path: root/Stars45/FighterTacticalAI.cpp
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 561 deletions
diff --git a/Stars45/FighterTacticalAI.cpp b/Stars45/FighterTacticalAI.cpp
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index 433b3a9..0000000
--- a/Stars45/FighterTacticalAI.cpp
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-/* Starshatter: The Open Source Project
- Copyright (c) 2021-2022, Starshatter: The Open Source Project Contributors
- Copyright (c) 2011-2012, Starshatter OpenSource Distribution Contributors
- Copyright (c) 1997-2006, Destroyer Studios LLC.
- AUTHOR: John DiCamillo
- ========
- Fighter-specific mid-level (tactical) AI class
-#include "FighterTacticalAI.h"
-#include "ShipAI.h"
-#include "Ship.h"
-#include "ShipDesign.h"
-#include "Shot.h"
-#include "Element.h"
-#include "Instruction.h"
-#include "RadioMessage.h"
-#include "Sensor.h"
-#include "Contact.h"
-#include "WeaponGroup.h"
-#include "Drive.h"
-#include "Sim.h"
-#include "StarSystem.h"
-#include "Clock.h"
-#include "ContentBundle.h"
-// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
-const int WINCHESTER_FIGHTER = 0;
-const int WINCHESTER_ASSAULT = 1;
-const int WINCHESTER_STRIKE = 2;
-const int WINCHESTER_STATIC = 3;
-// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
-FighterTacticalAI::FighterTacticalAI(ShipAI* ai)
-: TacticalAI(ai), secondary_selection_time(0)
- for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
- winchester[i] = false;
- ai_level = ai->GetAILevel();
- switch (ai_level) {
- default:
- case 2: THREAT_REACTION_TIME = 1000; break;
- case 1: THREAT_REACTION_TIME = 3000; break;
- case 0: THREAT_REACTION_TIME = 6000; break;
- }
-// +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
-{ }
-// +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
- navpt = ship->GetNextNavPoint();
- int order = Instruction::PATROL;
- roe = FLEXIBLE;
- if (navpt) {
- order = navpt->Action();
- switch (order) {
- case Instruction::LAUNCH:
- case Instruction::DOCK:
- case Instruction::RTB: roe = NONE;
- break;
- case Instruction::VECTOR:
- if (element_index > 1)
- roe = DEFENSIVE;
- break;
- case Instruction::DEFEND:
- case Instruction::ESCORT: roe = DEFENSIVE;
- break;
- case Instruction::INTERCEPT:
- if (element_index > 1)
- roe = DEFENSIVE;
- else
- roe = DIRECTED;
- break;
- case Instruction::RECON:
- case Instruction::STRIKE:
- case Instruction::ASSAULT: roe = DIRECTED;
- break;
- case Instruction::PATROL:
- case Instruction::SWEEP: roe = FLEXIBLE;
- break;
- default: break;
- }
- if (order == Instruction::STRIKE) {
- ship->SetSensorMode(Sensor::GM);
- if (IsStrikeComplete(navpt)) {
- ship->SetNavptStatus(navpt, Instruction::COMPLETE);
- }
- }
- else if (order == Instruction::ASSAULT) {
- if (ship->GetSensorMode() == Sensor::GM)
- ship->SetSensorMode(Sensor::STD);
- if (IsStrikeComplete(navpt)) {
- ship->SetNavptStatus(navpt, Instruction::COMPLETE);
- }
- }
- else {
- if (ship->GetSensorMode() == Sensor::GM)
- ship->SetSensorMode(Sensor::STD);
- }
- }
- switch (roe) {
- case NONE: ship->SetDirectorInfo(ContentBundle::GetInstance()->GetText("ai.none")); break;
- case SELF_DEFENSIVE: ship->SetDirectorInfo(ContentBundle::GetInstance()->GetText("ai.self-defensive")); break;
- case DEFENSIVE: ship->SetDirectorInfo(ContentBundle::GetInstance()->GetText("ai.defensive")); break;
- case DIRECTED: ship->SetDirectorInfo(ContentBundle::GetInstance()->GetText("ai.directed")); break;
- case FLEXIBLE: ship->SetDirectorInfo(ContentBundle::GetInstance()->GetText("ai.flexible")); break;
- default: ship->SetDirectorInfo(ContentBundle::GetInstance()->GetText("ai.default")); break;
- }
- return (navpt != 0);
-// +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
- TacticalAI::SelectTarget();
- SimObject* target = ship_ai->GetTarget();
- if (target && (target->Type() == SimObject::SIM_SHIP) &&
- (Clock::GetInstance()->GameTime() - secondary_selection_time) > THREAT_REACTION_TIME) {
- SelectSecondaryForTarget((Ship*) target);
- secondary_selection_time = Clock::GetInstance()->GameTime();
- }
-// +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
-FighterTacticalAI::SelectTargetDirected(Ship* tgt)
- Ship* potential_target = tgt;
- if (!tgt) {
- // try to target one of the element's objectives
- // (if it shows up in the contact list)
- Element* elem = ship->GetElement();
- if (elem) {
- Instruction* objective = elem->GetTargetObjective();
