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VideoDX9Enum.cpp File Reference
#include "MemDebug.h"
#include "VideoDX9Enum.h"
#include "VideoSettings.h"
#include "Color.h"

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#define RELEASE(x)   if (x) { x->Release(); x=NULL; }


void Print (const char *msg,...)
char * DDErrStr (HRESULT dderr)
void VideoDX9Error (const char *msg, HRESULT dderr)


int VD3D_describe_things

Macro Definition Documentation

#define RELEASE (   x)    if (x) { x->Release(); x=NULL; }

Definition at line 28 of file VideoDX9Enum.cpp.

Function Documentation

char* DDErrStr ( HRESULT  dderr)
void Print ( const char *  msg,

Definition at line 1520 of file Game.cpp.

void VideoDX9Error ( const char *  msg,
HRESULT  dderr 

Definition at line 3526 of file VideoDX9.cpp.

Variable Documentation

int VD3D_describe_things

Definition at line 25 of file VideoDX9Enum.cpp.