path: root/Opcode/OPC_SweepAndPrune.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'Opcode/OPC_SweepAndPrune.cpp')
1 files changed, 664 insertions, 664 deletions
diff --git a/Opcode/OPC_SweepAndPrune.cpp b/Opcode/OPC_SweepAndPrune.cpp
index 2e60ca8..e56e7ab 100644
--- a/Opcode/OPC_SweepAndPrune.cpp
+++ b/Opcode/OPC_SweepAndPrune.cpp
@@ -1,664 +1,664 @@
- * OPCODE - Optimized Collision Detection
- * Copyright (C) 2001 Pierre Terdiman
- * Homepage:
- */
- * Contains an implementation of the sweep-and-prune algorithm (moved from Z-Collide)
- * \file OPC_SweepAndPrune.cpp
- * \author Pierre Terdiman
- * \date January, 29, 2000
- */
-// Precompiled Header
-#include "StdAfx.h"
-using namespace Opcode;
-inline_ void Sort(udword& id0, udword& id1)
- if(id0>id1) Swap(id0, id1);
- class Opcode::SAP_Element
- {
- public:
- inline_ SAP_Element() {}
- inline_ SAP_Element(udword id, SAP_Element* next) : mID(id), mNext(next) {}
- inline_ ~SAP_Element() {}
- udword mID;
- SAP_Element* mNext;
- };
- class Opcode::SAP_Box
- {
- public:
- SAP_EndPoint* Min[3];
- SAP_EndPoint* Max[3];
- };
- class Opcode::SAP_EndPoint
- {
- public:
- float Value; // Min or Max value
- SAP_EndPoint* Previous; // Previous EndPoint whose Value is smaller than ours (or null)
- SAP_EndPoint* Next; // Next EndPoint whose Value is greater than ours (or null)
- udword Data; // Parent box ID *2 | MinMax flag
- inline_ void SetData(udword box_id, BOOL is_max) { Data = (box_id<<1)|is_max; }
- inline_ BOOL IsMax() const { return Data & 1; }
- inline_ udword GetBoxID() const { return Data>>1; }
- inline_ void InsertAfter(SAP_EndPoint* element)
- {
- if(this!=element && this!=element->Next)
- {
- // Remove
- if(Previous) Previous->Next = Next;
- if(Next) Next->Previous = Previous;
- // Insert
- Next = element->Next;
- if(Next) Next->Previous = this;
- element->Next = this;
- Previous = element;
- }
- }
- inline_ void InsertBefore(SAP_EndPoint* element)
- {
- if(this!=element && this!=element->Previous)
- {
- // Remove
- if(Previous) Previous->Next = Next;
- if(Next) Next->Previous = Previous;
- // Insert
- Previous = element->Previous;
- element->Previous = this;
- Next = element;
- if(Previous) Previous->Next = this;
- }
- }
- };
- * Constructor.
- */
-SAP_PairData::SAP_PairData() :
- mNbElements (0),
- mNbUsedElements (0),
- mElementPool (null),
- mFirstFree (null),
- mNbObjects (0),
- mArray (null)
- * Destructor.
- */
- Release();
-void SAP_PairData::Release()
- mNbElements = 0;
- mNbUsedElements = 0;
- mNbObjects = 0;
- DELETEARRAY(mElementPool);
- * Initializes.
- * \param nb_objects [in]
- * \return true if success
- */
-bool SAP_PairData::Init(udword nb_objects)
- // Make sure everything has been released
- Release();
- if(!nb_objects) return false;
- mArray = new SAP_Element*[nb_objects];
- ZeroMemory(mArray, nb_objects*sizeof(SAP_Element*));
- mNbObjects = nb_objects;
- return true;
- * Remaps a pointer when pool gets resized.
- * \param element [in/out] remapped element
- * \param delta [in] offset in bytes
- */
-inline_ void Remap(SAP_Element*& element, udword delta)
- if(element) element = (SAP_Element*)(udword(element) + delta);
- * Gets a free element in the pool.
