl->emissive_value; m6.emissive_color = mtl->emissive_color; m6.power = mtl->power; m6.brilliance = mtl->brilliance; m6.bump = mtl->bump; m6.blend = mtl->blend; m6.shadow = mtl->shadow; m6.luminous = mtl->luminous; if (mtl->tex_diffuse) m6.tex_diffuse = textures.index(mtl->tex_diffuse) + 1; if (mtl->tex_specular) m6.tex_specular = textures.index(mtl->tex_specular) + 1; if (mtl->tex_emissive) m6.tex_emissive = textures.index(mtl->tex_emissive) + 1; if (mtl->tex_bumpmap) m6.tex_bumpmap = textures.index(mtl->tex_bumpmap) + 1; fwrite(&m6, sizeof(m6), 1, fp); } } ListIter s_iter = m->GetSurfaces(); while (++s_iter) { Surface* s = s_iter.value(); int nverts = s->NumVerts(); int npolys = s->NumPolys(); BYTE namelen = strlen(s->Name()) + 1; fwrite(&nverts, 4, 1, fp); fwrite(&npolys, 4, 1, fp); fwrite(&namelen, 1, 1, fp); fwrite(s->Name(), 1, namelen, fp); VertexSet* vset = s->GetVertexSet(); Poly* polys = s->GetPolys(); // write vertex set: for (int v = 0; v < nverts; v++) { fwrite(&vset->loc[v], sizeof(float), 3, fp); fwrite(&vset->nrm[v], sizeof(float), 3, fp); fwrite(&vset->tu[v], sizeof(float), 1, fp); fwrite(&vset->tv[v], sizeof(float), 1, fp); } // write polys: for (int n = 0; n < npolys; n++) { Poly& poly = polys[n]; BYTE poly_nverts = (BYTE) poly.nverts; BYTE material_index = 0; WORD poly_verts[8]; m_iter.reset(); while (++m_iter && !material_index) { if (poly.material == m_iter.value()) material_index = m_iter.index() + 1; } for (int i = 0; i < poly_nverts; i++) { poly_verts[i] = poly.verts[i]; } fwrite(&poly_nverts, sizeof(BYTE), 1, fp); fwrite(&material_index, sizeof(BYTE), 1, fp); fwrite(&poly_verts[0], sizeof(WORD), poly_nverts, fp); } } return true; } return false; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ struct HomogenousPlane { double distance; double normal_x; double normal_y; double normal_z; double normal_w; }; static void LoadPlane(Plane& p, FILE* fp) { HomogenousPlane tmp; fread(&tmp, sizeof(HomogenousPlane), 1, fp); } static void LoadFlags(LPDWORD flags, FILE* fp) { DWORD magic_flags; fread(&magic_flags, sizeof(DWORD), 1, fp); /** MAGIC FLAGS enum { FLAT_SHADED = 1, LUMINOUS = 2, TRANSLUCENT = 4, \\ must swap CHROMAKEY = 8, // these two FOREGROUND = 16, -- not used WIREFRAME = 32, -- not used SPECULAR1 = 64, SPECULAR2 = 128 }; ***/ const DWORD magic_mask = 0x0fc3; *flags = magic_flags & magic_mask; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ static int mcomp(const void* a, const void* b) { Poly* pa = (Poly*) a; Poly* pb = (Poly*) b; if (pa->sortval == pb->sortval) return 0; if (pa->sortval < pb->sortval) return -1; return 1; } bool ModelFileMAG::LoadMag5(FILE* fp, Model* m, double scale) { bool result = false; int ntex = 0; int nsurfs = 0; double radius = 0; fread(&ntex, sizeof(ntex), 1, fp); fread(&nsurfs, sizeof(nsurfs), 1, fp); // create a default gray material: Material* mtl = new Material; if (mtl) { mtl->Ka = Color::DarkGray; mtl->Kd = Color::LightGray; mtl->Ks = ColorValue(0.1f,0.1f,0.1f); mtl->power = 10.0f; mtl->ambient_value = 0.2f; mtl->ambient_color = Color::DarkGray; mtl->diffuse_value = 0.8f; mtl->diffuse_color = Color::LightGray; mtl->specular_value = 0.5f; mtl->specular_color = Color::White; strcpy_s(mtl->name, "(default)"); m->GetMaterials().append(mtl); } // read texture list: for (int i = 0; i < ntex; i++) { Material* mtl = new Material; char tname[32]; if (mtl) { mtl->Ka = ColorValue(0.5f,0.5f,0.5f); mtl->Kd = ColorValue(1.0f,1.0f,1.0f); mtl->Ks = ColorValue(0.2f,0.2f,0.2f); mtl->power = 20.0f; mtl->ambient_value = 1.0f; mtl->ambient_color = Color::Gray; mtl->diffuse_value = 1.0f; mtl->diffuse_color = Color::White; mtl->specular_value = 0.2f; mtl->specular_color = Color::White; fread(tname, 32, 1, fp); LoadTexture(tname, mtl->tex_diffuse, Bitmap::BMP_SOLID); strcpy_s(mtl->name, tname); char* dot = strrchr(mtl->name, '.'); if (dot) *dot = 0; char* plus = strrchr(mtl->name, '+'); if (plus) *plus = 0; m->GetMaterials().append(mtl); } } int nverts = 0; int npolys = 0; fread(&nverts, 4, 1, fp); fread(&npolys, 4, 1, fp); // plan on creating four verts per poly: int mag_nverts = nverts; int next_vert = nverts; nverts = npolys * 4; Surface* s = new Surface; VertexSet* vset = 0; Poly* polys = 0; if (s) { s->SetName("default"); s->CreateVerts(nverts); s->CreatePolys(npolys); vset = s->GetVertexSet(); polys = s->GetPolys(); ZeroMemory(vset->loc, nverts * sizeof(Vec3)); ZeroMemory(vset->diffuse, nverts * sizeof(DWORD)); ZeroMemory(vset->specular, nverts * sizeof(DWORD)); ZeroMemory(vset->tu, nverts * sizeof(float)); ZeroMemory(vset->tv, nverts * sizeof(float)); ZeroMemory(vset->rw, nverts * sizeof(float)); // read vertex set: int v; for (v = 0; v < mag_nverts; v++) { Vec3 vert, norm; DWORD vstate; fread(&vert, sizeof(Vec3), 1, fp); fread(&norm, sizeof(Vec3), 1, fp); fread(&vstate, sizeof(DWORD), 1, fp); vert.SwapYZ(); vert *= (float) scale; norm.SwapYZ(); vset->loc[v] = vert; vset->nrm[v] = norm; double d = vert.length(); if (d > radius) radius = (float) d; } while (v < nverts) vset->nrm[v++] = Vec3(1,0,0); // read polys: Vec3 dummy_center; DWORD dummy_flags; DWORD dummy_color; int texture_num; int poly_nverts; int vert_index_buffer[32]; float texture_index_buffer[32]; for (int n = 0; n < npolys; n++) { Poly& poly = polys[n]; poly.vertex_set = vset; fread(&dummy_flags, sizeof(DWORD), 1, fp); fread(&dummy_center, sizeof(Vec3), 1, fp); LoadPlane(poly.plane, fp); fread(&dummy_color, sizeof(DWORD), 1, fp); fread(&texture_num, sizeof(int), 1, fp); if (texture_num >= 0 && texture_num < ntex) { texture_num++; poly.material = m->GetMaterials()[texture_num]; poly.sortval = texture_num; if (dummy_flags & 2) { // luminous Material* mtl = m->GetMaterials()[texture_num]; mtl->ambient_value = 0.0f; mtl->ambient_color = Color::Black; mtl->diffuse_value = 0.0f; mtl->diffuse_color = Color::Black; mtl->specular_value = 0.0f; mtl->specular_color = Color::Black; mtl->emissive_value = 1.0f; mtl->emissive_color = Color::White; mtl->Ka = ColorValue(0,0,0,0); mtl->Kd = ColorValue(0,0,0,0); mtl->Ks = ColorValue(0,0,0,0); mtl->Ke = ColorValue(1,1,1,1); mtl->tex_emissive = mtl->tex_diffuse; } } else { poly.material = m->GetMaterials().first(); // default material poly.sortval = 1000; } // hack: store flat shaded flag in unused