-- `Player` -- Entity controlled by a player. It has a physical body and a sprite. Can play animations and interact with other instances of the same class. -- Collision category: [2] -- WHOLE CODE HAS FLAG OF "need a cleanup" -- Metatable of `Player` -- nils initialized in constructor Player = { -- General and physics name = "Player", body = nil, shape = nil, fixture = nil, sprite = nil, rotate = 0, -- "angle" would sound better facing = 1, max_velocity = 105, combo = 1, -- Animation animations = require "animations", current = nil, frame = 1, delay = 0.10, initial = nil, -- Movement inAir = true, jumpactive = false, jumpdouble = true, jumptimer = 0.14, -- Keys key_jump = "rshift", key_left = "left", key_right = "right", key_up = "up", key_down = "down", key_hit = "return" -- don't ask } -- Constructor of `Player` function Player:new (world, x, y, spritesheet) -- Meta local o = {} setmetatable(o, self) self.__index = self -- Physics o.body = love.physics.newBody(world, x, y, "dynamic") o.shape = love.physics.newRectangleShape(10, 17) o.fixture = love.physics.newFixture(o.body, o.shape, 8) o.sprite = love.graphics.newImage(spritesheet) o.fixture:setUserData(o) o.fixture:setCategory(2) o.fixture:setMask(2) o.body:setFixedRotation(true) -- Animation o.initial = o.delay o.current = o.animations.idle return o end -- Update callback of `Player` function Player:update (dt) -- # VERTICAL MOVEMENT -- Jumping if self.jumpactive and self.jumptimer > 0 then local x,y = self.body:getLinearVelocity() self.body:setLinearVelocity(x,-160) self.jumptimer = self.jumptimer - dt end -- Salto if not self.jumpdouble and self.inAir and (self.current == self.animations.walk or self.current == self.animations.idle) then self.rotate = (self.rotate + 17 * dt * self.facing) % 360 elseif self.rotate ~= 0 then self.rotate = 0 end -- # HORIZONTAL MOVEMENT -- Walking local x,y = self.body:getLinearVelocity() if love.keyboard.isDown(self.key_left) then self.facing = -1 self.body:applyForce(-200, 0) -- Controlled speed limit if x < -self.max_velocity then self.body:applyForce(200, 0) end end if love.keyboard.isDown(self.key_right) then self.facing = 1 self.body:applyForce(200, 0) -- Controlled speed limit if x > self.max_velocity then self.body:applyForce(-200, 0) end end -- Custom linear damping if not self.inAir and not love.keyboard.isDown(self.key_left) and not love.keyboard.isDown(self.key_right) then local face = nil if x < -12 then face = 1 elseif x > 12 then face = -1 else face = 0 end self.body:applyForce(120*face,0) end -- # ANIMATIONS -- Animation self.delay = self.delay - dt if self.delay < 0 then self.delay = self.delay + self.initial -- Thank you De Morgan! if self.current.repeated or not (self.frame == self.current.frames) then self.frame = (self.frame % self.current.frames) + 1 elseif love.keyboard.isDown(self.key_right) or love.keyboard.isDown(self.key_left) then -- If nonrepeatable animation is finished and player is walking self:changeAnimation("walk") elseif self.current == self.animations.damage then self:changeAnimation("idle") end end end -- Keypressed callback of `Player` function Player:keypressed (key) -- Jumping if key == self.key_jump then if not self.inAir then w:createEffect("jump", self.body:getX()-12, self.body:getY()-15) self.jumpactive = true if (self.current == self.animations.attack) or (self.current == self.animations.attack_up) or (self.current == self.animations.attack_down) then self:changeAnimation("idle") end elseif self.jumpdouble then w:createEffect("doublejump", self.body:getX()-12, self.body:getY()-15) self.jumpactive = true self.jumpdouble = false end end -- Walking if key == self.key_left or key == self.key_right then self:changeAnimation("walk") end -- Punching if key == self.key_hit then -- Punch up if love.keyboard.isDown(self.key_up) then self:hit(0, -1) -- Punch down elseif love.keyboard.isDown(self.key_down) and self.inAir then self:hit(0, 1) -- Punch horizontal else self:hit(self.facing, 0) end end end -- Keyreleased callback of `Player` function Player:keyreleased (key) -- Jumping if key == self.key_jump then self.jumpactive = false self.jumptimer = 0.12 end -- Walking if (key == self.key_left or key == self.key_right) and not (love.keyboard.isDown(self.key_left) or love.keyboard.isDown(self.key_right)) and self.current == self.animations.walk then self:changeAnimation("idle") end end -- Draw of `Player` function Player:draw (offset_x, offset_y, scale, debug) -- defaults local offset_x = offset_x or 0 local offset_y = offset_y or 0 local scale = scale or 1 local debug = debug or false -- sprite draw love.graphics.setColor(255,255,255,255) love.graphics.draw(self.sprite, self.current[self.frame], (self.body:getX()+offset_x)*scale, (self.body:getY()+offset_y)*scale, self.rotate, self.facing*scale, 1*scale, 12, 15) -- debug draw if debug then love.graphics.setColor(50, 255, 50, 100) love.graphics.polygon("fill", self.body:getWorldPoints(self.shape:getPoints())) love.graphics.setColor(255,255,255,255) love.graphics.points(self.body:getX()+12*self.facing,self.body:getY()-2) love.graphics.points(self.body:getX()+ 6*self.facing,self.body:getY()+2) love.graphics.points(self.body:getX()+18*self.facing,self.body:getY()+2) love.graphics.points(self.body:getX()+12*self.facing,self.body:getY()+6) end end -- Change animation of `Player` -- idle, walk, attack, attack_up, attack_down, damage function Player:changeAnimation(animation) self.frame = 1 self.delay = self.initial self.current = self.animations[animation] end -- Punch of `Player` -- REWORK NEEDED Issue #8 function Player:hit (horizontal, vertical) if vertical == -1 then self:changeAnimation("attack_up") elseif vertical == 1 then self:changeAnimation("attack_down") else self:changeAnimation("attack") self.body:applyLinearImpulse(10*self.facing, 0) end -- w.Nauts [!] temporary for k,n in pairs(w.Nauts) do if n ~= self then local didHit = false if n.fixture:testPoint(self.body:getX()+12*horizontal,self.body:getY()-2) then didHit = true end if n.fixture:testPoint(self.body:getX()+7*horizontal,self.body:getY()+2) then didHit = true end if n.fixture:testPoint(self.body:getX()+17*horizontal,self.body:getY()+2) then didHit = true end if n.fixture:testPoint(self.body:getX()+12*horizontal,self.body:getY()+6) then didHit = true end if didHit then n:damage(horizontal, vertical) n.combo = n.combo + 1 print(n.combo) end end end end -- Taking damage of `Player` by successful hit test function Player:damage (horizontal, vertical) w:createEffect("hit", self.body:getX()-4, self.body:getY()-7) self.body:applyLinearImpulse((34+12*self.combo)*horizontal, (50+10*self.combo)*vertical + 15) self:changeAnimation("damage") end