--- `Selector` -- Element for selecting variable from list. Selector = require "not.Element":extends() Selector.DEFAULT_DELAY = 2 Selector.SHAPE_PORTRAIT = 1 Selector.SHAPE_PANORAMA = 2 function Selector:new (group, parent) Selector.__super.new(self, parent) self.atlas, self.quads = parent:getSheet() self.group = group self.delay = Selector.DEFAULT_DELAY self.shape = Selector.SHAPE_PORTRAIT self.focused = false self.locked = false self.index = 1 end -- TODO: See `not/Element@getSize`. function Selector:getSize () if self.shape == Selector.SHAPE_PORTRAIT then return 32, 32 end if self.shape == Selector.SHAPE_PANORAMA then return 80, 42 end end --- Makes sure that n is in <1, total> range. local function limit (n, total) if n > total then return limit(n - total, total) end if n < 1 then return limit(n + total, total) end return n end --- Chooses item with an index. -- @param index selected item's index -- @return old index function Selector:setIndex (index) local old = self.index self.index = limit(index, #self.list) return old end --- Returns selected item's value. -- @return item selected from list function Selector:getSelected () return self.list[self.index] end --- Checks if selection is locked and returns item's value. -- Nil returning part is there to clarify method's behaviour. -- @return nil if not locked, value from list if locked function Selector:getLocked () if self.locked then return self:getSelected() end return nil end --- Checks if Selected value is unique in group's scope. function Selector:isUnique () if self.group then -- In this case next is used to determine if table returned by call is empty. if next(group:callEachBut(self, "getLocked")) then return false end end return true end function Selector:focus () self.focused = true return true end function Selector:blur () self.focused = false end return Selector