- if (objective) {
- SimObject* obj_sim_obj = objective->GetTarget();
- Ship* obj_tgt = 0;
- if (obj_sim_obj && obj_sim_obj->Type() == SimObject::SIM_SHIP)
- obj_tgt = (Ship*) obj_sim_obj;
- if (obj_tgt && ship->FindContact(obj_tgt))
- potential_target = obj_tgt;
- }
- }
- }
- if (!CanTarget(potential_target))
- potential_target = 0;
- ship_ai->SetTarget(potential_target);
- SelectSecondaryForTarget(potential_target);
-// +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
- // NON-COMBATANTS do not pick targets of opportunity:
- if (ship->GetIFF() == 0)
- return;
- Ship* potential_target = 0;
- Shot* current_shot_target = 0;
- // pick the closest combatant ship with a different IFF code:
- double target_dist = 1.0e15;
- double min_dist = 5.0e3;
- // FIGHTERS are primarily anti-air platforms, but may
- // also attack smaller starships:
- Ship* ward = 0;
- if (element_index > 1)
- ward = ship->GetLeader();
- // commit range for patrol/sweep is 80 Km
- // (about 2 minutes for a fighter at max speed)
- if (roe == FLEXIBLE || roe == AGRESSIVE)
- target_dist = ship->Design()->commit_range;
- if (roe < FLEXIBLE)
- target_dist = 0.5 * ship->Design()->commit_range;
- int class_limit = Ship::LCA;
- if (ship->Class() == Ship::ATTACK)
- class_limit = Ship::DESTROYER;
- ListIter<Contact> c_iter = ship->ContactList();
- while (++c_iter) {
- Contact* contact = c_iter.value();
- Ship* c_ship = contact->GetShip();
- Shot* c_shot = contact->GetShot();
- int c_iff = contact->GetIFF(ship);
- bool rogue = false;
- if (c_ship)
- rogue = c_ship->IsRogue();
- if (!rogue && (c_iff <= 0 || c_iff == ship->GetIFF() || c_iff == 1000))
- continue;
- // reasonable target?
- if (c_ship && c_ship->Class() <= class_limit && !c_ship->InTransition()) {
- if (!rogue) {
- SimObject* ttgt = c_ship->GetTarget();
- // if we are self-defensive, is this contact engaging us?
- if (roe == SELF_DEFENSIVE && ttgt != ship)
- continue;
- // if we are defending, is this contact engaging us or our ward?
- if (roe == DEFENSIVE && ttgt != ship && ttgt != ward)
- continue;
- }
- // found an enemy, check distance:
- double dist = (ship->Location() - c_ship->Location()).length();
- if (dist < 0.75 * target_dist) {
- // if on patrol, check target distance from navpoint:
- if (roe == FLEXIBLE && navpt) {
- double ndist = (navpt->Location().OtherHand() - c_ship->Location()).length();
- if (ndist > 80e3)
- continue;
- }
- potential_target = c_ship;
- target_dist = dist;
- }
- }
- else if (c_shot && c_shot->IsDrone()) {
- // found an enemy shot, do we have enough time to engage?
- if (c_shot->GetEta() < 10)
- continue;
- // found an enemy shot, check distance:
- double dist = (ship->Location() - c_shot->Location()).length();
- if (!current_shot_target) {
- current_shot_target = c_shot;
- target_dist = dist;
- }
- // is this shot a better target than the one we've found?
- else {
- Ship* ward = ship_ai->GetWard();
- if ((c_shot->IsTracking(ward) && !current_shot_target->IsTracking(ward)) ||
- (dist < target_dist)) {
- current_shot_target = c_shot;
- target_dist = dist;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (current_shot_target) {
- ship_ai->SetTarget(current_shot_target);
- }
- else {
- ship_ai->SetTarget(potential_target);
- SelectSecondaryForTarget(potential_target);
- }
-// +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
-FighterTacticalAI::ListSecondariesForTarget(Ship* tgt, List<WeaponGroup>& weps)
- weps.clear();
- if (tgt) {
- ListIter<WeaponGroup> iter = ship->Weapons();
- while (++iter) {
- WeaponGroup* w = iter.value();
- if (w->Ammo() && w->CanTarget(tgt->Class()))
- weps.append(w);
- }
- }
- return weps.size();
-FighterTacticalAI::SelectSecondaryForTarget(Ship* tgt)
- if (tgt) {
- if (tgt->IsGroundUnit()) wix = WINCHESTER_STRIKE;
- else if (tgt->IsStatic()) wix = WINCHESTER_STATIC;
- else if (tgt->IsStarship()) wix = WINCHESTER_ASSAULT;
- WeaponGroup* best = 0;
- List<WeaponGroup> weps;
- if (ListSecondariesForTarget(tgt, weps)) {
- winchester[wix] = false;
- // select best weapon for the job:
- double range = (ship->Location() - tgt->Location()).length();
- double best_range = 0;
- double best_damage = 0;
- ListIter<WeaponGroup> iter = weps;
- while (++iter) {
- WeaponGroup* w = iter.value();
- if (!best) {
- best = w;
- WeaponDesign* d = best->GetDesign();
- best_range = d->max_range;
- best_damage = d->damage * d->ripple_count;
- if (best_range < range)
