path: root/Stars45/StarSystem.cpp
diff options
authorAki <>2022-04-01 21:23:39 +0200
committerAki <>2022-04-01 21:23:39 +0200
commit3c487c5cd69c53d6fea948643c0a76df03516605 (patch)
tree72730c7b8b26a5ef8fc9a987ec4c16129efd5aac /Stars45/StarSystem.cpp
parent8f353abd0bfe18baddd8a8250ab7c4f2d1c83a6e (diff)
Moved Stars45 to StarsEx
Diffstat (limited to 'Stars45/StarSystem.cpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1953 deletions
diff --git a/Stars45/StarSystem.cpp b/Stars45/StarSystem.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 9d8e377..0000000
--- a/Stars45/StarSystem.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1953 +0,0 @@
-/* Starshatter: The Open Source Project
- Copyright (c) 2021-2022, Starshatter: The Open Source Project Contributors
- Copyright (c) 2011-2012, Starshatter OpenSource Distribution Contributors
- Copyright (c) 1997-2006, Destroyer Studios LLC.
- AUTHOR: John DiCamillo
- ========
- Various Heavenly Bodies
-#include "StarSystem.h"
-#include "Galaxy.h"
-#include "Sky.h"
-#include "Starshatter.h"
-#include "TerrainRegion.h"
-#include "TerrainHaze.h"
-#include "Weather.h"
-#include "Game.h"
-#include "GameWinDX9.h"
-#include "Clock.h"
-#include "Sound.h"
-#include "Solid.h"
-#include "Light.h"
-#include "Bitmap.h"
-#include "DataLoader.h"
-#include "Scene.h"
-#include "ParseUtil.h"
-const long double epoch = 0.5e9;
-long double StarSystem::stardate = 0;
-// +====================================================================+
-static long double base_time = 0;
-static WORD oldcw = 0;
-static WORD fpcw = 0;
-void StarSystem::SetBaseTime(long double t, bool absolute)
- if (absolute) {
- base_time = t;
- CalcStardate();
- }
- else if (t > 0) {
- if (t > epoch) t -= epoch;
- base_time = t;
- CalcStardate();
- }
-long double StarSystem::GetBaseTime()
- return base_time;
-void StarSystem::CalcStardate()
- if (base_time < 1) {
- time_t clock_seconds;
- time(&clock_seconds);
- base_time = clock_seconds;
- while (base_time < 0)
- base_time += epoch;
- }
- long double gtime = (long double) Clock::GetInstance()->GameTime() / 1000.0;
- long double sdate = gtime + base_time + epoch;
- stardate = sdate;
-static const double GRAV = 6.673e-11;
-static const int NAMELEN = 64;
-// +====================================================================+
-StarSystem::StarSystem(const char* sys_name, Point l, int iff, int s)
-: name(sys_name), affiliation(iff), sky_stars(0), sky_dust(0), loc(l), seq(s),
-active_region(0), instantiated(false), ambient(0,0,0),
-sun_color(255,255,255), sun_scale(1), point_stars(0), poly_stars(0),
-nebula(0), haze(0)
- center = new Orbital(this, "CG", Orbital::NOTHING, 1.0e35f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0);
- radius = 0.0f;
-// +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
- Print(" Destroying Star System %s\n", (const char*) name);
- if (instantiated) {
- Deactivate();
- Destroy();
- }
- bodies.destroy();
- regions.destroy();
- all_regions.clear(); // do not destroy these!
- delete center;
-// +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
-static OrbitalBody* primary_star = 0;
-static OrbitalBody* primary_planet = 0;
-static OrbitalBody* primary_moon = 0;
- CalcStardate();
- active_region = 0;
- BYTE* block = 0;
- DataLoader* loader = DataLoader::GetLoader();
- datapath = loader->GetDataPath();
- sprintf_s(filename, "%s/%s.def", (const char*) name, (const char*) name);
- Print("Loading StarSystem: %s\n", filename);
- loader->LoadBuffer(filename, block, true);
- if (!block) {
- Print("ERROR: invalid star system file '%s'\n", filename);
- exit(-2);
- return;
- }
- Parser parser(new BlockReader((const char*) block));
- Term* term = parser.ParseTerm();
- if (!term) {
- Print("ERROR: could not parse '%s'\n", filename);
- exit(-3);
- return;
- }
- else {
- TermText* file_type = term->isText();
- if (!file_type || file_type->value() != "STARSYSTEM") {
- Print("ERROR: invalid star system file '%s'\n", filename);
- term->print(10);
- exit(-4);
- return;
- }
- }
- // parse the system:
- do {
- delete term;
- term = parser.ParseTerm();
- if (term) {
- TermDef* def = term->isDef();
- if (def) {
- if (def->name()->value() == "name") {
- char namebuf[NAMELEN];
- namebuf[0] = 0;
- GetDefText(namebuf, def, filename);
- if (namebuf[0])
- name = namebuf;
- }
- else if (def->name()->value() == "sky") {
- if (!def->term() || !def->term()->isStruct()) {
- Print("WARNING: sky struct missing in '%s'\n", filename);
- }
- else {
- TermStruct* val = def->term()->isStruct();
- char imgname[NAMELEN];
- char magname[NAMELEN];
- char hazname[NAMELEN];
- imgname[0] = 0;
- magname[0] = 0;
- hazname[0] = 0;
- for (int i = 0; i < val->elements()->size(); i++) {
- TermDef* pdef = val->elements()->at(i)->isDef();
- if (pdef) {
- if (pdef->name()->value() == "poly_stars")
- GetDefText(imgname, pdef, filename);
- else if (pdef->name()->value() == "nebula")
- GetDefText(magname, pdef, filename);
- else if (pdef->name()->value() == "haze")
- GetDefText(hazname, pdef, filename);
- }
- }
- if (imgname[0])
- sky_poly_stars = imgname;
- if (magname[0])
- sky_nebula = magname;
- if (hazname[0])
- sky_haze = hazname;
- }
- }
- else if (def->name()->value() == "stars") {
- GetDefNumber(sky_stars, def, filename);
- }
- else if (def->name()->value() == "ambient") {
- Vec3 a;
- GetDefVec(a, def, filename);
- ambient = Color((BYTE) a.x, (BYTE) a.y, (BYTE) a.z) * 2.5;
- }
- else if (def->name()->value() == "dust") {
- GetDefNumber(sky_dust, def, filename);
- }
- else if (def->name()->value() == "star") {
- if (!def->term() || !def->term()->isStruct()) {
- Print("WARNING: star struct missing in '%s'\n", filename);
