--- `Player` -- Right now this is more or less wrapper for Hero and various methods related to players' input. -- TODO: Few more things should be exchanged between Player and Hero. -- TODO: In the end this class could be implemented in form of more verbose and functional Controller class. Think about it. Player = require "not.Hero":extends() Player.controllerSet =--[[Controller.sets.*]]nil function Player:new (name, x, y, world) Player.__super.new(self, name, x, y, world) end -- Controller set manipulation. function Player:assignControllerSet (set) self.controllerSet = set end function Player:getControllerSet () return self.controllerSet end -- Check if control of assigned controller is pressed. function Player:isControlDown (control) return Controller.isDown(self:getControllerSet(), control) end function Player:isJumping () return self:isControlDown("jump") end function Player:isWalkingLeft () return self:isControlDown("left") end function Player:isWalkingRight () return self:isControlDown("right") end -- Controller callbacks. function Player:controlpressed (set, action, key) if set ~= self:getControllerSet() then return end self.smoke = false -- TODO: temporary -- Punching if action == "attack" and self.punchCooldown <= 0 then local f = self.facing if self:isControlDown("up") then self:punch("up") elseif self:isControlDown("down") then self:punch("down") else if f == 1 then self:punch("right") else self:punch("left") end end end end function Player:controlreleased (set, action, key) if set ~= self:getControllerSet() then return end end return Player