--- `Menu` -- It creates single screen of a menu -- I do know that model I used here and in `World` loading configuration files is not flawless but I did not want to rewrite `World`s one but wanted to keep things similar at least in project scope. Menu = require "not.Scene":extends() Menu.elements = --[[{not.Element}]]nil Menu.active = 1 Menu.music = --[[not.Music]]nil Menu.sprite = --[[love.graphics.newImage]]nil Menu.allowMove = true Menu.quads = { -- TODO: Could be moved to config file or perhaps QuadManager to manage all quads for animations etc. button = { normal = love.graphics.newQuad(0, 0, 58,15, 80,130), active = love.graphics.newQuad(0, 0, 58,15, 80,130) }, portrait = { normal = love.graphics.newQuad( 0, 15, 32,32, 80,130), active = love.graphics.newQuad(32, 15, 32,32, 80,130) }, panorama = { normal = love.graphics.newQuad(0,47, 80,42, 80,130), active = love.graphics.newQuad(0,88, 80,42, 80,130) }, arrow_l = love.graphics.newQuad(68, 0, 6, 6, 80,130), arrow_r = love.graphics.newQuad(74, 0, 6, 6, 80,130), } function Menu:new (name) -- Load statically. if Menu.sprite == nil then Menu.sprite = love.graphics.newImage("assets/menu.png") end self.elements = {} self:open(name) end function Menu:delete () end function Menu:open (name) local name = name or "main" self.active = Menu.active --Menu.active is initial self.elements = love.filesystem.load(string.format("config/menus/%s.lua", name))(self, self.elements[1]) -- Common with `next` method. if not self.elements[self.active]:focus() then self:next() end end -- Return reference to quads table and menu sprite function Menu:getSheet () return self.sprite, self.quads end -- Cycle elements function Menu:next () self.elements[self.active]:blur() self.active = (self.active%#self.elements)+1 if not self.elements[self.active]:focus() then self:next() end end function Menu:previous () self.elements[self.active]:blur() if self.active == 1 then self.active = #self.elements else self.active = self.active - 1 end if not self.elements[self.active]:focus() then self:previous() end end -- LÖVE2D callbacks function Menu:update (dt) for _,element in pairs(self.elements) do element:update(dt) end end function Menu:draw () local scale = getScale() local scaler = getRealScale() love.graphics.setFont(Font) for _,element in pairs(self.elements) do element:draw(scale) end end -- Controller callbacks function Menu:controlpressed (set, action, key) if self.allowMove then if action == "down" then self:next() end if action == "up" then self:previous() end end for _,element in pairs(self.elements) do element:controlpressed(set, action, key) end end function Menu:controlreleased (set, action, key) for _,element in pairs(self.elements) do element:controlreleased(set, action, key) end end return Menu