/* Starshatter: The Open Source Project Copyright (c) 2021-2024, Starshatter: The Open Source Project Contributors Copyright (c) 2011-2012, Starshatter OpenSource Distribution Contributors Copyright (c) 1997-2006, Destroyer Studios LLC. AUTHOR: John DiCamillo OVERVIEW ======== Implementation of the Text class */ #include #include #include #include // +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ // SPECIAL TEXT REP FOR NULL STRINGS // This is used only by the default constructor for the Text object, // to prevent extra rep allocation when constructing empty strings. TextRep TextRep::nullrep; TextRep::TextRep() : ref(1234567), data(0), length(0), hash(0), sensitive(true) { data = new char[4]; if (data) std::memset(data, 0, 4); } // +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ TextRep::TextRep(const char* s) : ref(1), length(0), sensitive(true) { if (s) length = std::strlen(s); data = new char[length+1]; if (data) { if (s) std::strcpy(data, s); else data[length] = '\0'; dohash(); } } TextRep::TextRep(const char* s, int len) : ref(1), length(len), sensitive(true) { if (length < 0) length = 0; data = new char[length+1]; if (data) { std::memcpy(data, s, length); data[length] = '\0'; dohash(); } } TextRep::TextRep(char c, int len) : ref(1), length(len), sensitive(true) { if (length < 0) length = 0; data = new char[length+1]; if (data) { std::memset(data, c, length); data[length] = '\0'; dohash(); } } TextRep::TextRep(const TextRep* rep) : ref(1) { length = rep->length; data = new char[length+1]; hash = rep->hash; sensitive = rep->sensitive; if (data) std::strcpy(data, rep->data); } TextRep::~TextRep() { delete[] data; } void TextRep::addref() { ref++; } long TextRep::deref() { long r = --ref; return r; } inline static void mash(unsigned& hash, unsigned chars) { hash = (chars ^ ((hash << 5) | (hash >> (8*sizeof(unsigned) - 5)))); } void TextRep::dohash() { unsigned hv = (unsigned)length; // Mix in the string length. unsigned i = length*sizeof(char)/sizeof(unsigned); const unsigned* p = (const unsigned*)data; while (i--) mash(hv, *p++); // XOR in the characters. // XOR in any remaining characters: i = length*sizeof(char)%sizeof(unsigned); if (i) { unsigned h = 0; const char* c = (const char*)p; while (i--) h = ((h << 8*sizeof(char)) | *c++); mash(hv, h); } hash = hv; } // +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ Text::Text() { rep = &TextRep::nullrep; rep->addref(); sym = rep->data; } Text::Text(char c) { char buf[2]; buf[0] = c; buf[1] = '\0'; rep = new TextRep(buf); if (!rep) { rep = &TextRep::nullrep; rep->addref(); } sym = rep->data; } Text::Text(const char* s) { rep = new TextRep(s); if (!rep) { rep = &TextRep::nullrep; rep->addref(); } sym = rep->data; } Text::Text(const char* s, int len) { rep = new TextRep(s, len); if (!rep) { rep = &TextRep::nullrep; rep->addref(); } sym = rep->data; } Text::Text(char c, int len) { rep = new TextRep(c, len); if (!rep) { rep = &TextRep::nullrep; rep->addref(); } sym = rep->data; } Text::Text(const Text& s) { rep = s.rep; rep->addref(); sym = rep->data; } Text::~Text() { if (rep->deref() == 0) delete rep; rep = &TextRep::nullrep; sym = rep->data; } Text& Text::operator=(const char* s) { if (rep->deref() == 0) delete rep; rep = new TextRep(s); if (!rep) rep = &TextRep::nullrep; sym = rep->data; return *this; } Text& Text::operator=(const Text& s) { s.rep->addref(); if (rep->deref() == 0) delete rep; rep = s.rep; sym = rep->data; return *this; } Text Text::operator+(char c) { char* buf = new char[rep->length + 2]; if (buf) { std::strcpy(buf, sym); buf[rep->length] = c; buf[rep->length+1] = '\0'; Text retval(buf); delete [] buf; return retval; } else { return *this; } } Text Text::operator+(const char* s) { char* buf = new char[std::strlen(s) + rep->length + 1]; if (buf) { std::strcpy(buf, sym); std::strcat(buf, s); Text retval(buf); delete [] buf; return retval; } else { return *this; } } Text Text::operator+(const Text& s) { char* buf = new char[s.rep->length + rep->length + 1]; if (buf) { std::strcpy(buf, sym); std::strcat(buf, s.sym); Text retval(buf); delete [] buf; return retval; } else { return *this; } } bool Text::isSensitive() const { return rep->sensitive; } void Text::setSensitive(bool s) { rep->sensitive = s; } Text& Text::append(char c) { char* buf = new char[rep->length + 2]; if (buf) { std::strcpy(buf, sym); buf[rep->length] = c; buf[rep->length+1] = '\0'; if (rep->deref() == 0) delete rep; rep = new TextRep(buf); if (!rep) rep = &TextRep::nullrep; sym = rep->data; delete [] buf; } return *this; } Text& Text::append(const char* s) { char* buf = new char[std::strlen(s) + rep->length + 1]; if (buf) { std::strcpy(buf, sym); std::strcat(buf, s); if (rep->deref() == 0) delete rep; rep = new TextRep(buf); if (!rep) rep = &TextRep::nullrep; sym = rep->data; delete [] buf; } return *this; } Text& Text::append(const Text& s) { char* buf = new char[s.rep->length + rep->length + 1]; if (buf) { int lenA = rep->length; int lenB = s.rep->length; std::memcpy(buf, sym, lenA); std::memcpy(buf + lenA, s.sym, lenB); buf[lenA + lenB] = 0; if (rep->deref() == 0) delete rep; rep = new TextRep(buf); if (!rep) rep = &TextRep::nullrep; sym = rep->data; delete [] buf; } return *this; } void Text::clone() { if (rep->ref > 1) { rep->deref(); TextRep* t = new TextRep(rep); rep = t; if (!rep) rep = &TextRep::nullrep; sym = rep->data; } } char Text::operator[](int index) const { if (index < (int) rep->length) return sym[index]; else throw "BOUNDS ERROR"; return '\0'; } char Text::operator()(int index) const { return sym[index]; } char& Text::operator[](int index) { if (index < (int) rep->length) { clone(); return (char&) sym[index]; } else throw "BOUNDS ERROR"; return (char&) sym[0]; } char& Text::operator()(int index) { clone(); return (char&) sym[index]; } Text Text::operator()(int start, int len) const { if (start > rep->length || len <= 0) return Text(); if (start + len > rep->length) len = rep->length - start; char* buf = new char[len+1]; if (buf) { std::strncpy(buf, sym+start, len); buf[len] = '\0'; Text retval(buf); delete [] buf; return retval; } return Text(); } bool Text::empty() const { return !rep || rep->length < 1; } bool Text::contains(char c) const { if (rep->length > 0) { if (!rep->sensitive) { char alt = c; if (std::islower(alt)) alt = std::toupper(alt); else if (std::isupper(alt)) alt = std::tolower(alt); if (std::strchr(rep->data, alt) != 0) return true; } if (std::strchr(rep->data, c) != 0) return true; } return false; } bool Text::contains(const char* pattern) const { if (rep->length > 0 && pattern && *pattern) { if (rep->sensitive) { if (std::strstr(rep->data, pattern) != 0) return true; } else { Text smash1(*this); smash1.toLower(); Text smash2(pattern); smash2.toLower(); if (std::strstr(smash1.data(), smash2.data()) != 0) return true; } } return false; } bool Text::containsAnyOf(const char* charSet) const { if (rep->length > 0 && charSet && *charSet) { if (rep->sensitive) { if (strpbrk(rep->data, charSet) != 0) return true; } else { Text smash1(*this); smash1.toLower(); Text smash2(charSet); smash2.toLower(); if (strpbrk(smash1.data(), smash2.data()) != 0) return true; } } return false; } int Text::indexOf(char c) const { if (rep->length > 0) { if (!rep->sensitive) { char alt = c; if (std::islower(alt)) alt = std::toupper(alt); else if (std::isupper(alt)) alt = std::tolower(alt); const char* p = std::strchr(rep->data, alt); if (p) return (p - rep->data); } const char* p = std::strchr(rep->data, c); if (p) return (p - rep->data); } return -1; } int Text::indexOf(const char* pattern) const { if (rep->length > 0 && pattern && *pattern) { if (rep->sensitive) { const char* p = std::strstr(rep->data, pattern); if (p) return (p - rep->data); } else { Text smash1(*this); smash1.toLower(); Text smash2(pattern); smash2.toLower(); const char* p = std::strstr(smash1.data(), smash2.data()); if (p) return (p - smash1.data()); } } return -1; } void Text::toLower() { clone(); size_t n = rep->length; char* p = (char*) sym; while (n--) { *p = std::tolower((unsigned char)*p); p++; } rep->dohash(); } void Text::toUpper() { clone(); size_t n = rep->length; char* p = (char*) sym; while ( n-- ) { *p = std::toupper((unsigned char)*p); p++; } rep->dohash(); } Text Text::substring(int start, int length) { Text result; if (start >= 0 && start < (int) rep->length && length > 0) { if (start + length > (int) rep->length) length = (int) rep->length - start; const char* s = sym + start; result.rep = new TextRep(s, length); if (!result.rep) result.rep = &TextRep::nullrep; result.sym = result.rep->data; } return result; } Text Text::trim() { Text result; if (rep->length) { const char* p = sym; const char* q = sym + rep->length-1; while (p && *p && isspace(*p)) p++; while (q>p && *q && isspace(*q)) q--; result = substring(p-sym, q-p+1); } return result; } Text Text::replace(const char* pattern, const char* substitution) { Text result; if (rep->length && pattern && *pattern) { const char* pos = rep->data; const char* bound = rep->data + rep->length; int skip = std::strlen(pattern); do { const char* p = std::strstr(pos, pattern); if (p) { int len = p - pos; result.append(Text(pos, len)); result.append(substitution); pos = p + skip; } else if (pos < bound) { result.append(pos); break; } } while (pos < bound); } return result; } Text Text::concat(const char* tail) const { Text result(*this); result.append(tail); return result; } Text Text::format(const char* fmt, ...) { char buf[2048]; std::va_list args; va_start(args, fmt); int len = std::vsnprintf(buf, 2048, fmt, args); Text result(buf, len); va_end(args); return result; }