- * \param id [in] element id
- * \param next [in] next element
- * \param remap [out] possible remapping offset
- * \return the new element
- */
-SAP_Element* SAP_PairData::GetFreeElem(udword id, SAP_Element* next, udword* remap)
- if(remap) *remap = 0;
- SAP_Element* FreeElem;
- if(mFirstFree)
- {
- // Recycle
- FreeElem = mFirstFree;
- mFirstFree = mFirstFree->mNext; // First free = next free (or null)
- }
- else
- {
- if(mNbUsedElements==mNbElements)
- {
- // Resize
- mNbElements = mNbElements ? (mNbElements<<1) : 2;
- SAP_Element* NewElems = new SAP_Element[mNbElements];
- if(mNbUsedElements) CopyMemory(NewElems, mElementPool, mNbUsedElements*sizeof(SAP_Element));
- // Remap everything
- {
- udword Delta = udword(NewElems) - udword(mElementPool);
- for(udword i=0;i<mNbUsedElements;i++) Remap(NewElems[i].mNext, Delta);
- for(udword i=0;i<mNbObjects;i++) Remap(mArray[i], Delta);
- Remap(mFirstFree, Delta);
- Remap(next, Delta);
- if(remap) *remap = Delta;
- }
- DELETEARRAY(mElementPool);
- mElementPool = NewElems;
- }
- FreeElem = &mElementPool[mNbUsedElements++];
- }
- FreeElem->mID = id;
- FreeElem->mNext = next;
- return FreeElem;
- * Frees an element of the pool.
- * \param elem [in] element to free/recycle
- */
-inline_ void SAP_PairData::FreeElem(SAP_Element* elem)
- elem->mNext = mFirstFree; // Next free
- mFirstFree = elem;
-// Add a pair to the set.
-void SAP_PairData::AddPair(udword id1, udword id2)
- // Order the ids
- Sort(id1, id2);
- ASSERT(id1<mNbObjects);
- if(id1>=mNbObjects) return;
- // Select the right list from "mArray".
- SAP_Element* Current = mArray[id1];
- if(!Current)
- {
- // Empty slot => create new element
- mArray[id1] = GetFreeElem(id2, null);
- }
- else if(Current->mID>id2)
- {
- // The list is not empty but all elements are greater than id2 => insert id2 in the front.
- mArray[id1] = GetFreeElem(id2, mArray[id1]);
- }
- else
- {
- // Else find the correct location in the sorted list (ascending order) and insert id2 there.
- while(Current->mNext)
- {
- if(Current->mNext->mID > id2) break;
- Current = Current->mNext;
- }
- if(Current->mID==id2) return; // The pair already exists
-// Current->mNext = GetFreeElem(id2, Current->mNext);
- udword Delta;
- SAP_Element* E = GetFreeElem(id2, Current->mNext, &Delta);
- if(Delta) Remap(Current, Delta);
- Current->mNext = E;
- }
-// Delete a pair from the set.
-void SAP_PairData::RemovePair(udword id1, udword id2)
- // Order the ids.
- Sort(id1, id2);
- // Exit if the pair doesn't exist in the set
- if(id1>=mNbObjects) return;
- // Otherwise, select the correct list.
- SAP_Element* Current = mArray[id1];
- // If this list is empty, the pair doesn't exist.
- if(!Current) return;
- // Otherwise, if id2 is the first element, delete it.
- if(Current->mID==id2)
- {
- mArray[id1] = Current->mNext;
- FreeElem(Current);
- }
- else
- {
- // If id2 is not the first element, start traversing the sorted list.
- while(Current->mNext)
- {
- // If we have moved too far away without hitting id2, then the pair doesn't exist
- if(Current->mNext->mID > id2) return;
- // Otherwise, delete id2.
- if(Current->mNext->mID == id2)
- {
- SAP_Element* Temp = Current->mNext;
- Current->mNext = Temp->mNext;
- FreeElem(Temp);
- return;
- }
- Current = Current->mNext;
- }
- }
-void SAP_PairData::DumpPairs(Pairs& pairs) const
- // ### Ugly and slow
- for(udword i=0;i<mNbObjects;i++)
- {
- SAP_Element* Current = mArray[i];
- while(Current)
- {
- ASSERT(Current->mID<mNbObjects);
- pairs.AddPair(i, Current->mID);
- Current = Current->mNext;
- }
- }
-void SAP_PairData::DumpPairs(PairCallback callback, void* user_data) const
- if(!callback) return;
- // ### Ugly and slow
- for(udword i=0;i<mNbObjects;i++)
- {
- SAP_Element* Current = mArray[i];
- while(Current)
- {
- ASSERT(Current->mID<mNbObjects);
- if(!(callback)(i, Current->mID, user_data)) return;
- Current = Current->mNext;
- }
- }
- * Constructor.