visible byte poly.visible = (BYTE) (dummy_flags & 1); fread(&poly_nverts, sizeof(int), 1, fp); fread(vert_index_buffer, sizeof(int), poly_nverts, fp); if (poly_nverts == 3) s->AddIndices(3); else if (poly_nverts == 4) s->AddIndices(6); poly.nverts = poly_nverts; for (int vi = 0; vi < poly_nverts; vi++) { int v = vert_index_buffer[vi]; if (vset->rw[v] > 0) { vset->CopyVertex(next_vert, v); v = next_vert++; } vset->rw[v] = 1; poly.verts[vi] = v; } fread(texture_index_buffer, sizeof(float), poly_nverts, fp); // tu's for (int vi = 0; vi < poly_nverts; vi++) { int v = poly.verts[vi]; vset->tu[v] = texture_index_buffer[vi]; } fread(texture_index_buffer, sizeof(float), poly_nverts, fp); // tv's for (int vi = 0; vi < poly_nverts; vi++) { int v = poly.verts[vi]; vset->tv[v] = texture_index_buffer[vi]; } DWORD unused[32]; fread(unused, 16, 1, fp); } // pass 2 (adjust vertex normals for flat polys): for (int n = 0; n < npolys; n++) { Poly& poly = polys[n]; poly.plane = Plane(vset->loc[poly.verts[0]], vset->loc[poly.verts[2]], vset->loc[poly.verts[1]]); // hack: retrieve flat shaded flag from unused visible byte if (poly.visible) { int poly_nverts = poly.nverts; for (int vi = 0; vi < poly_nverts; vi++) { int v = poly.verts[vi]; vset->nrm[v] = poly.plane.normal; } } } // sort the polys by material index: qsort((void*) polys, npolys, sizeof(Poly), mcomp); // then assign them to cohesive segments: Segment* segment = 0; for (int n = 0; n < npolys; n++) { if (segment && segment->material == polys[n].material) { segment->npolys++; } else { segment = 0; } if (!segment) { segment = new Segment; segment->npolys = 1; segment->polys = &polys[n]; segment->material = segment->polys->material; s->GetSegments().append(segment); } } s->BuildHull(); m->GetSurfaces().append(s); *pnverts = nverts; *pnpolys = npolys; *pradius = (float) radius; result = nverts && npolys; } return result; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ bool ModelFileMAG::LoadMag6(FILE* fp, Model* m, double scale) { bool result = false; int i = 0; int ntex = 0; int nmtls = 0; int nsurfs = 0; double radius = 0; List textures; fread(&ntex, sizeof(ntex), 1, fp); // size of texture block fread(&nmtls, sizeof(nmtls), 1, fp); // number of materials fread(&nsurfs, sizeof(nsurfs), 1, fp); // number of surfaces // read texture list: if (ntex) { char* buffer = new char[ntex]; char* p = buffer; Bitmap* bmp = 0; fread(buffer, ntex, 1, fp); while (p < buffer + ntex) { LoadTexture(p, bmp, Bitmap::BMP_SOLID); textures.append(bmp); p += strlen(p) + 1; } delete [] buffer; } for (i = 0; i < nmtls; i++) { MaterialMag6 m6; Material* mtl = new Material; fread(&m6, sizeof(m6), 1, fp); if (mtl) { CopyMemory(mtl->name, m6.name, Material::NAMELEN); CopyMemory(mtl->shader, m6.shader, Material::NAMELEN); mtl->ambient_value = m6.ambient_value; mtl->ambient_color = m6.ambient_color; mtl->diffuse_value = m6.diffuse_value; mtl->diffuse_color = m6.diffuse_color; mtl->specular_value = m6.specular_value; mtl->specular_color = m6.specular_color; mtl->emissive_value = m6.emissive_value; mtl->emissive_color = m6.emissive_color; mtl->Ka = ColorValue(mtl->ambient_color) * mtl->ambient_value; mtl->Kd = ColorValue(mtl->diffuse_color) * mtl->diffuse_value; mtl->Ks = ColorValue(mtl->specular_color) * mtl->specular_value; mtl->Ke = ColorValue(mtl->emissive_color) * mtl->emissive_value; mtl->power = m6.power; mtl->brilliance = m6.brilliance; mtl->bump = m6.bump; mtl->blend = m6.blend; mtl->shadow = m6.shadow; mtl->luminous = m6.luminous; if (m6.tex_diffuse && m6.tex_diffuse <= textures.size()) mtl->tex_diffuse = textures[m6.tex_diffuse - 1]; if (m6.tex_specular && m6.tex_specular <= textures.size()) mtl->tex_specular = textures[m6.tex_specular - 1]; if (m6.tex_emissive && m6.tex_emissive <= textures.size()) mtl->tex_emissive = textures[m6.tex_emissive - 1]; if (m6.tex_bumpmap && m6.tex_bumpmap <= textures.size()) mtl->tex_bumpmap = textures[m6.tex_bumpmap - 1]; m->GetMaterials().append(mtl); } } for (i = 0; i < nsurfs; i++) { int nverts = 0; int npolys = 0; BYTE namelen = 0; char name[128]; fread(&nverts, 4, 1, fp); fread(&npolys, 4, 1, fp); fread(&namelen, 1, 1, fp); fread(name, 1, namelen, fp); Surface* surface = new Surface; surface->SetName(name); surface->CreateVerts(nverts); surface->CreatePolys(npolys); VertexSet* vset = surface->GetVertexSet(); Poly* polys = surface->GetPolys(); ZeroMemory(polys, sizeof(Poly) * npolys); // read vertex set: for (int v = 0; v < nverts; v++) { fread(&vset->loc[v], sizeof(float), 3, fp); fread(&vset->nrm[v], sizeof(float), 3, fp); fread(&vset->tu[v], sizeof(float), 1, fp); fread(&vset->tv[v], sizeof(float), 1, fp); double d = vset->loc[v].length(); if (d > radius) radius = d; } // read polys: for (int n = 0; n < npolys; n++) { Poly& poly = polys[n]; BYTE poly_nverts = 0; BYTE material_index = 0; WORD poly_verts[8]; fread(&poly_nverts, sizeof(BYTE), 1, fp); fread(&material_index, sizeof(BYTE), 1, fp); fread(&poly_verts[0], sizeof(WORD), poly_nverts, fp); if (poly_nverts >= 3) { poly.nverts = poly_nverts; for (int i = 0; i < poly_nverts; i++) { poly.verts[i] = poly_verts[i]; } } else { poly.sortval = 666; } if (material_index > 0) { poly.material = m->GetMaterials()[material_index-1]; poly.sortval = material_index; } else if (m->NumMaterials()) { poly.material = m->GetMaterials().first(); poly.sortval = 1; } else { poly.sortval = 1000; } if (poly.nverts == 3) surface->AddIndices(3); else if (poly.nverts == 4) surface->AddIndices(6); poly.vertex_set = vset; poly.plane = Plane(vset->loc[poly.verts[0]], vset->loc[poly.verts[2]], vset->loc[poly.verts[1]]); } // sort the polys by material index: qsort((void*) polys, npolys, sizeof(Poly), mcomp); // then assign them to cohesive segments: Segment* segment = 0; for (int n = 0; n < npolys; n++) { if (segment && segment->material == polys[n].material) { segment->npolys++; } else { segment = 0; } if (!segment) { segment = new Segment; segment->npolys = 1; segment->polys = &polys[n]; segment->material = segment->polys->material; surface->GetSegments().append(segment); } } surface->ComputeTangents(); surface->BuildHull(); m->GetSurfaces().append(surface); *pnverts = nverts; *pnpolys = npolys; *pradius = (float) radius; result = nverts && npolys; } return result; }