- }
- else {
- TermStruct* val = def->term()->isStruct();
- ParseStar(val);
- }
- }
- else if (def->name()->value() == "planet") {
- if (!def->term() || !def->term()->isStruct()) {
- Print("WARNING: planet struct missing in '%s'\n", filename);
- }
- else {
- TermStruct* val = def->term()->isStruct();
- ParsePlanet(val);
- }
- }
- else if (def->name()->value() == "moon") {
- if (!def->term() || !def->term()->isStruct()) {
- Print("WARNING: moon struct missing in '%s'\n", filename);
- }
- else {
- TermStruct* val = def->term()->isStruct();
- ParseMoon(val);
- }
- }
- else if (def->name()->value() == "region") {
- if (!def->term() || !def->term()->isStruct()) {
- Print("WARNING: region struct missing in '%s'\n", filename);
- }
- else {
- TermStruct* val = def->term()->isStruct();
- ParseRegion(val);
- }
- }
- else if (def->name()->value() == "terrain") {
- if (!def->term() || !def->term()->isStruct()) {
- Print("WARNING: terrain struct missing in '%s'\n", filename);
- }
- else {
- TermStruct* val = def->term()->isStruct();
- ParseTerrain(val);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- while (term);
- loader->ReleaseBuffer(block);
-// +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
-StarSystem::ParseStar(TermStruct* val)
- char star_name[NAMELEN];
- char img_name[NAMELEN];
- char map_name[NAMELEN];
- double light = 0.0;
- double radius = 0.0;
- double rot = 0.0;
- double mass = 0.0;
- double orbit = 0.0;
- double tscale = 1.0;
- bool retro = false;
- Color color;
- Color back;
- for (int i = 0; i < val->elements()->size(); i++) {
- TermDef* pdef = val->elements()->at(i)->isDef();
- if (pdef) {
- if (pdef->name()->value() == "name")
- GetDefText(star_name, pdef, filename);
- else if (pdef->name()->value() == "map" || pdef->name()->value() == "icon")
- GetDefText(map_name, pdef, filename);
- else if (pdef->name()->value() == "image")
- GetDefText(img_name, pdef, filename);
- else if (pdef->name()->value() == "mass")
- GetDefNumber(mass, pdef, filename);
- else if (pdef->name()->value() == "orbit")
- GetDefNumber(orbit, pdef, filename);
- else if (pdef->name()->value() == "radius")
- GetDefNumber(radius, pdef, filename);
- else if (pdef->name()->value() == "rotation")
- GetDefNumber(rot, pdef, filename);
- else if (pdef->name()->value() == "tscale")
- GetDefNumber(tscale, pdef, filename);
- else if (pdef->name()->value() == "light")
- GetDefNumber(light, pdef, filename);
- else if (pdef->name()->value() == "retro")
- GetDefBool(retro, pdef, filename);
- else if (pdef->name()->value() == "color") {
- Vec3 a;
- GetDefVec(a, pdef, filename);
- color = Color((BYTE) a.x, (BYTE) a.y, (BYTE) a.z);
- }
- else if (pdef->name()->value() == "back" || pdef->name()->value() == "back_color") {
- Vec3 a;
- GetDefVec(a, pdef, filename);
- back = Color((BYTE) a.x, (BYTE) a.y, (BYTE) a.z);
- }
- }
- }
- OrbitalBody* star = new OrbitalBody(this, star_name, Orbital::STAR, mass, radius, orbit, center);
- star->map_name = map_name;
- star->tex_name = img_name;
- star->light = light;
- star->tscale = tscale;
- star->subtype = Star::G;
- star->retro = retro;
- star->rotation = rot * 3600;
- star->color = color;
- star->back = back;
- // map icon:
- if (*map_name) {
- DataLoader::GetLoader()->LoadBitmap(map_name, star->map_icon, Bitmap::BMP_TRANSLUCENT, true);
- }
- bodies.append(star);
- primary_star = star;
- primary_planet = 0;
- primary_moon = 0;
- if (orbit > StarSystem::radius)
- StarSystem::radius = orbit;
-// +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
-StarSystem::ParsePlanet(TermStruct* val)
- char pln_name[NAMELEN];
- char img_name[NAMELEN];
- char map_name[NAMELEN];
- char hi_name[NAMELEN];
- char img_ring[NAMELEN];
- char glo_name[NAMELEN];
- char glo_hi_name[NAMELEN];
- char gloss_name[NAMELEN];
- double radius = 0.0;
- double mass = 0.0;
- double orbit = 0.0;
- double rot = 0.0;
- double minrad = 0.0;
- double maxrad = 0.0;
- double tscale = 1.0;
- double tilt = 0.0;
- bool retro = false;
- bool lumin = false;
- Color atmos = Color::Black;
- ZeroMemory(pln_name, NAMELEN);
- ZeroMemory(hi_name, NAMELEN);
- ZeroMemory(img_ring, NAMELEN);
- ZeroMemory(glo_name, NAMELEN);
- ZeroMemory(glo_hi_name, NAMELEN);
- ZeroMemory(gloss_name, NAMELEN);
- ZeroMemory(map_name, NAMELEN);
- for (int i = 0; i < val->elements()->size(); i++) {
- TermDef* pdef = val->elements()->at(i)->isDef();
- if (pdef) {
- if (pdef->name()->value() == "name")
- GetDefText(pln_name, pdef, filename);
- else if (pdef->name()->value() == "map" || pdef->name()->value() == "icon")
- GetDefText(map_name, pdef, filename);
- else if (pdef->name()->value() == "image")
- GetDefText(img_name, pdef, filename);
- else if (pdef->name()->value() == "image_west")
- GetDefText(img_name, pdef, filename);
- else if (pdef->name()->value() == "image_east")
- GetDefText(img_name, pdef, filename);
- else if (pdef->name()->value() == "glow")
- GetDefText(glo_name, pdef, filename);
- else if (pdef->name()->value() == "gloss")
- GetDefText(gloss_name, pdef, filename);
- else if (pdef->name()->value() == "high_res")
- GetDefText(hi_name, pdef, filename);
- else if (pdef->name()->value() == "high_res_west")
- GetDefText(hi_name, pdef, filename);
- else if (pdef->name()->value() == "high_res_east")
- GetDefText(hi_name, pdef, filename);
- else if (pdef->name()->value() == "glow_high_res")
- GetDefText(glo_hi_name, pdef, filename);
- else if (pdef->name()->value() == "mass")
- GetDefNumber(mass, pdef, filename);
- else if (pdef->name()->value() == "orbit")
- GetDefNumber(orbit, pdef, filename);
- else if (pdef->name()->value() == "retro")
- GetDefBool(retro, pdef, filename);