- */
- * Destructor.
- */
-void SweepAndPrune::GetPairs(Pairs& pairs) const
- mPairs.DumpPairs(pairs);
-void SweepAndPrune::GetPairs(PairCallback callback, void* user_data) const
- mPairs.DumpPairs(callback, user_data);
-bool SweepAndPrune::Init(udword nb_objects, const AABB** boxes)
- // 1) Create sorted lists
- mNbObjects = nb_objects;
- mBoxes = new SAP_Box[nb_objects];
-// for(udword i=0;i<nb_objects;i++) mBoxes[i].Box = *boxes[i];
- float* Data = new float[nb_objects*2];
- for(udword Axis=0;Axis<3;Axis++)
- {
- mList[Axis] = new SAP_EndPoint[nb_objects*2];
- for(udword i=0;i<nb_objects;i++)
- {
- Data[i*2+0] = boxes[i]->GetMin(Axis);
- Data[i*2+1] = boxes[i]->GetMax(Axis);
- }
- RadixSort RS;
- const udword* Sorted = RS.Sort(Data, nb_objects*2).GetRanks();
- SAP_EndPoint* PreviousEndPoint = null;
- for(udword i=0;i<nb_objects*2;i++)
- {
- udword SortedIndex = *Sorted++;
- float SortedCoord = Data[SortedIndex];
- udword BoxIndex = SortedIndex>>1;
- ASSERT(BoxIndex<nb_objects);
- SAP_EndPoint* CurrentEndPoint = &mList[Axis][SortedIndex];
- CurrentEndPoint->Value = SortedCoord;
-// CurrentEndPoint->IsMax = SortedIndex&1; // ### could be implicit ?
-// CurrentEndPoint->ID = BoxIndex; // ### could be implicit ?
- CurrentEndPoint->SetData(BoxIndex, SortedIndex&1); // ### could be implicit ?
- CurrentEndPoint->Previous = PreviousEndPoint;
- CurrentEndPoint->Next = null;
- if(PreviousEndPoint) PreviousEndPoint->Next = CurrentEndPoint;
- if(CurrentEndPoint->IsMax()) mBoxes[BoxIndex].Max[Axis] = CurrentEndPoint;
- else mBoxes[BoxIndex].Min[Axis] = CurrentEndPoint;
- PreviousEndPoint = CurrentEndPoint;
- }
- }
- CheckListsIntegrity();
- // 2) Quickly find starting pairs
- mPairs.Init(nb_objects);
- {
- Pairs P;
- CompleteBoxPruning(nb_objects, boxes, P, Axes(AXES_XZY));
- for(udword i=0;i<P.GetNbPairs();i++)
- {
- const Pair* PP = P.GetPair(i);
- udword id0 = PP->id0;
- udword id1 = PP->id1;
- if(id0!=id1 && boxes[id0]->Intersect(*boxes[id1]))
- {
- mPairs.AddPair(id0, id1);
- }
- else ASSERT(0);
- }
- }
- return true;
-bool SweepAndPrune::CheckListsIntegrity()
- for(udword Axis=0;Axis<3;Axis++)
- {
- // Find list head
- SAP_EndPoint* Current = mList[Axis];
- while(Current->Previous) Current = Current->Previous;
- udword Nb = 0;
- SAP_EndPoint* Previous = null;
- while(Current)
- {
- Nb++;
- if(Previous)
- {
- ASSERT(Previous->Value <= Current->Value);
- if(Previous->Value > Current->Value) return false;
- }
- ASSERT(Current->Previous==Previous);
- if(Current->Previous!=Previous) return false;
- Previous = Current;
- Current = Current->Next;
- }
- ASSERT(Nb==mNbObjects*2);
- }
- return true;
-inline_ BOOL Intersect(const AABB& a, const SAP_Box& b)
- if(b.Max[0]->Value < a.GetMin(0) || a.GetMax(0) < b.Min[0]->Value
- || b.Max[1]->Value < a.GetMin(1) || a.GetMax(1) < b.Min[1]->Value
