/* Project FoundationEx Destroyer Studios LLC Copyright © 1997-2004. All Rights Reserved. SUBSYSTEM: FoundationEx FILE: Text.h AUTHOR: John DiCamillo OVERVIEW ======== Declaration of the Text class */ #ifndef Text_h #define Text_h #include #include #include "ThreadSync.h" // +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ class TextRep { friend class Text; public: TextRep(); ~TextRep(); private: TextRep(const char* s); TextRep(const char* s, int len); TextRep(char c, int len); TextRep(const TextRep* rep); void addref(); long deref(); void dohash(); char* data; long ref; int length; unsigned hash; bool sensitive; static ThreadSync sync; static TextRep nullrep; }; // +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ class Text { public: static const char* TYPENAME() { return "Text"; } Text(); Text(char c); Text(const char* s); Text(const char* s, int len); Text(char c, int len); Text(const Text& s); ~Text(); // case sensitivity bool isSensitive() const; void setSensitive(bool s); // comparison int compare(const char* s) const; int compare(const Text& s) const; // assignment Text& operator=(const char* s); Text& operator=(const Text& s); // catenation Text& append(char c); Text& append(const char* s); Text& append(const Text& s); Text operator+(char c); Text operator+(const char* s); Text operator+(const Text& s); Text& operator+=(char c) { return append(c); } Text& operator+=(const char* s) { return append(s); } Text& operator+=(const Text& s) { return append(s); } // indexing char operator[](int index) const; char operator()(int index) const; char& operator[](int index); char& operator()(int index); Text operator()(int start, int len) const; // access int length() const { return rep->length; } unsigned hash() const { return rep->hash; } const char* data() const { return sym; } operator const char* () const { return sym; } bool contains(char c) const; bool contains(const char* s) const; bool containsAnyOf(const char* charSet) const; int indexOf(char c) const; int indexOf(const char* s) const; // mutation void toLower(); void toUpper(); // substring Text substring(int start, int length); Text trim(); Text replace(const char* pattern, const char* substitution); private: void clone(); const char* sym; TextRep* rep; }; // +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ inline int Text::compare(const char* s) const { if (rep->sensitive) return strcmp(sym, s); else return stricmp(sym, s); } inline int Text::compare(const Text& s) const { if (rep->sensitive && s.rep->sensitive) return strcmp(sym, s.sym); else return stricmp(sym, s.sym); } // +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ inline int operator==(const Text& l, const Text& r) { return (l.length() == r.length()) && (l.compare(r) == 0); } inline int operator!=(const Text& l, const Text& r) { return l.compare(r) != 0; } inline int operator< (const Text& l, const Text& r) { return l.compare(r) < 0; } inline int operator<=(const Text& l, const Text& r) { return l.compare(r) <= 0; } inline int operator> (const Text& l, const Text& r) { return l.compare(r) > 0; } inline int operator>=(const Text& l, const Text& r) { return l.compare(r) >= 0; } inline int operator==(const char* l, const Text& r) { return r.compare(l) == 0; } inline int operator!=(const char* l, const Text& r) { return r.compare(l) != 0; } inline int operator< (const char* l, const Text& r) { return r.compare(l) < 0; } inline int operator<=(const char* l, const Text& r) { return r.compare(l) <= 0; } inline int operator> (const char* l, const Text& r) { return r.compare(l) > 0; } inline int operator>=(const char* l, const Text& r) { return r.compare(l) >= 0; } inline int operator==( char* l, const Text& r) { return r.compare(l) == 0; } inline int operator!=( char* l, const Text& r) { return r.compare(l) != 0; } inline int operator< ( char* l, const Text& r) { return r.compare(l) < 0; } inline int operator<=( char* l, const Text& r) { return r.compare(l) <= 0; } inline int operator> ( char* l, const Text& r) { return r.compare(l) > 0; } inline int operator>=( char* l, const Text& r) { return r.compare(l) >= 0; } inline int operator==(const Text& l, const char* r) { return l.compare(r) == 0; } inline int operator!=(const Text& l, const char* r) { return l.compare(r) != 0; } inline int operator< (const Text& l, const char* r) { return l.compare(r) < 0; } inline int operator<=(const Text& l, const char* r) { return l.compare(r) <= 0; } inline int operator> (const Text& l, const char* r) { return l.compare(r) > 0; } inline int operator>=(const Text& l, const char* r) { return l.compare(r) >= 0; } inline int operator==(const Text& l, char* r) { return l.compare(r) == 0; } inline int operator!=(const Text& l, char* r) { return l.compare(r) != 0; } inline int operator< (const Text& l, char* r) { return l.compare(r) < 0; } inline int operator<=(const Text& l, char* r) { return l.compare(r) <= 0; } inline int operator> (const Text& l, char* r) { return l.compare(r) > 0; } inline int operator>=(const Text& l, char* r) { return l.compare(r) >= 0; } inline Text operator+(const char* l, const Text& r) { return Text(l) + r; } inline Text operator+( char* l, const Text& r) { return Text(l) + r; } // +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ #endif Text_h