- else if (pdef->name()->value() == "luminous")
- GetDefBool(lumin, pdef, filename);
- else if (pdef->name()->value() == "rotation")
- GetDefNumber(rot, pdef, filename);
- else if (pdef->name()->value() == "radius")
- GetDefNumber(radius, pdef, filename);
- else if (pdef->name()->value() == "ring")
- GetDefText(img_ring, pdef, filename);
- else if (pdef->name()->value() == "minrad")
- GetDefNumber(minrad, pdef, filename);
- else if (pdef->name()->value() == "maxrad")
- GetDefNumber(maxrad, pdef, filename);
- else if (pdef->name()->value() == "tscale")
- GetDefNumber(tscale, pdef, filename);
- else if (pdef->name()->value() == "tilt")
- GetDefNumber(tilt, pdef, filename);
- else if (pdef->name()->value() == "atmosphere") {
- Vec3 a;
- GetDefVec(a, pdef, filename);
- atmos = Color((BYTE) a.x, (BYTE) a.y, (BYTE) a.z);
- }
- }
- }
- OrbitalBody* planet = new OrbitalBody(this, pln_name, Orbital::PLANET, mass, radius, orbit, primary_star);
- planet->map_name = map_name;
- planet->tex_name = img_name;
- planet->tex_high_res = hi_name;
- planet->tex_ring = img_ring;
- planet->tex_glow = glo_name;
- planet->tex_glow_high_res = glo_hi_name;
- planet->tex_gloss = gloss_name;
- planet->ring_min = minrad;
- planet->ring_max = maxrad;
- planet->tscale = tscale;
- planet->tilt = tilt;
- planet->retro = retro;
- planet->luminous = lumin;
- planet->rotation = rot * 3600;
- planet->atmosphere = atmos;
- if (primary_star)
- primary_star->satellites.append(planet);
- else
- bodies.append(planet);
- primary_planet = planet;
- primary_moon = 0;
- if (orbit > StarSystem::radius)
- StarSystem::radius = orbit;
- // map icon:
- if (map_name[0]) {
- DataLoader::GetLoader()->LoadBitmap(map_name, planet->map_icon, Bitmap::BMP_TRANSLUCENT, true);
- }
-// +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
-StarSystem::ParseMoon(TermStruct* val)
- char map_name[NAMELEN];
- char pln_name[NAMELEN];
- char img_name[NAMELEN];
- char hi_name[NAMELEN];
- char glo_name[NAMELEN];
- char glo_hi_name[NAMELEN];
- char gloss_name[NAMELEN];
- double radius = 0.0;
- double mass = 0.0;
- double orbit = 0.0;
- double rot = 0.0;
- double tscale = 1.0;
- double tilt = 0.0;
- bool retro = false;
- Color atmos = Color::Black;
- ZeroMemory(map_name, NAMELEN);
- ZeroMemory(pln_name, NAMELEN);
- ZeroMemory(hi_name, NAMELEN);
- ZeroMemory(img_name, NAMELEN);
- ZeroMemory(glo_name, NAMELEN);
- ZeroMemory(glo_hi_name, NAMELEN);
- ZeroMemory(gloss_name, NAMELEN);
- for (int i = 0; i < val->elements()->size(); i++) {
- TermDef* pdef = val->elements()->at(i)->isDef();
- if (pdef) {
- if (pdef->name()->value() == "name")
- GetDefText(pln_name, pdef, filename);
- else if (pdef->name()->value() == "map" || pdef->name()->value() == "icon")
- GetDefText(map_name, pdef, filename);
- else if (pdef->name()->value() == "image")
- GetDefText(img_name, pdef, filename);
- else if (pdef->name()->value() == "glow")
- GetDefText(glo_name, pdef, filename);
- else if (pdef->name()->value() == "high_res")
- GetDefText(hi_name, pdef, filename);
- else if (pdef->name()->value() == "glow_high_res")
- GetDefText(glo_hi_name, pdef, filename);
- else if (pdef->name()->value() == "gloss")
- GetDefText(gloss_name, pdef, filename);
- else if (pdef->name()->value() == "mass")
- GetDefNumber(mass, pdef, filename);
- else if (pdef->name()->value() == "orbit")
- GetDefNumber(orbit, pdef, filename);
- else if (pdef->name()->value() == "rotation")
- GetDefNumber(rot, pdef, filename);
- else if (pdef->name()->value() == "retro")
- GetDefBool(retro, pdef, filename);
- else if (pdef->name()->value() == "radius")
- GetDefNumber(radius, pdef, filename);
- else if (pdef->name()->value() == "tscale")
- GetDefNumber(tscale, pdef, filename);
- else if (pdef->name()->value() == "inclination")
- GetDefNumber(tilt, pdef, filename);
- else if (pdef->name()->value() == "atmosphere") {
- Vec3 a;
- GetDefVec(a, pdef, filename);
- atmos = Color((BYTE) a.x, (BYTE) a.y, (BYTE) a.z);
- }
- }
- }
- OrbitalBody* moon = new OrbitalBody(this, pln_name, Orbital::MOON, mass, radius, orbit, primary_planet);
- moon->map_name = map_name;
- moon->tex_name = img_name;
- moon->tex_high_res = hi_name;
- moon->tex_glow = glo_name;
- moon->tex_glow_high_res = glo_hi_name;
- moon->tex_gloss = gloss_name;
- moon->tscale = tscale;
- moon->retro = retro;
- moon->rotation = rot * 3600;
- moon->tilt = tilt;
- moon->atmosphere = atmos;
- if (primary_planet)
- primary_planet->satellites.append(moon);
- else {
- Print("WARNING: no planet for moon %s in '%s', deleted.\n", pln_name, filename);
- delete moon;
- moon = 0;
- }
- primary_moon = moon;
- // map icon:
- if (map_name[0]) {
- DataLoader::GetLoader()->LoadBitmap(map_name, moon->map_icon, Bitmap::BMP_TRANSLUCENT, true);
- }
-// +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
-StarSystem::ParseRegion(TermStruct* val)
- char rgn_name[NAMELEN];
- char lnk_name[NAMELEN];
- double size = 1.0e6;
- double orbit = 0.0;
- double grid = 25000;
- double inclination = 0.0;
- int asteroids = 0;
- List<Text> links;
- for (int i = 0; i < val->elements()->size(); i++) {
- TermDef* pdef = val->elements()->at(i)->isDef();
- if (pdef) {
- if (pdef->name()->value() == "name")
- GetDefText(rgn_name, pdef, filename);
- else if (pdef->name()->value() == "link") {
- GetDefText(lnk_name, pdef, filename);
- if (lnk_name[0]) {
- links.append(new Text(lnk_name));
- }
- }
- else if (pdef->name()->value() == "orbit")
- GetDefNumber(orbit, pdef, filename);
- else if (pdef->name()->value() == "size")
- GetDefNumber(size, pdef, filename);
- else if (pdef->name()->value() == "radius")
- GetDefNumber(size, pdef, filename);
