-- `World` -- Used to manage physical world and everything inside it: clouds, platforms, nauts, background etc. -- WHOLE CODE HAS FLAG OF "need a cleanup" -- Metatable of `World` -- nils initialized in constructor World = { world = nil, Nauts = nil, Platforms = nil, Clouds = nil, camera = nil } -- Constructor of `World` ZA WARUDO! function World:new() -- Meta local o = {} setmetatable(o, self) self.__index = self -- Physical world initialization love.physics.setMeter(64) o.world = love.physics.newWorld(0, 9.81*64, true) o.world:setCallbacks(o.beginContact, o.endContact) -- Empty tables for objects local c = {} o.Clouds = c local n = {} o.Nauts = n local p = {} o.Platforms = {} -- Create camera o.camera = Camera:new() return o end -- Add new platform to the world function World:createPlatform(x, y, polygon, sprite) table.insert(self.Platforms, Ground:new(self.world, x, y, polygon, sprite)) end -- Add new naut to the world function World:createNaut(x, y, sprite) table.insert(self.Nauts, Player:new(self.world, x, y, sprite)) end -- Add new cloud to the world function World:createCloud(x, y, t) table.insert(self.Clouds, Cloud:new(x, y, t)) end -- Update ZU WARUDO function World:update(dt) -- Physical world self.world:update(dt) -- Camera self.camera:moveFollow() -- Nauts for _,naut in pairs(self.Nauts) do naut:update(dt) end end -- Keypressed function World:keypressed(key) for _,naut in pairs(self.Nauts) do naut:keypressed(key) end end -- Keyreleased function World:keyreleased(key) for _,naut in pairs(self.Nauts) do naut:keyreleased(key) end end -- Draw function World:draw() -- Hard-coded background (for now) love.graphics.setColor(193, 100, 99, 255) love.graphics.rectangle("fill", 0, 0, love.graphics.getWidth(), love.graphics.getHeight()*0.25) love.graphics.setColor(179, 82, 80, 255) love.graphics.rectangle("fill", 0, love.graphics.getHeight()*0.8, love.graphics.getWidth(), love.graphics.getHeight()*0.2) -- Camera stuff local offset_x, offset_y = self.camera:getOffsets() local scale = self.camera.scale -- Draw ground for _,platform in pairs(self.Platforms) do platform:draw(offset_x, offset_y, scale, false) end -- Draw player for _,naut in pairs(self.Nauts) do naut:draw(offset_x, offset_y, scale, false) end end -- beginContact function World.beginContact(a, b, coll) local x,y = coll:getNormal() if y == -1 then print(b:getUserData().name .. " is not in air") b:getUserData().inAir = false b:getUserData().jumpdouble = true end end -- endContact function World.endContact(a, b, coll) print(b:getUserData().name .. " is in air") b:getUserData().inAir = true end