Open source Starshatter engine
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2 // Microsoft Developer Studio generated include file.
3 // Used by Magic.rc
4 //
5 #define ID_RESET 3
6 #define IDC_NEW_MATERIAL 3
7 #define ID_BACK_COLOR 4
8 #define IDC_DEL_MATERIAL 4
9 #define IDC_SELECT_POLYS 5
10 #define IDD_ABOUTBOX 100
11 #define IDR_MAINFRAME 128
12 #define IDR_MAGICTYPE 129
13 #define IDD_SURFACE_PROPS 130
14 #define IDD_CAMERA_PROPS 131
15 #define IDD_MODIFY_SURFACE 135
16 #define IDD_VERTS_REDUCE 136
17 #define IDD_MODIFY_POLY 137
18 #define IDD_CREATE_CUBE 138
19 #define IDD_CREATE_CYLINDER 139
20 #define IDD_CREATE_SPHERE 140
21 #define IDD_MODIFY_TEXTURE 141
22 #define IDD_GRIDPROPS 142
23 #define IDD_MODIFY_POLYS 143
24 #define IDD_CREATE_POLY 144
25 #define IDD_EXTRUSION_PROPS 146
26 #define IDD_MODIFY_MATERIAL 147
27 #define IDC_SURFACE_NAME 1000
28 #define IDC_SURFACE_NVERTS 1001
29 #define IDC_SURFACE_NPOLYS 1002
30 #define IDC_SURFACE_COLOR 1003
31 #define IDC_SURFACE_RADIUS 1003
32 #define IDC_SURFACE_LENGTH 1004
33 #define IDC_SURFACE_WIDTH 1005
34 #define IDC_CAMERA_DISTANCE 1006
35 #define IDC_SURFACE_HEIGHT 1006
36 #define IDC_CAMERA_FOV 1007
37 #define IDC_CAMERA_MODE 1008
38 #define IDC_SURFACE_LIST 1009
39 #define IDC_SURF_NAME 1010
40 #define IDC_SURF_POLYS 1011
41 #define IDC_SURF_COLOR 1012
42 #define IDC_SURF_HIDDEN 1013
43 #define IDC_SURF_LOCKED 1014
44 #define IDC_SURF_CREATE 1015
45 #define IDC_SURF_DISCARD 1016
46 #define IDC_SURF_CLONE 1017
47 #define IDC_SURF_DELETE 1018
48 #define IDC_SURF_ADD_POLYS 1019
49 #define IDC_THRESHOLD 1020
50 #define IDC_SURF_ID 1020
51 #define IDC_FLATTEN 1021
52 #define IDC_FLIP_NORM 1022
53 #define IDC_DOUBLE_SIDE 1023
54 #define IDC_TRIANGULATE 1024
55 #define IDC_REMOVE 1025
56 #define IDC_POLY_VERTS 1026
57 #define IDC_POLY_X 1027
58 #define IDC_POLY_Y 1028
59 #define IDC_POLY_Z 1029
60 #define IDC_POLY_CURVE 1030
61 #define IDC_POLY_SURF 1031
62 #define IDC_POLY_TEX 1032
63 #define IDC_LOC_X 1033
64 #define IDC_LOC_Y 1034
65 #define IDC_LOC_Z 1035
66 #define IDC_SIZE_X 1036
67 #define IDC_SIZE_Y 1037
68 #define IDC_SIZE_Z 1038
69 #define IDC_SECTORS 1039
70 #define IDC_RINGS 1040
71 #define IDC_GRID_SNAP 1041
72 #define IDC_TEXTURE 1041
73 #define IDC_MATERIAL 1041
74 #define IDC_GRID_SIZE 1042
75 #define IDC_MAPPING 1042
76 #define IDC_GRID_SHOW 1043
77 #define IDC_ALIGN_X 1043
78 #define IDC_GRID_LINES 1044
79 #define IDC_ALIGN_Y 1044
80 #define IDC_GRID_DOTS 1045
81 #define IDC_ALIGN_Z 1045
82 #define IDC_SCALE_U 1046