- else if (pdef->name()->value() == "grid")
- GetDefNumber(grid, pdef, filename);
- else if (pdef->name()->value() == "inclination")
- GetDefNumber(inclination, pdef, filename);
- else if (pdef->name()->value() == "asteroids")
- GetDefNumber(asteroids, pdef, filename);
- }
- }
- Orbital* primary = primary_moon;
- if (!primary) primary = primary_planet;
- if (!primary) primary = primary_star;
- OrbitalRegion* region = new OrbitalRegion(this, rgn_name, 0, size, orbit, primary);
- region->grid = grid;
- region->inclination = inclination;
- region->asteroids = asteroids;
- region->links.append(links);
- if (primary)
- primary->regions.append(region);
- else
- regions.append(region);
- all_regions.append(region);
- if (orbit > StarSystem::radius)
- StarSystem::radius = orbit;
-// +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
-StarSystem::ParseTerrain(TermStruct* val)
- Orbital* primary = primary_moon;
- if (!primary) primary = primary_planet;
- if (!primary) {
- Print("WARNING: Terrain region with no primary ignored in '%s'\n", filename);
- return;
- }
- TerrainRegion* region = 0;
- Text rgn_name;
- Text patch_name;
- Text patch_texture;
- Text noise_tex0;
- Text noise_tex1;
- Text apron_name;
- Text apron_texture;
- Text water_texture;
- Text env_texture_positive_x;
- Text env_texture_negative_x;
- Text env_texture_positive_y;
- Text env_texture_negative_y;
- Text env_texture_positive_z;
- Text env_texture_negative_z;
- Text haze_name;
- Text sky_name;
- Text clouds_high;
- Text clouds_low;
- Text shades_high;
- Text shades_low;
- double size = 1.0e6;
- double grid = 25000;
- double inclination = 0.0;
- double scale = 10e3;
- double mtnscale = 1e3;
- double fog_density = 0;
- double fog_scale = 0;
- double haze_fade = 0;
- double clouds_alt_high= 0;
- double clouds_alt_low= 0;
- double w_period = 0;
- double w_chances[Weather::NUM_STATES];
- ZeroMemory(w_chances, sizeof(w_chances));
- for (int i = 0; i < val->elements()->size(); i++) {
- TermDef* pdef = val->elements()->at(i)->isDef();
- if (pdef) {
- if (pdef->name()->value() == "name")
- GetDefText(rgn_name, pdef, filename);
- else if (pdef->name()->value() == "patch")
- GetDefText(patch_name, pdef, filename);
- else if (pdef->name()->value() == "patch_texture")
- GetDefText(patch_texture, pdef, filename);
- else if (pdef->name()->value() == "detail_texture_0")
- GetDefText(noise_tex0, pdef, filename);
- else if (pdef->name()->value() == "detail_texture_1")
- GetDefText(noise_tex1, pdef, filename);
- else if (pdef->name()->value() == "apron")
- GetDefText(apron_name, pdef, filename);
- else if (pdef->name()->value() == "apron_texture")
- GetDefText(apron_texture, pdef, filename);
- else if (pdef->name()->value() == "water_texture")
- GetDefText(water_texture, pdef, filename);
- else if (pdef->name()->value() == "env_texture_positive_x")
- GetDefText(env_texture_positive_x, pdef, filename);
- else if (pdef->name()->value() == "env_texture_negative_x")
- GetDefText(env_texture_negative_x, pdef, filename);
- else if (pdef->name()->value() == "env_texture_positive_y")
- GetDefText(env_texture_positive_y, pdef, filename);
- else if (pdef->name()->value() == "env_texture_negative_y")
- GetDefText(env_texture_negative_y, pdef, filename);
- else if (pdef->name()->value() == "env_texture_positive_z")
- GetDefText(env_texture_positive_z, pdef, filename);
- else if (pdef->name()->value() == "env_texture_negative_z")
- GetDefText(env_texture_negative_z, pdef, filename);
- else if (pdef->name()->value() == "clouds_high")
- GetDefText(clouds_high, pdef, filename);
- else if (pdef->name()->value() == "shades_high")
- GetDefText(shades_high, pdef, filename);
- else if (pdef->name()->value() == "clouds_low")
- GetDefText(clouds_low, pdef, filename);
- else if (pdef->name()->value() == "shades_low")
- GetDefText(shades_low, pdef, filename);
- else if (pdef->name()->value() == "haze")
- GetDefText(haze_name, pdef, filename);
- else if (pdef->name()->value() == "sky_color")
- GetDefText(sky_name, pdef, filename);
- else if (pdef->name()->value() == "size" ||
- pdef->name()->value() == "radius")
- GetDefNumber(size, pdef, filename);
- else if (pdef->name()->value() == "grid")
- GetDefNumber(grid, pdef, filename);
- else if (pdef->name()->value() == "inclination")
- GetDefNumber(inclination, pdef, filename);
- else if (pdef->name()->value() == "scale")
- GetDefNumber(scale, pdef, filename);
- else if (pdef->name()->value() == "mtnscale" ||
- pdef->name()->value() == "mtn_scale")
- GetDefNumber(mtnscale, pdef, filename);
- else if (pdef->name()->value() == "fog_density")
- GetDefNumber(fog_density, pdef, filename);
- else if (pdef->name()->value() == "fog_scale")
- GetDefNumber(fog_scale, pdef, filename);
- else if (pdef->name()->value() == "haze_fade")
- GetDefNumber(haze_fade, pdef, filename);
- else if (pdef->name()->value() == "clouds_alt_high")
- GetDefNumber(clouds_alt_high, pdef, filename);
- else if (pdef->name()->value() == "clouds_alt_low")
- GetDefNumber(clouds_alt_low, pdef, filename);
- else if (pdef->name()->value() == "weather_period")
- GetDefNumber(w_period, pdef, filename);
- else if (pdef->name()->value() == "weather_clear")
- GetDefNumber(w_chances[0], pdef, filename);
- else if (pdef->name()->value() == "weather_high_clouds")
- GetDefNumber(w_chances[1], pdef, filename);
- else if (pdef->name()->value() == "weather_moderate_clouds")
- GetDefNumber(w_chances[2], pdef, filename);
- else if (pdef->name()->value() == "weather_overcast")
- GetDefNumber(w_chances[3], pdef, filename);
- else if (pdef->name()->value() == "weather_fog")
- GetDefNumber(w_chances[4], pdef, filename);
