path: root/Stars45/Physical.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'Stars45/Physical.h')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 204 deletions
diff --git a/Stars45/Physical.h b/Stars45/Physical.h
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index b9a9be5..0000000
--- a/Stars45/Physical.h
+++ /dev/null
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-/* Starshatter: The Open Source Project
- Copyright (c) 2021-2022, Starshatter: The Open Source Project Contributors
- Copyright (c) 2011-2012, Starshatter OpenSource Distribution Contributors
- Copyright (c) 1997-2006, Destroyer Studios LLC.
- AUTHOR: John DiCamillo
- ========
- Abstract Physical Object
-#ifndef Physical_h
-#define Physical_h
-#include "Types.h"
-#include "Geometry.h"
-#include "Camera.h"
-// +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
-class Director;
-class Graphic;
-class Light;
-// +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
-class Physical
- static const char* TYPENAME() { return "Physical"; }
- Physical();
- Physical(const char* n, int t=0);
- virtual ~Physical();
- int operator == (const Physical& p) const { return id ==; }
- // Integration Loop Control:
- static void SetSubFrameLength(double seconds) { sub_frame = seconds; }
- static double GetSubFrameLength() { return sub_frame; }
- // operations
- virtual void ExecFrame(double seconds);
- virtual void AeroFrame(double seconds);
- virtual void ArcadeFrame(double seconds);
- virtual void AngularFrame(double seconds);
- virtual void LinearFrame(double seconds);
- virtual void CalcFlightPath();
- virtual void MoveTo(const Point& new_loc);
- virtual void TranslateBy(const Point& ref);
- virtual void ApplyForce(const Point& force);
- virtual void ApplyTorque(const Point& torque);
- virtual void SetThrust(double t);
- virtual void SetTransX(double t);
- virtual void SetTransY(double t);
- virtual void SetTransZ(double t);
- virtual void SetHeading(double r, double p, double y);
- virtual void LookAt(const Point& dst);
- virtual void ApplyRoll(double roll_acc);
- virtual void ApplyPitch(double pitch_acc);
- virtual void ApplyYaw(double yaw_acc);
- virtual int CollidesWith(Physical& o);
- static void ElasticCollision(Physical& a, Physical& b);
- static void InelasticCollision(Physical& a, Physical& b);
- static void SemiElasticCollision(Physical& a, Physical& b);
- virtual void InflictDamage(double damage, int type = 0);
- // accessors:
- int Identity() const { return id; }
- int Type() const { return obj_type; }
- const char* Name() const { return name; }
- Point Location() const { return cam.Pos(); }
- Point Heading() const { return cam.vpn(); }
- Point LiftLine() const { return cam.vup(); }
- Point BeamLine() const { return cam.vrt(); }
- Point Velocity() const { return velocity + arcade_velocity; }
- Point Acceleration()
- const { return accel; }
- double Thrust() const { return thrust; }
- double TransX() const { return trans_x; }
- double TransY() const { return trans_y; }
- double TransZ() const { return trans_z; }
- double Drag() const { return drag; }
- double Roll() const { return roll; }
- double Pitch() const { return pitch; }
- double Yaw() const { return yaw; }
- Point Rotation() const { return Point(dp,dr,dy); }
- double Alpha() const { return alpha; }
- double FlightPathYawAngle() const { return flight_path_yaw; }
- double FlightPathPitchAngle() const { return flight_path_pitch; }
- double Radius() const { return radius; }
- double Mass() const { return mass; }
- double Integrity() const { return integrity; }
- double Life() const { return life; }
- double Shake() const { return shake; }
- const Point& Vibration() const { return vibration; }
- const Camera& Cam() const { return cam; }
- Graphic* Rep() const { return rep; }
- Light* LightSrc() const { return light; }
- Director* GetDirector() const { return dir; }
- // mutators:
- virtual void SetAngularRates(double r, double p, double y);
- virtual void GetAngularRates(double& r, double& p, double& y);
- virtual void SetAngularDrag(double r, double p, double y);
- virtual void GetAngularDrag(double& r, double& p, double& y);
- virtual void GetAngularThrust(double& r, double& p, double& y);
- virtual void SetVelocity(const Point& v) { velocity = v; }
- virtual void SetAbsoluteOrientation(double roll, double pitch, double yaw);
- virtual void CloneCam(const Camera& cam);
- virtual void SetDrag(double d) { drag = (float) d; }
- virtual void SetPrimary(const Point& loc, double mass);
- virtual void SetGravity(double g);
- virtual void SetBaseDensity(double d);
- virtual double GetBaseDensity() const { return Do; }
- virtual double GetDensity() const;
- enum { NAMELEN = 48 };
- static int id_key;
- // identification:
- int id;
- int obj_type;
- char name[NAMELEN];
- // position, velocity, and acceleration:
- Camera cam;
- Point velocity;
- Point arcade_velocity;
- Point accel;
- float thrust;
- float trans_x;
- float trans_y;
- float trans_z;
- float drag;
- // attitude and angular velocity:
- float roll, pitch, yaw;
- float dr, dp, dy;
- float dr_acc, dp_acc, dy_acc;
- float dr_drg, dp_drg, dy_drg;
- float flight_path_yaw;
- float flight_path_pitch;
- // gravitation:
- Point primary_loc;
- double primary_mass;
- // aerodynamics:
- float g_accel; // acceleration due to gravity (constant)
- float Do; // atmospheric density at sea level
- float CL; // base coefficient of lift
- float CD; // base coefficient of drag
- float alpha; // current angle of attack (radians)
- float stall; // stall angle of attack (radians)
- bool lat_thrust; // lateral thrusters enabled in aero mode?
- bool straight;
- // vibration:
- float shake;
- Point vibration;
- // scale factors for ApplyXxx():
- float roll_rate, pitch_rate, yaw_rate;
- // physical properties:
- double life;
- float radius;
- float mass;
- float integrity;
- // graphic representation:
- Graphic* rep;
- Light* light;
- // AI or human controller:
- Director* dir; // null implies an autonomous object
- static double sub_frame;
-// +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
-#endif // Physical_h