- || b.Max[2]->Value < a.GetMin(2) || a.GetMax(2) < b.Min[2]->Value) return FALSE;
- return TRUE;
-bool SweepAndPrune::UpdateObject(udword i, const AABB& box)
- for(udword Axis=0;Axis<3;Axis++)
- {
-// udword Base = (udword)&mList[Axis][0];
- // Update min
- {
- SAP_EndPoint* const CurrentMin = mBoxes[i].Min[Axis];
- ASSERT(!CurrentMin->IsMax());
- const float Limit = box.GetMin(Axis);
- if(Limit == CurrentMin->Value)
- {
- }
- else if(Limit < CurrentMin->Value)
- {
- CurrentMin->Value = Limit;
- // Min is moving left:
- SAP_EndPoint* NewPos = CurrentMin;
- ASSERT(NewPos);
- SAP_EndPoint* tmp;
- while((tmp = NewPos->Previous) && tmp->Value > Limit)
- {
- NewPos = tmp;
- if(NewPos->IsMax())
- {
- // Our min passed a max => start overlap
- //udword SortedIndex = (udword(CurrentMin) - Base)/sizeof(NS_EndPoint);
- const udword id0 = CurrentMin->GetBoxID();
- const udword id1 = NewPos->GetBoxID();
- if(id0!=id1 && Intersect(box, mBoxes[id1])) mPairs.AddPair(id0, id1);
- }
- }
- CurrentMin->InsertBefore(NewPos);
- }
- else// if(Limit > CurrentMin->Value)
- {
- CurrentMin->Value = Limit;
- // Min is moving right:
- SAP_EndPoint* NewPos = CurrentMin;
- ASSERT(NewPos);
- SAP_EndPoint* tmp;
- while((tmp = NewPos->Next) && tmp->Value < Limit)
- {
- NewPos = tmp;
- if(NewPos->IsMax())
- {
- // Our min passed a max => stop overlap
- const udword id0 = CurrentMin->GetBoxID();
- const udword id1 = NewPos->GetBoxID();
- if(id0!=id1) mPairs.RemovePair(id0, id1);
- }
- }
- CurrentMin->InsertAfter(NewPos);
- }
- }
- // Update max
- {
- SAP_EndPoint* const CurrentMax = mBoxes[i].Max[Axis];
- ASSERT(CurrentMax->IsMax());
- const float Limit = box.GetMax(Axis);
- if(Limit == CurrentMax->Value)
- {
- }
- else if(Limit > CurrentMax->Value)
- {
- CurrentMax->Value = Limit;
- // Max is moving right:
- SAP_EndPoint* NewPos = CurrentMax;
- ASSERT(NewPos);
- SAP_EndPoint* tmp;
- while((tmp = NewPos->Next) && tmp->Value < Limit)
- {
- NewPos = tmp;
- if(!NewPos->IsMax())
- {
- // Our max passed a min => start overlap
- const udword id0 = CurrentMax->GetBoxID();
- const udword id1 = NewPos->GetBoxID();
- if(id0!=id1 && Intersect(box, mBoxes[id1])) mPairs.AddPair(id0, id1);
- }
- }
- CurrentMax->InsertAfter(NewPos);
- }
- else// if(Limit < CurrentMax->Value)
- {
- CurrentMax->Value = Limit;
- // Max is moving left:
- SAP_EndPoint* NewPos = CurrentMax;
- ASSERT(NewPos);
- SAP_EndPoint* tmp;
- while((tmp = NewPos->Previous) && tmp->Value > Limit)
- {
- NewPos = tmp;
- if(!NewPos->IsMax())
- {
- // Our max passed a min => stop overlap
- const udword id0 = CurrentMax->GetBoxID();
- const udword id1 = NewPos->GetBoxID();
- if(id0!=id1) mPairs.RemovePair(id0, id1);
- }
- }
- CurrentMax->InsertBefore(NewPos);
- }
- }
- }
- return true;
+ * OPCODE - Optimized Collision Detection
