-- `Selector` (Element) -- Used in Menu for selecting various things from list. Works for each Controller set or globally. --[[ How to use `Selector` in `Menu` config file? selector:new(menu) :setPosition(x, y) :setMargin(8) -- each block has marigin on both sides; they do stack :setSize(32, 32) -- size of single graphics frame :set("list", require "nautslist") :set("icons_i", love.graphics.newImage("assets/portraits.png")) :set("icons_q", require "portraits") :set("global", false) -- true: single selector; false: selector for each controller set present :init() ]] Selector = { parent, x = 0, y = 0, width = 0, height = 0, margin = 0, focused = false, global = false, delay = 2, first = false, list, sets, locks, selections, shape = "portrait", sprite, quads, icons_i, icons_q } -- Constructor function Selector:new(parent) local o = {} setmetatable(o, self) self.__index = self o.parent = parent o.sprite, o.quads = parent:getSheet() return o end -- Position function Selector:getPosition() return self.x, self.y end function Selector:setPosition(x,y) self.x, self.y = x, y return self end -- Size of single block function Selector:getSize() return self.width, self.height end function Selector:setSize(width, height) self.width, self.height = width, height return self end -- Spacing between two blocks function Selector:getMargin() return self.margin end function Selector:setMargin(margin) self.margin = margin return self end -- General setter for Menu configuration files function Selector:set(name, func) if type(name) == "string" and func ~= nil then self[name] = func end return self end -- Initialize Selector with current settings. function Selector:init() -- Make sure that there is list present if self.list == nil then self.list = {} end -- Initialize global Selector if self.global then self.sets = {} self.locks = {false} self.selections = {1} -- Initialize Selector for Controllers else self.sets = Controller.getSets() self.locks = {} self.selections = {} for n=1,#self.sets do self.locks[n] = false self.selections[n] = 1 end end return self end -- Cycle through list on given number function Selector:next(n) local total = #self.list local current = self.selections[n] local locked = self:isLocked(n) if not locked then self.selections[n] = (current % total) + 1 end end function Selector:previous(n) local total = #self.list local current = self.selections[n] local locked = self:isLocked(n) if not locked then if current == 1 then self.selections[n] = total else self.selections[n] = current - 1 end end end -- Get number associated with a given set function Selector:checkNumber(set) if self.global then return 1 end -- For global Selector for n,check in pairs(self.sets) do if check == set then return n end end end -- Check if given number is locked function Selector:isLocked(n) return self.locks[n] end -- Get value of selection of given number function Selector:getSelection(n) return self.selections[n] end -- Get value from list by selection function Selector:getListValue(i) return self.list[i] end -- Checks if selection of given number is unique within Selector scope. function Selector:isUnique(n) local selection = self:getSelection(n) for fn,v in pairs(self.selections) do if fn ~= n and self:isLocked(fn) and v == selection then return false end end return true end -- Get list of selections, checks if not locked are allowed. function Selector:getFullSelection(allowed) local allowed = allowed if allowed == nil then allowed = false end local t = {} for n,v in pairs(self.selections) do local name = self:getListValue(self:getSelection(n)) local locked = self:isLocked(n) if locked or allowed then local a = {name} if self.sets[n] then table.insert(a, self.sets[n]) end table.insert(t, a) end end return t end -- Draw single block of Selector function Selector:drawBlock(n, x, y, scale) if self.quads == nil or self.sprite == nil then return end local x, y = x or 0, y or 0 local name = self:getListValue(self:getSelection(n)) local locked = self:isLocked(n) local sprite = self.sprite local quad = self.quads local icon = self.icons_i local iconq = self.icons_q[name] local w,h = self:getSize() local unique = self:isUnique(n) if unique then love.graphics.setColor(255, 255, 255, 255) else love.graphics.setColor(140, 140, 140, 255) end if not locked then love.graphics.draw(sprite, quad[self.shape].normal, x*scale, y*scale, 0, scale, scale) else love.graphics.draw(sprite, quad[self.shape].active, x*scale, y*scale, 0, scale, scale) end love.graphics.draw(icon, iconq, (x+2)*scale, (y+3)*scale, 0, scale, scale) if self.focused and not locked then local dy = (h-6)/2 love.graphics.draw(sprite, quad.arrow_l, (x+0-2-math.floor(self.delay))* scale, (y+dy)*scale, 0, scale, scale) love.graphics.draw(sprite, quad.arrow_r, (x+w-4+math.floor(self.delay))*scale, (y+dy)*scale, 0, scale, scale) end if (self:getSelection(n) ~= 1 or self.first) then love.graphics.setFont(Font) love.graphics.setColor(255, 255, 255, 255) love.graphics.printf(string.upper(name), (x-w)*scale, (y+h+1)*scale, w*3, "center", 0, scale, scale) end end -- Menu callbacks function Selector:focus() -- Called when Element gains focus self.focused = true return true end function Selector:blur() -- Called when Element loses focus self.focused = false end -- LÖVE2D callbacks function Selector:draw(scale) local x,y = self:getPosition() local margin = self:getMargin() local width = self:getSize() x = x - #self.selections*0.5*(margin+margin+width) for n=1,#self.selections do self:drawBlock(n, x+(margin+width)*(n-1)+margin*n, y, scale) end end function Selector:update(dt) self.delay = self.delay + dt if self.delay > Selector.delay then -- Selector.delay is initial self.delay = self.delay - Selector.delay end end -- Controller callbacks function Selector:controlpressed(set, action, key) if set and self.focused then local n = self:checkNumber(set) local locked = self:isLocked(n) if action == "left" and not locked then self:previous(n) end if action == "right" and not locked then self:next(n) end if action == "attack" then if (self:getSelection(n) ~= 1 or self.first) and self:isUnique(n) then self.locks[n] = true end end if action == "jump" then if locked then self.locks[n] = false end end end end function Selector:controlreleased(set, action, key) end return Selector