83 #define IDC_SCALE_V 1047
84 #define IDC_TEXTURE_ADD 1048
85 #define IDC_TEXTURE_DELETE 1049
86 #define IDC_ALIGN_FLIP 1050
87 #define IDC_ALIGN_MIRROR 1051
88 #define IDC_ALIGN_ROTATE 1052
89 #define IDC_TEXTURE_RELOAD 1053
90 #define IDC_TEXTURE_PREVIEW 1054
91 #define IDC_TEMPLATE 1055
92 #define IDC_AMBIENT_COLOR 1055
93 #define IDC_FLAG_FLAT 1056
94 #define IDC_DIFFUSE_COLOR 1056
95 #define IDC_FLAG_LUMINOUS 1057
96 #define IDC_NSIDES 1057
97 #define IDC_SPECULAR_COLOR 1057
98 #define IDC_FLAG_TRANSLUCENT 1058
99 #define IDC_EMISSIVE_COLOR 1058
100 #define IDC_FLAG_TRANSPARENT 1059
101 #define IDC_SECONDARY 1059
102 #define IDC_FLAG_SPECULAR 1060
103 #define IDC_FLAG_FLAT2 1061
104 #define IDC_FLAG_LUMINOUS2 1062
105 #define IDC_POLY_INDEX 1062
106 #define IDC_FLAG_TRANSLUCENT2 1063
107 #define IDC_FLAG_TRANSPARENT2 1064
108 #define IDC_FLAG_SPECULAR2 1065
109 #define IDC_FLAG_TEXCLAMP 1066
110 #define IDC_DISTANCE 1067
111 #define IDC_FLAG_SPECULAR22 1067
112 #define IDC_FLAG_SPECULAR1 1068
113 #define IDC_FLAG_SPECULAR12 1069
114 #define IDC_FLAG_TEXCLAMP2 1070
115 #define IDC_MATERIAL_LIST 1070
116 #define IDC_MATERIAL_NAME 1071
117 #define IDC_DIFFUSE_TEXTURE 1072
118 #define IDC_SPECULAR_TEXTURE 1073
119 #define IDC_EMISSIVE_TEXTURE 1074
120 #define IDC_BUMP_TEXTURE 1075
121 #define IDC_AMBIENT_VALUE 1076
122 #define IDC_DIFFUSE_VALUE 1077
123 #define IDC_SPECULAR_VALUE 1078
124 #define IDC_EMISSIVE_VALUE 1079
125 #define IDC_BUMP_VALUE 1080
126 #define IDC_POWER_VALUE 1081
127 #define IDC_BRILLIANCE_VALUE 1082
128 #define IDC_BLEND_MODE 1083
129 #define IDC_MATERIAL_PREVIEW 1084
130 #define IDC_FILE_DIFFUSE 1085
131 #define IDC_FILE_SPECULAR 1086
132 #define IDC_REFERENCE_PLAN 1086
133 #define IDC_FILE_EMISSIVE 1087
134 #define IDC_REFERENCE_SIDE 1087
135 #define IDC_FILE_BUMP 1088
136 #define IDC_REFERENCE_FRONT 1088
137 #define IDC_SHADOW 1089
138 #define IDC_FILE_PLAN 1090
139 #define IDC_MATERIAL_SHADER 1090
140 #define IDC_FILE_SIDE 1091
141 #define IDC_FILE_FRONT 1092
142 #define ID_GRID_PROPS 32771
143 #define ID_VIEW_ZOOM_IN 32771
144 #define ID_VIEW_ZOOM_OUT 32772
145 #define ID_VIEW_ZOOM_NORMAL 32773
146 #define ID_VIEW_CENTER 32774
147 #define ID_SURFACE_CREATE 32779
148 #define ID_MODIFY_DRAG_VERTS 32780
149 #define ID_CREATE_CUBE 32781
150 #define ID_CREATE_TETRA 32782
151 #define ID_MODIFY_EXTRUDE 32784
152 #define ID_MODIFY_BEVEL 32785
153 #define ID_MODIFY_STUD 32786
154 #define ID_MODIFY_SUBDIVIDE 32787
155 #define ID_PROP_SURFACE 32788
