path: root/Stars45/Contact.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'Stars45/Contact.cpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 364 deletions
diff --git a/Stars45/Contact.cpp b/Stars45/Contact.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 2dbec5a..0000000
--- a/Stars45/Contact.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,364 +0,0 @@
-/* Starshatter: The Open Source Project
- Copyright (c) 2021-2022, Starshatter: The Open Source Project Contributors
- Copyright (c) 2011-2012, Starshatter OpenSource Distribution Contributors
- Copyright (c) 1997-2006, Destroyer Studios LLC.
- AUTHOR: John DiCamillo
- ========
- Integrated (Passive and Active) Sensor Package class implementation
-#include "Contact.h"
-#include "Drone.h"
-#include "Sensor.h"
-#include "Ship.h"
-#include "Sim.h"
-#include "WeaponDesign.h"
-#include "Game.h"
-#include "Clock.h"
-// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
-const int DEFAULT_TRACK_UPDATE = 500; // milliseconds
-const int DEFAULT_TRACK_LENGTH = 20; // 10 seconds
-const double DEFAULT_TRACK_AGE = 10; // 10 seconds
-const double SENSOR_THRESHOLD = 0.25;
-// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
-: ship(0), shot(0), d_pas(0.0f), d_act(0.0f),
-track(0), ntrack(0), time(0), track_time(0), probe(false)
- acquire_time = Clock::GetInstance()->GameTime();
-Contact::Contact(Ship* s, float p, float a)
-: ship(s), shot(0), d_pas(p), d_act(a),
-track(0), ntrack(0), time(0), track_time(0), probe(false)
- acquire_time = Clock::GetInstance()->GameTime();
- Observe(ship);
-Contact::Contact(Shot* s, float p, float a)
-: ship(0), shot(s), d_pas(p), d_act(a),
-track(0), ntrack(0), time(0), track_time(0), probe(false)
- acquire_time = Clock::GetInstance()->GameTime();
- Observe(shot);
-// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
- delete [] track;
-// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
-Contact::operator == (const Contact& c) const
- if (ship)
- return ship == c.ship;
- else if (shot)
- return shot == c.shot;
- return 0;
-// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
-Contact::Update(SimObject* obj)
- if (obj == ship || obj == shot) {
- ship = 0;
- shot = 0;
- d_act = 0;
- d_pas = 0;
- ClearTrack();
- }
- return SimObserver::Update(obj);
-const char*
-Contact::GetObserverName() const
- static char name[128];
- if (ship)
- sprintf_s(name, "Contact Ship='%s'", ship->Name());
- else if (shot)
- sprintf_s(name, "Contact Shot='%s' %s", shot->Name(), shot->DesignName());
- else
- sprintf_s(name, "Contact (unknown)");
- return name;
-// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
-Contact::Age() const
- double age = 0;
- if (!ship && !shot)
- return age;
- double seconds = (Clock::GetInstance()->GameTime() - time) / 1000.0;
- age = 1.0 - seconds/DEFAULT_TRACK_AGE;
- if (age < 0)
- age = 0;
- return age;
-Contact::GetIFF(const Ship* observer) const
- int i = 0;
- if (ship) {
- i = ship->GetIFF();
- // if the contact is on our side or has locked us up,
- // we know whose side he's on.
