--- `PhysicalBody` -- Abstract class for drawable entity existing in `not.World`. PhysicalBody = { body =--[[love.physics.newBody]]nil, } -- `PhysicalBody` is a child of `Sprite`. require "not.Sprite" PhysicalBody.__index = PhysicalBody setmetatable(PhysicalBody, Sprite) --[[ Constructor of `PhysicalBody`. function PhysicalBody:new (world, x, y, imagePath) local o = setmetatable({}, self) o:init(world, x, y, imagePath) return o end ]] -- Initializer of `PhysicalBody`. function PhysicalBody:init (world, x, y, imagePath) Sprite.init(self, imagePath) self.body = love.physics.newBody(world.world, x, y) end -- Add new fixture to body. function PhysicalBody:addFixture (shape, density) local shape = love.physics.newPolygonShape(shape) local fixture = love.physics.newFixture(self.body, shape, density) return fixture end -- Position-related methods. function PhysicalBody:getPosition () return self.body:getPosition() end function PhysicalBody:setPosition (x, y) self.body:setPosition(x, y) end -- Various setters from Body. -- type: BodyType ("static", "dynamic", "kinematic") function PhysicalBody:setBodyType (type) self.body:setType(type) end function PhysicalBody:setBodyFixedRotation (bool) self.body:setFixedRotation(bool) end -- Update of `PhysicalBody`. function PhysicalBody:update (dt) Sprite.update(self, dt) end -- Draw of `PhysicalBody`. function PhysicalBody:draw (offset_x, offset_y, scale, debug) Sprite.draw(self, offset_x, offset_y, scale) if debug then for _,fixture in pairs(self.body:getFixtureList()) do local category = fixture:getCategory() if category == 1 then love.graphics.setColor(255, 69, 0, 140) end if category == 2 then love.graphics.setColor(137, 255, 0, 120) end if category == 3 then love.graphics.setColor(137, 0, 255, 40) end -- TODO: `world` is not a member of `PhysicalBody` or its instance normally. love.graphics.polygon("fill", self.world.camera:translatePoints(self.body:getWorldPoints(fixture:getShape():getPoints()))) end end end