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Editor Member List

This is the complete list of members for Editor, including all inherited members.

ApplyMaterial(Material *material, List< Poly > &polys, int mapping, int axis, float scale_u, float scale_v, int flip, int mirror, int rotate)Editor
ApplyMaterialCylindrical(Material *material, List< Poly > &polys, int axis, float scale_u, float scale_v, int flip, int mirror, int rotate)Editor
ApplyMaterialSpherical(Material *material, List< Poly > &polys, int axis, float scale_u, float scale_v, int flip, int mirror, int rotate)Editor
Editor(MagicDoc *doc)Editorinline
GetModel() const Editorinline
MAP_CYLINDRICAL enum valueEditor
MAP_NONE enum valueEditor
MAP_PLANAR enum valueEditor
MAP_SPHERICAL enum valueEditor
MAP_STRETCH enum valueEditor
UseModel(Model *m)Editorinline