- else if (pdef->name()->value() == "weather_storm")
- GetDefNumber(w_chances[5], pdef, filename);
- else if (pdef->name()->value() == "layer") {
- if (!pdef->term() || !pdef->term()->isStruct()) {
- Print("WARNING: terrain layer struct missing in '%s'\n", filename);
- }
- else {
- if (!region)
- region = new TerrainRegion(this, rgn_name, size, primary);
- TermStruct* val = pdef->term()->isStruct();
- ParseLayer(region, val);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (!region)
- region = new TerrainRegion(this, rgn_name, size, primary);
- region->grid = grid;
- region->inclination = inclination;
- region->patch_name = patch_name;
- region->patch_texture = patch_texture;
- region->noise_tex0 = noise_tex0;
- region->noise_tex1 = noise_tex1;
- region->apron_name = apron_name;
- region->apron_texture = apron_texture;
- region->water_texture = water_texture;
- region->haze_name = haze_name;
- region->clouds_high = clouds_high;
- region->shades_high = shades_high;
- region->clouds_low = clouds_low;
- region->shades_low = shades_low;
- region->scale = scale;
- region->mtnscale = mtnscale;
- region->fog_density = fog_density;
- region->fog_scale = fog_scale;
- region->haze_fade = haze_fade;
- region->clouds_alt_high = clouds_alt_high;
- region->clouds_alt_low = clouds_alt_low;
- region->env_texture_positive_x = env_texture_positive_x;
- region->env_texture_negative_x = env_texture_negative_x;
- region->env_texture_positive_y = env_texture_positive_y;
- region->env_texture_negative_y = env_texture_negative_y;
- region->env_texture_positive_z = env_texture_positive_z;
- region->env_texture_negative_z = env_texture_negative_z;
- Weather& weather = region->GetWeather();
- weather.SetPeriod(w_period);
- for (int i = 0; i < Weather::NUM_STATES; i++)
- weather.SetChance(i, w_chances[i]);
- region->LoadSkyColors(sky_name);
- primary->regions.append(region);
- all_regions.append(region);
-// +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
-StarSystem::ParseLayer(TerrainRegion* rgn, TermStruct* val)
- Text tile_name;
- Text detail_name;
- double height = 0;
- for (int i = 0; i < val->elements()->size(); i++) {
- TermDef* pdef = val->elements()->at(i)->isDef();
- if (pdef) {
- if (pdef->name()->value().indexOf("tile") == 0)
- GetDefText(tile_name, pdef, filename);
- else if (pdef->name()->value().indexOf("detail") == 0)
- GetDefText(detail_name, pdef, filename);
- else if (pdef->name()->value().contains("height") ||
- pdef->name()->value().contains("alt"))
- GetDefNumber(height, pdef, filename);
- }
- }
- if (rgn)
- rgn->AddLayer(height, tile_name, detail_name);
-// +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
- if (Game::GetInstance()->Server())
- return;
- if (!instantiated) {
- Print("Creating Star System %s\n", (const char*) name);
- DataLoader* loader = DataLoader::GetLoader();
- loader->SetDataPath(datapath);
- // poly star shell:
- if (sky_poly_stars.length()) {
- poly_stars = new Solid;
- poly_stars->Load(sky_poly_stars, 120);
- poly_stars->SetLuminous(true);
- poly_stars->SetInfinite(true);
- Print("Celestial Sphere '%s' loaded\n", (const char*) sky_poly_stars);
- Print(" radius: %f\n", poly_stars->Radius());
- }
- if (sky_stars) {
- Print("Point Stars: %d\n", sky_stars);
- point_stars = new Stars(sky_stars);
- }
- loader->SetDataPath(datapath);
- // nebula:
- if (sky_nebula.length()) {
- nebula = new Solid;
- nebula->Load(sky_nebula, 100);
- nebula->SetLuminous(true);
- nebula->SetInfinite(true);
- Print("Nebular Sky '%s' loaded\n", (const char*) sky_nebula);
- Print(" radius: %f\n", nebula->Radius());
- }
- // atmospheric haze:
- if (sky_haze.length()) {
- loader->SetDataPath(datapath);
- haze = new TerrainHaze();
- haze->Load(sky_haze, 120);
- haze->SetInfinite(true);
- Print("Atmospheric Haze '%s' loaded\n", (const char*) sky_haze);
- Print(" radius: %f\n", haze->Radius());
- haze->Hide();
- }
- loader->SetDataPath(0);
- ListIter<OrbitalBody> star = bodies;
- while (++star) {
- CreateBody(*star);
- ListIter<OrbitalBody> planet = star->Satellites();
- while (++planet) {
- CreateBody(*planet);
- ListIter<OrbitalBody> moon = planet->Satellites();
- while (++moon) {
- CreateBody(*moon);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- instantiated = true;
-// +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
-StarSystem::CreateBody(OrbitalBody& body)
- DataLoader* loader = DataLoader::GetLoader();
- loader->SetDataPath(datapath);
- // stars:
- if (body.type == Orbital::STAR) {
- Point starloc = body.loc;
- starloc = starloc.OtherHand();
- PlanetRep* rep = new PlanetRep(body.tex_name,
- 0,
- body.radius,
- starloc,
- body.tscale);
- rep->SetLuminous(true);
- rep->MoveTo(loc);
- body.rep = rep;
- sun_brightness = body.light;
- sun_color = body.color;
- Light* sun_light = new Light(1.1f);
- sun_light->SetColor(sun_color);
- sun_light->SetShadow(true);
- sun_light->MoveTo(body.loc);
- sun_light->SetType(Light::LIGHT_DIRECTIONAL);
- sun_lights.append(sun_light);
- body.light_rep = sun_light;
- if (body.back != Color::Black) {
- Light* back_light = new Light(0.6f);
- back_light->SetColor(body.back);
- back_light->SetShadow(false);
- back_light->MoveTo(body.loc * -1);
- back_light->SetType(Light::LIGHT_DIRECTIONAL);
- back_lights.append(back_light);
- body.back_light = back_light;
- }
- }
- // planets and moons:
- else {
- Point planetloc = body.loc;
- planetloc = planetloc.OtherHand();
- double rmax = 0;
- double rmin = 0;
- if (body.ring_max > 0) {
- rmax = body.ring_max*body.radius;
- rmin = body.ring_min*body.radius;
- }
- Text surface = body.tex_name;
- Text glow = body.tex_glow;
- if (GameWinDX9::GetInstance()->MaxTexSize() >= 512) {