+ * Copyright (C) 2001 Pierre Terdiman
+ * Homepage:
+ */
+ * Contains an implementation of the sweep-and-prune algorithm (moved from Z-Collide)
+ * \file OPC_SweepAndPrune.cpp
+ * \author Pierre Terdiman
+ * \date January, 29, 2000
+ */
+// Precompiled Header
+#include "StdAfx.h"
+using namespace Opcode;
+inline_ void Sort(udword& id0, udword& id1)
+ if(id0>id1) Swap(id0, id1);
+ class Opcode::SAP_Element
+ {
+ public:
+ inline_ SAP_Element() {}
+ inline_ SAP_Element(udword id, SAP_Element* next) : mID(id), mNext(next) {}
+ inline_ ~SAP_Element() {}
+ udword mID;
+ SAP_Element* mNext;
+ };
+ class Opcode::SAP_Box
+ {
+ public:
+ SAP_EndPoint* Min[3];
+ SAP_EndPoint* Max[3];
+ };
+ class Opcode::SAP_EndPoint
+ {
+ public:
+ float Value; // Min or Max value
+ SAP_EndPoint* Previous; // Previous EndPoint whose Value is smaller than ours (or null)
+ SAP_EndPoint* Next; // Next EndPoint whose Value is greater than ours (or null)
+ udword Data; // Parent box ID *2 | MinMax flag
+ inline_ void SetData(udword box_id, BOOL is_max) { Data = (box_id<<1)|is_max; }
+ inline_ BOOL IsMax() const { return Data & 1; }
+ inline_ udword GetBoxID() const { return Data>>1; }
+ inline_ void InsertAfter(SAP_EndPoint* element)
+ {
+ if(this!=element && this!=element->Next)
+ {
+ // Remove
+ if(Previous) Previous->Next = Next;
+ if(Next) Next->Previous = Previous;
+ // Insert
+ Next = element->Next;
+ if(Next) Next->Previous = this;
+ element->Next = this;
+ Previous = element;
+ }
+ }
+ inline_ void InsertBefore(SAP_EndPoint* element)
+ {
+ if(this!=element && this!=element->Previous)
+ {
+ // Remove
+ if(Previous) Previous->Next = Next;
+ if(Next) Next->Previous = Previous;
+ // Insert
+ Previous = element->Previous;
+ element->Previous = this;
+ Next = element;
+ if(Previous) Previous->Next = this;
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ * Constructor.
+ */
+SAP_PairData::SAP_PairData() :
+ mNbElements (0),
+ mNbUsedElements (0),
+ mElementPool (null),
+ mFirstFree (null),
+ mNbObjects (0),
+ mArray (null)
+ * Destructor.
+ */
+ Release();
+void SAP_PairData::Release()
+ mNbElements = 0;
+ mNbUsedElements = 0;
+ mNbObjects = 0;
+ DELETEARRAY(mElementPool);
+ * Initializes.
+ * \param nb_objects [in]
+ * \return true if success
+ */
+bool SAP_PairData::Init(udword nb_objects)
+ // Make sure everything has been released
+ Release();
+ if(!nb_objects) return false;
+ mArray = new SAP_Element*[nb_objects];
+ ZeroMemory(mArray, nb_objects*sizeof(SAP_Element*));
+ mNbObjects = nb_objects;
+ return true;
+ * Remaps a pointer when pool gets resized.
+ * \param element [in/out] remapped element
+ * \param delta [in] offset in bytes
+ */
+inline_ void Remap(SAP_Element*& element, udword delta)
+ if(element) element = (SAP_Element*)(udword(element) + delta);
+ * Gets a free element in the pool.