- best = 0;
- }
- else {
- WeaponDesign* d = w->GetDesign();
- double w_range = d->max_range;
- double w_damage = d->damage * d->ripple_count;
- if (w_range > range) {
- if (w_range < best_range || w_damage > best_damage)
- best = w;
- }
- }
- }
- // now cycle weapons until you pick the best one:
- WeaponGroup* current_missile = ship->GetSecondaryGroup();
- if (current_missile && best && current_missile != best) {
- ship->CycleSecondary();
- WeaponGroup* m = ship->GetSecondaryGroup();
- while (m != current_missile && m != best) {
- ship->CycleSecondary();
- m = ship->GetSecondaryGroup();
- }
- }
- }
- else {
- winchester[wix] = true;
- // if we have NO weapons that can hit this target,
- // just drop it:
- Weapon* primary = ship->GetPrimary();
- if (!primary || !primary->CanTarget(tgt->Class())) {
- ship_ai->DropTarget(3);
- ship->DropTarget();
- }
- }
- if (tgt->IsGroundUnit())
- ship->SetSensorMode(Sensor::GM);
- else if (ship->GetSensorMode() == Sensor::GM)
- ship->SetSensorMode(Sensor::STD);
- }
-// +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
-FighterTacticalAI::FindFormationSlot(int formation)
- // find the formation delta:
- int s = element_index - 1;
- Point delta(5*s, 0, -5*s);
- // diamond:
- if (formation == Instruction::DIAMOND) {
- switch (element_index) {
- case 2: delta = Point( 12, -1, -10); break;
- case 3: delta = Point(-12, -1, -10); break;
- case 4: delta = Point( 0, -2, -20); break;
- }
- }
- // spread:
- if (formation == Instruction::SPREAD) {
- switch (element_index) {
- case 2: delta = Point( 15, 0, 0); break;
- case 3: delta = Point(-15, 0, 0); break;
- case 4: delta = Point(-30, 0, 0); break;
- }
- }
- // box:
- if (formation == Instruction::BOX) {
- switch (element_index) {
- case 2: delta = Point(15, 0, 0); break;
- case 3: delta = Point( 0, -2, -20); break;
- case 4: delta = Point(15, -2, -20); break;
- }
- }
- // trail:
- if (formation == Instruction::TRAIL) {
- delta = Point(0, s, -20*s);
- }
- ship_ai->SetFormationDelta(delta * ship->Radius() * 2);
-// +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
- // pick the closest contact on Threat Warning System:
- Ship* threat_ship = 0;
- Shot* threat_missile = 0;
- double threat_dist = 1e9;
- ListIter<Contact> c_iter = ship->ContactList();
- while (++c_iter) {
- Contact* contact = c_iter.value();
- if (contact->Threat(ship) &&
- (Clock::GetInstance()->GameTime() - contact->AcquisitionTime()) > THREAT_REACTION_TIME) {
- double rng = contact->Range(ship);
- if (contact->GetShot()) {
- threat_missile = contact->GetShot();
- }
- else if (rng < threat_dist && contact->GetShip()) {
- Ship* candidate = contact->GetShip();
- if (candidate->InTransition())
- continue;
- if (candidate->IsStarship() && rng < 50e3) {
- threat_ship = candidate;
- threat_dist = rng;
- }
- else if (candidate->IsDropship() && rng < 25e3) {
- threat_ship = candidate;
- threat_dist = rng;
- }
- // static and ground units:
- else if (rng < 30e3) {
- threat_ship = candidate;
- threat_dist = rng;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- ship_ai->SetThreat(threat_ship);
- ship_ai->SetThreatMissile(threat_missile);
-// +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
-FighterTacticalAI::IsStrikeComplete(Instruction* instr)
- // wingmen can not call a halt to a strike:
- if (!ship || element_index > 1)
- return false;
- // if there's nothing to shoot at, we must be done:
- if (!instr || !instr->GetTarget() || instr->GetTarget()->Life() == 0 ||
- instr->GetTarget()->Type() != SimObject::SIM_SHIP)
- return true;
- // break off strike only when ALL weapons are expended:
- // (remember to check all relevant wingmen)
- Element* element = ship->GetElement();
- Ship* target = (Ship*) instr->GetTarget();
- if (!element)
- return true;
- for (int i = 0; i < element->NumShips(); i++) {
- Ship* s = element->GetShip(i+1);
- if (!s || s->Integrity() < 25) // || (s->Location() - target->Location()).length() > 250e3)
- continue;
- ListIter<WeaponGroup> g_iter = s->Weapons();
- while (++g_iter) {
- WeaponGroup* w = g_iter.value();
- if (w->Ammo() && w->CanTarget(target->Class())) {
- ListIter<Weapon> w_iter = w->GetWeapons();
- while (++w_iter) {
- Weapon* weapon = w_iter.value();
- if (weapon->Status() > System::CRITICAL)
- return false;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // still here? we must be done!
- return true;
-} \ No newline at end of file