- if (body.tex_high_res.length())
- surface = body.tex_high_res;
- if (body.tex_glow_high_res.length())
- glow = body.tex_glow_high_res;
- }
- PlanetRep* rep = new PlanetRep(surface,
- glow,
- body.radius,
- planetloc,
- body.tscale,
- body.tex_ring,
- rmin,
- rmax,
- body.atmosphere,
- body.tex_gloss);
- rep->SetStarSystem(this);
- /***
- if (body.luminous) {
- rep->SetLuminous(1);
- }
- ***/
- if (body.tilt != 0) {
- Matrix m;
- m.Pitch(body.tilt);
- rep->SetOrientation(m);
- }
- body.rep = rep;
- }
-// +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
- if (instantiated) {
- ListIter<OrbitalBody> star_iter = bodies;
- while (++star_iter) {
- OrbitalBody* star = star_iter.value();
- GRAPHIC_DESTROY(star->rep);
- LIGHT_DESTROY(star->light_rep);
- LIGHT_DESTROY(star->back_light);
- ListIter<OrbitalBody> planet = star->Satellites();
- while (++planet) {
- GRAPHIC_DESTROY(planet->rep);
- ListIter<OrbitalBody> moon = planet->Satellites();
- while (++moon) {
- GRAPHIC_DESTROY(moon->rep);
- }
- }
- }
- GRAPHIC_DESTROY(point_stars);
- GRAPHIC_DESTROY(poly_stars);
- sun_lights.clear();
- back_lights.clear();
- }
- instantiated = false;
- sun_scale = 1;
-// +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
-StarSystem::Activate(Scene& scene)
- if (!instantiated)
- Create();
- Starshatter* stars = Starshatter::GetInstance();
- if (!stars)
- return;
- if (point_stars) {
- scene.AddBackground(point_stars);
- point_stars->Hide();
- }
- if (poly_stars) {
- scene.AddBackground(poly_stars);
- }
- if (stars->Nebula() && nebula) {
- scene.AddBackground(nebula);
- }
- if (haze) {
- scene.AddBackground(haze);
- haze->Hide();
- }
- ListIter<OrbitalBody> star_iter = bodies;
- while (++star_iter) {
- OrbitalBody* star = star_iter.value();
- scene.AddGraphic(star->rep);
- scene.AddLight(star->light_rep);
- if (nebula && stars && stars->Nebula()) {
- star->back_light->SetColor(star->back);
- }
- else {
- Color c = Color(60,60,65);
- star->back_light->SetColor(c);
- }
- scene.AddLight(star->back_light);
- if (nebula && stars && stars->Nebula()) {
- scene.SetAmbient(ambient);
- }
- else {
- Color c = ambient;
- int n = (c.Red() + c.Green() + c.Blue()) / 3;
- c = Color(n,n,n);
- scene.SetAmbient(c);
- }
- ListIter<OrbitalBody> planet = star->Satellites();
- while (++planet) {
- scene.AddGraphic(planet->rep);
- ListIter<OrbitalBody> moon = planet->Satellites();
- while (++moon) {
- scene.AddGraphic(moon->rep);
- }
- }
- }
- ExecFrame();
-// +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
- if (!instantiated)
- return;
- active_region = 0;
- if (point_stars && point_stars->GetScene())
- point_stars->GetScene()->DelBackground(point_stars);
- if (poly_stars && poly_stars->GetScene())
- poly_stars->GetScene()->DelBackground(poly_stars);
- if (nebula && nebula->GetScene())
- nebula->GetScene()->DelBackground(nebula);
- if (haze && haze->GetScene()) {
- haze->GetScene()->DelBackground(haze);
- haze->Hide();
- }
- ListIter<OrbitalBody> star = bodies;
- while (++star) {
- if (star->rep && star->rep->GetScene())
- star->rep->GetScene()->DelGraphic(star->rep);
- if (star->light_rep && star->light_rep->GetScene())
- star->light_rep->GetScene()->DelLight(star->light_rep);
- if (star->back_light && star->back_light->GetScene())
- star->back_light->GetScene()->DelLight(star->back_light);
- ListIter<OrbitalBody> planet = star->Satellites();
- while (++planet) {
- if (planet->rep && planet->rep->GetScene())
- planet->rep->GetScene()->DelGraphic(planet->rep);
- ListIter<OrbitalBody> moon = planet->Satellites();
- while (++moon) {
- if (moon->rep && moon->rep->GetScene())
- moon->rep->GetScene()->DelGraphic(moon->rep);
- }
- }
- }
-// +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
-StarSystem::SetActiveRegion(OrbitalRegion* rgn)
- Scene* scene = 0;
- if (active_region != rgn) {
- active_region = rgn;
- if (active_region) {
- if (active_region->Type() != Orbital::TERRAIN) {
- if (point_stars) point_stars->Hide();
- if (poly_stars) poly_stars->Show();
- if (nebula) nebula->Show();
- if (haze) haze->Hide();
- }
- else {
- if (point_stars) point_stars->Show();
- if (poly_stars) poly_stars->Hide();
- if (nebula) nebula->Hide();
- if (haze) haze->Show();
- }
- if (poly_stars) {
- scene = poly_stars->GetScene();
- if (scene)
- scene->SetAmbient(ambient);
- }
- else if (nebula) {
- scene = nebula->GetScene();
- if (scene)
- scene->SetAmbient(ambient);
- }
- ListIter<OrbitalBody> star = bodies;
- while (++star) {
- if (star->rep)
- star->rep->Show();
- }
- ExecFrame();
- }
- else {
- if (point_stars) point_stars->Hide();
- if (poly_stars) poly_stars->Hide();
- if (nebula) nebula->Hide();
- if (haze) haze->Hide();
- ListIter<OrbitalBody> star = bodies;
- while (++star) {
- if (star->rep)
- star->rep->Hide();
- if (star->light_rep) {
- scene = star->light_rep->GetScene();
- if (scene)
- scene->DelLight(star->light_rep);
- }
- if (star->back_light) {
- scene = star->back_light->GetScene();
- if (scene)
- scene->DelLight(star->back_light);
- }
- }
- }
- }
-// +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
-static BYTE max3(BYTE a, BYTE b, BYTE c)
- if (a > b)
- if (a > c) return a;
- else return c;
- else
- if (b > c) return b;
- else return c;
-static BYTE min3(BYTE a, BYTE b, BYTE c)
- if (a < b)
- if (a < c) return a;
- else return c;
- else
- if (b < c) return b;
- else return c;
- CalcStardate();
- ListIter<OrbitalBody> star = bodies;
- while (++star)
- star->Update();
- ListIter<OrbitalRegion> region = regions;
- while (++region)
- region->Update();
- // update the graphic reps, relative to the active region:
- if (instantiated && active_region) {