+ * \param id [in] element id
+ * \param next [in] next element
+ * \param remap [out] possible remapping offset
+ * \return the new element
+ */
+SAP_Element* SAP_PairData::GetFreeElem(udword id, SAP_Element* next, udword* remap)
+ if(remap) *remap = 0;
+ SAP_Element* FreeElem;
+ if(mFirstFree)
+ {
+ // Recycle
+ FreeElem = mFirstFree;
+ mFirstFree = mFirstFree->mNext; // First free = next free (or null)
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(mNbUsedElements==mNbElements)
+ {
+ // Resize
+ mNbElements = mNbElements ? (mNbElements<<1) : 2;
+ SAP_Element* NewElems = new SAP_Element[mNbElements];
+ if(mNbUsedElements) CopyMemory(NewElems, mElementPool, mNbUsedElements*sizeof(SAP_Element));
+ // Remap everything
+ {
+ udword Delta = udword(NewElems) - udword(mElementPool);
+ for(udword i=0;i<mNbUsedElements;i++) Remap(NewElems[i].mNext, Delta);
+ for(udword i=0;i<mNbObjects;i++) Remap(mArray[i], Delta);
+ Remap(mFirstFree, Delta);
+ Remap(next, Delta);
+ if(remap) *remap = Delta;
+ }
+ DELETEARRAY(mElementPool);
+ mElementPool = NewElems;
+ }
+ FreeElem = &mElementPool[mNbUsedElements++];
+ }
+ FreeElem->mID = id;
+ FreeElem->mNext = next;
+ return FreeElem;
+ * Frees an element of the pool.
+ * \param elem [in] element to free/recycle
+ */
+inline_ void SAP_PairData::FreeElem(SAP_Element* elem)
+ elem->mNext = mFirstFree; // Next free
+ mFirstFree = elem;
+// Add a pair to the set.
+void SAP_PairData::AddPair(udword id1, udword id2)
+ // Order the ids
+ Sort(id1, id2);
+ ASSERT(id1<mNbObjects);
+ if(id1>=mNbObjects) return;
+ // Select the right list from "mArray".
+ SAP_Element* Current = mArray[id1];
+ if(!Current)
+ {
+ // Empty slot => create new element
+ mArray[id1] = GetFreeElem(id2, null);
+ }
+ else if(Current->mID>id2)
+ {
+ // The list is not empty but all elements are greater than id2 => insert id2 in the front.
+ mArray[id1] = GetFreeElem(id2, mArray[id1]);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Else find the correct location in the sorted list (ascending order) and insert id2 there.
+ while(Current->mNext)
+ {
+ if(Current->mNext->mID > id2) break;
+ Current = Current->mNext;
+ }
+ if(Current->mID==id2) return; // The pair already exists
+// Current->mNext = GetFreeElem(id2, Current->mNext);
+ udword Delta;
+ SAP_Element* E = GetFreeElem(id2, Current->mNext, &Delta);
+ if(Delta) Remap(Current, Delta);
+ Current->mNext = E;
+ }
+// Delete a pair from the set.
+void SAP_PairData::RemovePair(udword id1, udword id2)
+ // Order the ids.
+ Sort(id1, id2);
+ // Exit if the pair doesn't exist in the set
+ if(id1>=mNbObjects) return;
+ // Otherwise, select the correct list.
+ SAP_Element* Current = mArray[id1];
+ // If this list is empty, the pair doesn't exist.
+ if(!Current) return;
+ // Otherwise, if id2 is the first element, delete it.
+ if(Current->mID==id2)
+ {
+ mArray[id1] = Current->mNext;
+ FreeElem(Current);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // If id2 is not the first element, start traversing the sorted list.
+ while(Current->mNext)
+ {
+ // If we have moved too far away without hitting id2, then the pair doesn't exist
+ if(Current->mNext->mID > id2) return;
+ // Otherwise, delete id2.
+ if(Current->mNext->mID == id2)
+ {
+ SAP_Element* Temp = Current->mNext;
+ Current->mNext = Temp->mNext;
+ FreeElem(Temp);
+ return;
+ }
+ Current = Current->mNext;
+ }
+ }
+void SAP_PairData::DumpPairs(Pairs& pairs) const
+ // ### Ugly and slow
+ for(udword i=0;i<mNbObjects;i++)
+ {
+ SAP_Element* Current = mArray[i];
+ while(Current)
+ {
+ ASSERT(Current->mID<mNbObjects);
+ pairs.AddPair(i, Current->mID);
+ Current = Current->mNext;
+ }
+ }
+void SAP_PairData::DumpPairs(PairCallback callback, void* user_data) const
+ if(!callback) return;
+ // ### Ugly and slow
+ for(udword i=0;i<mNbObjects;i++)
+ {
+ SAP_Element* Current = mArray[i];
+ while(Current)
+ {
+ ASSERT(Current->mID<mNbObjects);
+ if(!(callback)(i, Current->mID, user_data)) return;
+ Current = Current->mNext;
+ }
+ }
+ * Constructor.