- // Otherwise:
- if (i != observer->GetIFF() && !Threat(observer)) {
- if (d_pas < 2*SENSOR_THRESHOLD && d_act < SENSOR_THRESHOLD && !Visible(observer))
- i = -1000; // indeterminate iff reading
- }
- }
- else if (shot && shot->Owner()) {
- i = shot->Owner()->GetIFF();
- }
- return i;
-Contact::ActLock() const
- return d_act >= SENSOR_THRESHOLD;
-Contact::PasLock() const
- return d_pas >= SENSOR_THRESHOLD;
-// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
-Contact::GetBearing(const Ship* observer, double& az, double& el, double& rng) const
- // translate:
- Point targ_pt = loc - observer->Location();
- // rotate:
- const Camera* cam = &observer->Cam();
- double tx = targ_pt * cam->vrt();
- double ty = targ_pt * cam->vup();
- double tz = targ_pt * cam->vpn();
- // convert to spherical coords:
- rng = targ_pt.length();
- az = asin(fabs(tx) / rng);
- el = asin(fabs(ty) / rng);
- if (tx < 0) az = -az;
- if (ty < 0) el = -el;
- // correct az/el for back hemisphere:
- if (tz < 0) {
- if (az < 0) az = -PI - az;
- else az = PI - az;
- }
-Contact::Range(const Ship* observer, double limit) const
- double r = Point(loc - observer->Location()).length();
- // if passive only, return approximate range:
- if (!ActLock()) {
- const int chunk = 25000;
- if (!PasLock()) {
- r = (int) limit;
- }
- else if (r <= chunk) {
- r = chunk;
- }
- else {
- int r1 = (int) (r + chunk/2) / chunk;
- r = r1 * chunk;
- }
- }
- return r;
-// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
-Contact::InFront(const Ship* observer) const
- // translate:
- Point targ_pt = loc - observer->Location();
- // rotate:
- const Camera* cam = &observer->Cam();
- double tz = targ_pt * cam->vpn();
- if (tz > 1.0)
- return true;
- return false;
-Contact::Threat(const Ship* observer) const
- bool threat = false;
- if (observer && observer->Life() != 0) {
- if (ship && ship->Life() != 0) {
- threat = (ship->GetIFF() &&
- ship->GetIFF() != observer->GetIFF() &&
- ship->GetEMCON() > 2 &&
- ship->IsTracking((Ship*) observer) &&
- ship->Weapons().size() > 0);
- if (threat && observer->GetIFF() == 0)
- threat = ship->GetIFF() > 1;
- }
- else if (shot) {
- threat = shot->IsTracking((Ship*) observer);
- if (!threat && shot->Design()->probe && shot->GetIFF() != observer->GetIFF()) {
- Point probe_pt = shot->Location() - observer->Location();
- double prng = probe_pt.length();
- threat = (prng < shot->Design()->lethal_radius);
- }
- }
- }
- return threat;
-Contact::Visible(const Ship* observer) const
- // translate:
- Point targ_pt = loc - observer->Location();
- double radius = 0;
- if (ship)
- radius = ship->Radius();
- else if (shot)
- radius = shot->Radius();
- // rotate:
- const Camera* cam = &observer->Cam();
- double rng = targ_pt.length();
- return radius/rng > 0.002;
-// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
- if (Game::GetInstance()->Paused()) return;
- float step_down = (float) (Clock::GetInstance()->Delta() / 10);
- if (d_pas > 0)
- d_pas -= step_down;
- if (d_act > 0)
- d_act -= step_down;
-Contact::Merge(Contact* c)
- if (c->GetShip() == ship && c->GetShot() == shot) {
- if (c->d_pas > d_pas)
- d_pas = c->d_pas;
- if (c->d_act > d_act)
- d_act = c->d_act;
- }
- delete [] track;
- track = 0;
- ntrack = 0;
- time = Clock::GetInstance()->GameTime();
- if (shot || (ship && ship->IsGroundUnit()))
- return;
- if (!track) {
- track = new Point[DEFAULT_TRACK_LENGTH];
- track[0] = loc;
- ntrack = 1;
- track_time = time;
- }
- else if (time - track_time > DEFAULT_TRACK_UPDATE) {
- if (loc != track[0]) {
- for (int i = DEFAULT_TRACK_LENGTH-2; i >= 0; i--)
- track[i+1] = track[i];
- track[0] = loc;
- if (ntrack < DEFAULT_TRACK_LENGTH) ntrack++;
- }
- track_time = time;
- }
-// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
-Contact::TrackPoint(int i) const
- if (track && i < ntrack)
- return track[i];
- return Point();