- Point active_loc = active_region->Location();
- active_loc = active_loc.OtherHand();
- Scene* scene = 0;
- TerrainRegion* trgn = 0;
- bool terrain = (active_region->Type() == Orbital::TERRAIN);
- Matrix terrain_orientation;
- Matrix terrain_transformation;
- if (terrain) {
- trgn = (TerrainRegion*) active_region;
- Color tmp = trgn->SkyColor();
- GameWinDX9::GetInstance()->SetScreenColor(tmp);
- tvpn = (active_region->Location() - active_region->Primary()->Location());
- tvpn.Normalize();
- tvup = Point(0,0,-1);
- tvrt = tvpn.cross(tvup);
- tvrt.Normalize();
- terrain_orientation.Rotate(0, PI/2, 0);
- terrain_transformation = Matrix(tvrt, tvup, tvpn);
- if (point_stars) {
- point_stars->SetOrientation(terrain_transformation);
- Color sky_color = trgn->SkyColor();
- BYTE sky_red = (BYTE) sky_color.Red();
- BYTE sky_green = (BYTE) sky_color.Green();
- BYTE sky_blue = (BYTE) sky_color.Blue();
- BYTE Max = max3(sky_red, sky_green, sky_blue);
- BYTE Min = min3(sky_red, sky_green, sky_blue);
- BYTE lum = (BYTE) (240.0 * (Max + Min) / 510.0);
- if (lum > 50) {
- point_stars->Hide();
- }
- else {
- Stars* pstars = (Stars*) point_stars;
- pstars->Illuminate(1.0 - lum / 50.0);
- pstars->Show();
- }
- scene = point_stars->GetScene();
- }
- if (haze) {
- ((TerrainHaze*)haze)->UseTerrainRegion(trgn);
- scene = haze->GetScene();
- }
- if (scene) {
- scene->SetAmbient(ambient);
- }
- }
- else {
- GameWinDX9::GetInstance()->SetScreenColor(Color::Black);
- }
- double star_alt = 0;
- ListIter<OrbitalBody> star_iter = bodies;
- while (++star_iter) {
- OrbitalBody* star = star_iter.value();
- if (active_region->Inclination() != 0) {
- double distance = (active_region->Location() - star->Location()).length();
- star_alt = sin(active_region->Inclination()) * distance;
- }
- if (terrain) {
- Point sloc = TerrainTransform(star->Location());
- if (star->rep) {
- star->rep->MoveTo(sloc);
- PlanetRep* pr = (PlanetRep*) star->rep;
- pr->SetDaytime(true);
- }
- if (star->light_rep) {
- star->light_rep->MoveTo(sloc);
- star->light_rep->SetActive(sloc.y > -100);
- }
- if (star->back_light) {
- star->back_light->MoveTo(sloc * -1);
- star->back_light->SetActive(sloc.y > -100);
- }
- if (trgn && star->rep) {
- if (trgn->IsEclipsed())
- star->rep->Hide();
- else
- star->rep->Show();
- }
- }
- else {
- Point sloc = Point(star->Location() - active_region->Location()).OtherHand();
- sloc.y = star_alt;
- if (star->rep) {
- star->rep->MoveTo(sloc);
- PlanetRep* pr = (PlanetRep*) star->rep;
- pr->SetDaytime(false);
- }
- if (star->light_rep) {
- star->light_rep->MoveTo(sloc);
- star->light_rep->SetActive(true);
- }
- if (star->back_light) {
- star->back_light->MoveTo(sloc * -1);
- star->back_light->SetActive(true);
- }
- }
- ListIter<OrbitalBody> planet_iter = star->Satellites();
- while (++planet_iter) {
- OrbitalBody* planet = planet_iter.value();
- if (planet->rep) {
- PlanetRep* pr = (PlanetRep*) planet->rep;
- if (terrain) {
- pr->MoveTo(TerrainTransform(planet->Location()));
- pr->SetOrientation(terrain_orientation);
- if (planet == active_region->Primary()) {
- pr->Hide();
- }
- else {
- pr->Show();
- pr->SetDaytime(true);
- }
- }
- else {
- pr->Show();
- pr->TranslateBy(active_loc);
- pr->SetDaytime(false);
- }
- }
- ListIter<OrbitalBody> moon_iter = planet->Satellites();
- while (++moon_iter) {
- OrbitalBody* moon = moon_iter.value();
- if (moon->rep) {
- PlanetRep* pr = (PlanetRep*) moon->rep;
- if (terrain) {
- pr->MoveTo(TerrainTransform(moon->Location()));
- pr->SetOrientation(terrain_orientation);
- if (moon == active_region->Primary()) {
- pr->Hide();
- }
- else {
- pr->Show();
- pr->SetDaytime(true);
- }
- }
- else {
- pr->Show();
- pr->TranslateBy(active_loc);
- pr->SetDaytime(false);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
-// +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
-StarSystem::FindOrbital(const char* name)
- if (!name || !name[0])
- return 0;
- ListIter<OrbitalBody> star = bodies;
- while (++star) {
- if (!_stricmp(star->Name(), name))
- return star.value();
- ListIter<OrbitalRegion> star_rgn = star->Regions();
- while (++star_rgn) {
- if (!_stricmp(star_rgn->Name(), name))
- return star_rgn.value();
- }
- ListIter<OrbitalBody> planet = star->Satellites();
- while (++planet) {
- if (!_stricmp(planet->Name(), name))
- return planet.value();
- ListIter<OrbitalRegion> planet_rgn = planet->Regions();
- while (++planet_rgn) {
- if (!_stricmp(planet_rgn->Name(), name))
- return planet_rgn.value();
- }
- ListIter<OrbitalBody> moon = planet->Satellites();
- while (++moon) {
- if (!_stricmp(moon->Name(), name))
- return moon.value();
- ListIter<OrbitalRegion> moon_rgn = moon->Regions();
- while (++moon_rgn) {
- if (!_stricmp(moon_rgn->Name(), name))
- return moon_rgn.value();
- }
- }
- }
- }
- ListIter<OrbitalRegion> region = regions;
- while (++region) {
- if (!_stricmp(region->Name(), name))
- return region.value();
- }
- return 0;
-// +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
-StarSystem::FindRegion(const char* name)
- if (!name || !name[0])
- return 0;
- ListIter<OrbitalRegion> region = all_regions;
- while (++region) {
- if (!_stricmp(region->Name(), name))
- return region.value();
- }
- return 0;
-// +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
-StarSystem::HasLinkTo(StarSystem* s) const
- ListIter<OrbitalRegion> iter = ((StarSystem*) this)->all_regions;
- while (++iter) {
- OrbitalRegion* rgn = iter.value();
- ListIter<Text> lnk_iter = rgn->Links();
- while (++lnk_iter) {
- Text* t = lnk_iter.value();
- if (s->FindRegion(*t))
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