+ */
+ * Destructor.
+ */
+void SweepAndPrune::GetPairs(Pairs& pairs) const
+ mPairs.DumpPairs(pairs);
+void SweepAndPrune::GetPairs(PairCallback callback, void* user_data) const
+ mPairs.DumpPairs(callback, user_data);
+bool SweepAndPrune::Init(udword nb_objects, const AABB** boxes)
+ // 1) Create sorted lists
+ mNbObjects = nb_objects;
+ mBoxes = new SAP_Box[nb_objects];
+// for(udword i=0;i<nb_objects;i++) mBoxes[i].Box = *boxes[i];
+ float* Data = new float[nb_objects*2];
+ for(udword Axis=0;Axis<3;Axis++)
+ {
+ mList[Axis] = new SAP_EndPoint[nb_objects*2];
+ for(udword i=0;i<nb_objects;i++)
+ {
+ Data[i*2+0] = boxes[i]->GetMin(Axis);
+ Data[i*2+1] = boxes[i]->GetMax(Axis);
+ }
+ RadixSort RS;
+ const udword* Sorted = RS.Sort(Data, nb_objects*2).GetRanks();
+ SAP_EndPoint* PreviousEndPoint = null;
+ for(udword i=0;i<nb_objects*2;i++)
+ {
+ udword SortedIndex = *Sorted++;
+ float SortedCoord = Data[SortedIndex];
+ udword BoxIndex = SortedIndex>>1;
+ ASSERT(BoxIndex<nb_objects);
+ SAP_EndPoint* CurrentEndPoint = &mList[Axis][SortedIndex];
+ CurrentEndPoint->Value = SortedCoord;
+// CurrentEndPoint->IsMax = SortedIndex&1; // ### could be implicit ?
+// CurrentEndPoint->ID = BoxIndex; // ### could be implicit ?
+ CurrentEndPoint->SetData(BoxIndex, SortedIndex&1); // ### could be implicit ?
+ CurrentEndPoint->Previous = PreviousEndPoint;
+ CurrentEndPoint->Next = null;
+ if(PreviousEndPoint) PreviousEndPoint->Next = CurrentEndPoint;
+ if(CurrentEndPoint->IsMax()) mBoxes[BoxIndex].Max[Axis] = CurrentEndPoint;
+ else mBoxes[BoxIndex].Min[Axis] = CurrentEndPoint;
+ PreviousEndPoint = CurrentEndPoint;
+ }
+ }
+ CheckListsIntegrity();
+ // 2) Quickly find starting pairs
+ mPairs.Init(nb_objects);
+ {
+ Pairs P;
+ CompleteBoxPruning(nb_objects, boxes, P, Axes(AXES_XZY));
+ for(udword i=0;i<P.GetNbPairs();i++)
+ {
+ const Pair* PP = P.GetPair(i);
+ udword id0 = PP->id0;
+ udword id1 = PP->id1;
+ if(id0!=id1 && boxes[id0]->Intersect(*boxes[id1]))
+ {
+ mPairs.AddPair(id0, id1);
+ }
+ else ASSERT(0);
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+bool SweepAndPrune::CheckListsIntegrity()
+ for(udword Axis=0;Axis<3;Axis++)
+ {
+ // Find list head
+ SAP_EndPoint* Current = mList[Axis];
+ while(Current->Previous) Current = Current->Previous;
+ udword Nb = 0;
+ SAP_EndPoint* Previous = null;
+ while(Current)
+ {
+ Nb++;
+ if(Previous)
+ {
+ ASSERT(Previous->Value <= Current->Value);
+ if(Previous->Value > Current->Value) return false;
+ }
+ ASSERT(Current->Previous==Previous);
+ if(Current->Previous!=Previous) return false;
+ Previous = Current;
+ Current = Current->Next;
+ }
+ ASSERT(Nb==mNbObjects*2);
+ }
+ return true;
+inline_ BOOL Intersect(const AABB& a, const SAP_Box& b)
+ if(b.Max[0]->Value < a.GetMin(0) || a.GetMax(0) < b.Min[0]->Value