156 #define ID_PROP_CAMERA 32789
157 #define ID_EDIT_FLIP_NORMAL 32790
158 #define ID_EDIT_REMOVE_POLY 32791
159 #define ID_EDIT_MERGE_POLY 32792
160 #define ID_MODIFY_TEXTURE 32795
162 #define ID_PROP_GRID 32800
163 #define ID_EDIT_DELETE 32801
164 #define ID_CREATE_POLY 32802
165 #define ID_CREATE_VERT 32803
166 #define ID_CREATE_CYLINDER 32804
167 #define ID_CREATE_SPHERE 32805
168 #define ID_FILE_IMPORT 32806
169 #define ID_FILE_EXPORT 32807
170 #define ID_MODIFY_POLY 32808
171 #define ID_MODIFY_VERTS 32809
172 #define ID_VERTS_REDUCE 32810
173 #define ID_VERTS_SNAP 32811
174 #define ID_MODIFY_SCALE_VERTS 32812
175 #define ID_MODIFY_ROTATE 32813
176 #define ID_CREATE_CONE 32814
177 #define ID_FINAL_RENDER 32815
178 #define ID_MODIFY_SCALE_X 32817
179 #define ID_MODIFY_SCALE_Z 32819
180 #define ID_MODIFY_SCALE_Y 32822
181 #define ID_MODIFY_SPLIT1 32824
182 #define ID_MODIFY_SPLIT2 32825
183 #define ID_EDIT_MIRROR 32826
184 #define ID_EDIT_SEAL 32827
185 #define ID_EDIT_CLONE 32828
186 #define ID_GRID_SNAP 32829
187 #define ID_MODIFY_FLATTEN_X 32830
188 #define ID_MODIFY_FLATTEN_Y 32831
189 #define ID_MODIFY_FLATTEN_Z 32832
190 #define ID_EDIT_SELECT_NONE 32833
191 #define ID_NUDGE_RIGHT 32834
192 #define ID_NUDGE_LEFT 32835
193 #define ID_NUDGE_UP 32836
194 #define ID_NUDGE_DOWN 32837
195 #define ID_STEP_LEFT 32838
196 #define ID_STEP_RIGHT 32839
197 #define ID_STEP_UP 32840
198 #define ID_STEP_DOWN 32841
199 #define ID_VIEW_RENDER 32842
200 #define ID_VIEW_ALL 32843
201 #define ID_VIEW_FRONT 32844
202 #define ID_VIEW_SIDE 32845
203 #define ID_VIEW_TOP 32846
204 #define ID_VIEW_PERSPECTIVE 32847
205 #define ID_MODIFY_TEXTURE_MAP 32848
206 #define ID_MODIFY_MATERIAL 32849
207 #define ID_VIEW_MODE_WIREFRAME 32850
208 #define ID_VIEW_MODE_SOLID 32851
209 #define ID_VIEW_MODE_TEXTURED 32852
210 #define ID_GRID_SHOW 32853
211 #define ID_VIEW_BACK_COLOR 32854
212 #define ID_EDIT_SELECT_INVERSE 32855
213 #define ID_MODIFY_UV_MAP 32856
214 #define ID_VIEW_SHADOWS 32857
215 #define ID_VIEW_ANIMATELIGHT 32858
216 #define ID_VIEW_BUMPMAPS 32859
217 #define ID_VIEW_VERTEXSHADER 32860
218 #define ID_VIEW_PIXELSHADER 32861
219 #define ID_VIEW_VISIBLESHADOWS 32862
220 #define ID_SURFACE_OPTIMIZE 32863
221 #define ID_SURFACE_EXPLODE 32864
223 // Next default values for new objects
224 //
227 #define _APS_3D_CONTROLS 1
228 #define _APS_NEXT_RESOURCE_VALUE 148
229 #define _APS_NEXT_COMMAND_VALUE 32865
230 #define _APS_NEXT_CONTROL_VALUE 1091
231 #define _APS_NEXT_SYMED_VALUE 101
232 #endif
233 #endif