-// +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
-StarSystem::TerrainTransform(const Point& loc)
- Point result;
- Point tmp = loc - active_region->Location();
- result.x = tmp * tvrt;
- result.z = tmp * tvup;
- result.y = tmp * tvpn;
- return result;
-StarSystem::Ambient() const
- Color result = ambient;
- bool terrain = (active_region && active_region->Type() == Orbital::TERRAIN);
- if (terrain) {
- TerrainRegion* trgn = (TerrainRegion*) active_region;
- result = trgn->Ambient();
- if (trgn->IsEclipsed())
- result = result * 0.3;
- }
- return result;
-StarSystem::SetSunlight(Color color, double brightness)
- sun_color = color;
- sun_scale = brightness;
- ListIter<Light> sun_iter = sun_lights;
- while (++sun_iter) {
- Light* sun_light = sun_iter.value();
- sun_light->SetColor(color);
- sun_light->SetIntensity((float) (1.1 * sun_scale));
- }
- ListIter<Light> back_iter = back_lights;
- while (++back_iter) {
- Light* back_light = back_iter.value();
- back_light->SetIntensity((float) (0.5 * sun_scale));
- }
-StarSystem::SetBacklight(Color color, double brightness)
- ListIter<Light> back_iter = back_lights;
- while (++back_iter) {
- Light* back_light = back_iter.value();
- back_light->SetColor(color);
- back_light->SetIntensity((float) (0.5 * brightness));
- }
- ListIter<OrbitalBody> iter = bodies;
- while (++iter) {
- OrbitalBody* star = iter.value();
- if (star) {
- if (star->light_rep) {
- star->light_rep->SetColor(star->LightColor());
- star->light_rep->SetIntensity(1.1f);
- }
- if (star->back_light) {
- star->back_light->SetColor(star->back);
- star->back_light->SetIntensity(0.5f);
- }
- }
- }
-// +====================================================================+
-Star::GetColor() const
- return GetColor(seq);
-Star::GetSize() const
- return GetSize(seq);
-Star::GetColor(int s)
- switch (s) {
- case O: return Color(128,128,255); break;
- case B: return Color(192,192,255); break;
- case A: return Color(220,220,255); break;
- case F: return Color(255,255,255); break;
- case G: return Color(255,255,128); break;
- case K: return Color(255,192,100); break;
- case M: return Color(255,100,100); break;
- case RED_GIANT: return Color(255, 80, 80); break;
- case WHITE_DWARF: return Color(255,255,255); break;
- case BLACK_HOLE: return Color( 0, 0, 0); break;
- }
- return Color::White;
-Star::GetSize(int s)
- switch (s) {
- case O: return 4; break;
- case B: return 4; break;
- case A: return 3; break;
- case F: return 3; break;
- case G: return 2; break;
- case K: return 2; break;
- case M: return 1; break;
- case RED_GIANT: return 4; break;
- case WHITE_DWARF: return 1; break;
- case BLACK_HOLE: return 3; break;
- }
- return 3;
-// +====================================================================+
-Orbital::Orbital(StarSystem* s, const char* n, OrbitalType t, double m, double r, double o, Orbital* p)
-: name(n), type(t), subtype(0), radius(r), mass(m), orbit(o),
-phase(0), period(0), rotation(0), retro(false),
-system(s), primary(p), loc(0, 0, 0), rep(0), velocity(0)
- if (system && primary && orbit > 0) {
- velocity = sqrt(GRAV * primary->Mass() / orbit);
- period = 2 * PI * orbit / velocity;
- }
- Update();
-// +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
- delete rep;
- regions.destroy();
-// +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
- if (system && primary && orbit > 0) {
- double grade = (retro) ? -1 : 1;
- // orbits are counter clockwise:
- phase = -2 * PI * grade * StarSystem::Stardate() / period;
- loc = primary->Location() + Point((double) (orbit * cos(phase)),
- (double) (orbit * sin(phase)),
- 0);
- }
- ListIter<OrbitalRegion> region = regions;
- while (++region)
- region->Update();
- if (rep)
- rep->MoveTo(loc.OtherHand());
-// +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
-Orbital::PredictLocation(double delta_t)
- Point predicted_loc = Location();
- if (system && primary && orbit > 0) {
- predicted_loc = primary->PredictLocation(delta_t);
- double grade = (retro) ? -1 : 1;
- // orbits are(?) counter clockwise:
- double predicted_phase = (double) (-2 * PI * grade * (StarSystem::Stardate()+delta_t) / period);
- predicted_loc += Point((double) (orbit * cos(predicted_phase)),
- (double) (orbit * sin(predicted_phase)),
- 0);
- }
- return predicted_loc;
-Orbital::SetMapIcon(const Bitmap& img)
- if (img.Width() >=64 && img.Height() >= 64) {
- map_icon.CopyBitmap(img);
- map_icon.AutoMask();
- map_icon.MakeTexture();
- }
-// +====================================================================+
-OrbitalBody::OrbitalBody(StarSystem* s, const char* n, OrbitalType t, double m, double r, double o, Orbital* p)
-: Orbital(s, n, t, m, r, o, p), light(0), light_rep(0), back_light(0),
-ring_min(0), ring_max(0), tilt(0), luminous(false)
- Update();
-// +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
- satellites.destroy();
-// +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
- Orbital::Update();
- theta = 0;
- if (rotation > 0)
- theta = -2 * PI * StarSystem::Stardate() / rotation;
- ListIter<OrbitalBody> body = satellites;
- while (++body)
- body->Update();
- if (rep && theta != 0) {
- Matrix m;
- m.Pitch(tilt);
- m.Roll(tilt/2);
- m.Yaw(theta);
- rep->SetOrientation(m);
- }
- if (light_rep) {
- Point bodyloc = loc;
- bodyloc = bodyloc.OtherHand();
- light_rep->MoveTo(bodyloc);
- }
-// +====================================================================+
-OrbitalRegion::OrbitalRegion(StarSystem* s, const char* n, double m, double r, double o, Orbital* p)
-: Orbital(s, n, REGION, m, r, o, p), grid(25.0e3f), inclination(0)
-// +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
- links.destroy();