+ || b.Max[1]->Value < a.GetMin(1) || a.GetMax(1) < b.Min[1]->Value
+ || b.Max[2]->Value < a.GetMin(2) || a.GetMax(2) < b.Min[2]->Value) return FALSE;
+ return TRUE;
+bool SweepAndPrune::UpdateObject(udword i, const AABB& box)
+ for(udword Axis=0;Axis<3;Axis++)
+ {
+// udword Base = (udword)&mList[Axis][0];
+ // Update min
+ {
+ SAP_EndPoint* const CurrentMin = mBoxes[i].Min[Axis];
+ ASSERT(!CurrentMin->IsMax());
+ const float Limit = box.GetMin(Axis);
+ if(Limit == CurrentMin->Value)
+ {
+ }
+ else if(Limit < CurrentMin->Value)
+ {
+ CurrentMin->Value = Limit;
+ // Min is moving left:
+ SAP_EndPoint* NewPos = CurrentMin;
+ ASSERT(NewPos);
+ SAP_EndPoint* tmp;
+ while((tmp = NewPos->Previous) && tmp->Value > Limit)
+ {
+ NewPos = tmp;
+ if(NewPos->IsMax())
+ {
+ // Our min passed a max => start overlap
+ //udword SortedIndex = (udword(CurrentMin) - Base)/sizeof(NS_EndPoint);
+ const udword id0 = CurrentMin->GetBoxID();
+ const udword id1 = NewPos->GetBoxID();
+ if(id0!=id1 && Intersect(box, mBoxes[id1])) mPairs.AddPair(id0, id1);
+ }
+ }
+ CurrentMin->InsertBefore(NewPos);
+ }
+ else// if(Limit > CurrentMin->Value)
+ {
+ CurrentMin->Value = Limit;
+ // Min is moving right:
+ SAP_EndPoint* NewPos = CurrentMin;
+ ASSERT(NewPos);
+ SAP_EndPoint* tmp;
+ while((tmp = NewPos->Next) && tmp->Value < Limit)
+ {
+ NewPos = tmp;
+ if(NewPos->IsMax())
+ {
+ // Our min passed a max => stop overlap
+ const udword id0 = CurrentMin->GetBoxID();
+ const udword id1 = NewPos->GetBoxID();
+ if(id0!=id1) mPairs.RemovePair(id0, id1);
+ }
+ }
+ CurrentMin->InsertAfter(NewPos);
+ }
+ }
+ // Update max
+ {
+ SAP_EndPoint* const CurrentMax = mBoxes[i].Max[Axis];
+ ASSERT(CurrentMax->IsMax());
+ const float Limit = box.GetMax(Axis);
+ if(Limit == CurrentMax->Value)
+ {
+ }
+ else if(Limit > CurrentMax->Value)
+ {
+ CurrentMax->Value = Limit;
+ // Max is moving right:
+ SAP_EndPoint* NewPos = CurrentMax;
+ ASSERT(NewPos);
+ SAP_EndPoint* tmp;
+ while((tmp = NewPos->Next) && tmp->Value < Limit)
+ {
+ NewPos = tmp;
+ if(!NewPos->IsMax())
+ {
+ // Our max passed a min => start overlap
+ const udword id0 = CurrentMax->GetBoxID();
+ const udword id1 = NewPos->GetBoxID();
+ if(id0!=id1 && Intersect(box, mBoxes[id1])) mPairs.AddPair(id0, id1);
+ }
+ }
+ CurrentMax->InsertAfter(NewPos);
+ }
+ else// if(Limit < CurrentMax->Value)
+ {
+ CurrentMax->Value = Limit;
+ // Max is moving left:
+ SAP_EndPoint* NewPos = CurrentMax;
+ ASSERT(NewPos);
+ SAP_EndPoint* tmp;
+ while((tmp = NewPos->Previous) && tmp->Value > Limit)
+ {
+ NewPos = tmp;
+ if(!NewPos->IsMax())
+ {
+ // Our max passed a min => stop overlap
+ const udword id0 = CurrentMax->GetBoxID();
+ const udword id1 = NewPos->GetBoxID();
+ if(id0!=id1) mPairs.RemovePair(id0, id1);
+ }
+ }
+ CurrentMax->InsertBefore(NewPos);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return true;