--- `Hero` -- Hero (often referred to as: "naut") entity that exists in a game world. -- Collision category: [2] Hero = require "not.PhysicalBody":extends() -- Movement Hero.jumpTimer = 0.16 Hero.jumpCounter = 2 -- Statics Hero.portrait_sheet = getNautsIconsList() Hero.portrait_box = love.graphics.newQuad(0, 15, 32,32, 80,130) Hero.sfx = require "config.sounds" Hero.IMAGE_PORTRAITS = nil Hero.IMAGE_FRAME = nil Hero.MAX_VELOCITY = 105 Hero.RESPAWN_TIME = 2 Hero.PUNCH_COOLDOWN = 0.25 Hero.PUNCH_FIXTURE_LIFETIME = 0.08 Hero.PUNCH_LEFT = {-2,-6, -20,-6, -20,6, -2,6} Hero.PUNCH_RIGHT = {2,-6, 20,-6, 20,6, 2,6} Hero.PUNCH_UP = {-8,-4, -8,-20, 8,-20, 8,-4} Hero.PUNCH_DOWN = {-8,4, -8,20, 8,20, 8,4} -- Constructor of `Hero`. function Hero:new (name, x, y, world) local imagePath = string.format("assets/nauts/%s.png", name) Hero.load() Hero.__super.new(self, x, y, world, imagePath) -- Physics self.group = -1-#world.Nauts self:setBodyType("dynamic") self:setBodyFixedRotation(true) self:newFixture() -- General self.world = world self.name = name self.angle = 0 self.facing = 1 -- Status self.combo = 0 self.lives = 3 self.inAir = true self.salto = false self.smoke = false self.isAlive = true self.isWalking = false self.isJumping = false self.spawntimer = 2 self.punchCooldown = 0 self:setAnimationsList(require("config.animations.hero")) -- Post-creation self:createEffect("respawn") end -- TODO: This is temporarily called by constructor. function Hero.load () if Hero.IMAGE_PORTRAITS == nil then Hero.IMAGE_PORTRAITS = love.graphics.newImage("assets/portraits.png") Hero.IMAGE_FRAME = love.graphics.newImage("assets/menu.png") end end --- Creates hero's fixture and adds it to physical body. function Hero:newFixture () local fixture = self:addFixture({-5,-8, 5,-8, 5,8, -5,8}, 8) fixture:setUserData(self) fixture:setCategory(2) fixture:setMask(2) fixture:setGroupIndex(self.group) end -- Update callback of `Hero` function Hero:update (dt) Hero.__super.update(self, dt) if self.body:isDestroyed() then return end self:dampVelocity(dt) -- Salto if self.salto and (self.current == self.animations.walk or self.current == self.animations.default) then self.angle = (self.angle + 17 * dt * self.facing) % 360 elseif self.angle ~= 0 then self.angle = 0 end -- Could you please die? -- TODO: World/Map function for testing if Point is inside playable area. local m = self.world.map local x, y = self:getPosition() if (x < m.center_x - m.width*1.5 or x > m.center_x + m.width*1.5 or y < m.center_y - m.height*1.5 or y > m.center_y + m.height*1.5) and self.isAlive then self:die() end -- Respawn timer. if self.spawntimer > 0 then self.spawntimer = self.spawntimer - dt end if self.spawntimer <= 0 and not self.isAlive and self.lives >= 0 then self:respawn() end -- Trail spawner -- TODO: lower the frequency of spawning - currently it is each frame. if self.smoke and self.inAir then local dx, dy = love.math.random(-5, 5), love.math.random(-5, 5) self:createEffect("trail", dx, dy) end -- # PUNCH -- Cooldown self.punchCooldown = self.punchCooldown - dt if not self.body:isDestroyed() then -- TODO: This is weird for _,fixture in pairs(self.body:getFixtureList()) do -- TODO: getFixtures from `PhysicalBody` or similar. if fixture:getUserData() ~= self then fixture:setUserData({fixture:getUserData()[1] - dt, fixture:getUserData()[2]}) if fixture:getUserData()[1] < 0 then fixture:destroy() end end end end -- Stop vertical local currentAnimation = self:getAnimation() if self.frame < currentAnimation.frames then if currentAnimation == self.animations.attack_up or currentAnimation == self.animations.attack_down then self:setLinearVelocity(0, 0) end if currentAnimation == self.animations.attack then self:setLinearVelocity(38*self.facing, 0) end end end --- Damps linear velocity every frame by applying minor force to body. function Hero:dampVelocity (dt) if not self.isWalking then local face local x, y = self:getLinearVelocity() if x < -12 then face = 1 elseif x > 12 then face = -1 else face = 0 end self:applyForce(40*face,0) if not self.inAir then self:applyForce(80*face,0) end end end -- TODO: comment them and place them somewhere properly function Hero:getAngle () return self.angle end function Hero:getHorizontalMirror () return self.facing end function Hero:getOffset () return 12,15 end -- Draw of `Hero` function Hero:draw (offset_x, offset_y, scale, debug) if not self.isAlive then return end Hero.__super.draw(self, offset_x, offset_y, scale, debug) end -- Draw HUD of `Hero` -- elevation: 1 bottom, 0 top function Hero:drawHUD (x,y,scale,elevation) -- hud displays only if player is alive if self.isAlive then love.graphics.setColor(255,255,255,255) love.graphics.draw(self.IMAGE_FRAME, self.portrait_box, (x)*scale, (y)*scale, 0, scale, scale) love.graphics.draw(self.IMAGE_PORTRAITS, self.portrait_sheet[self.name], (x+2)*scale, (y+3)*scale, 0, scale, scale) local dy = 30 * elevation love.graphics.setFont(Font) love.graphics.print((self.combo).."%",(x+2)*scale,(y-3+dy)*scale,0,scale,scale) love.graphics.print(math.max(0, self.lives),(x+24)*scale,(y-3+dy)*scale,0,scale,scale) end end -- Change animation of `Hero` -- default, walk, attack, attack_up, attack_down, damage function Hero:goToNextFrame () if self.current.repeated or not (self.frame == self.current.frames) then self.frame = (self.frame % self.current.frames) + 1 elseif self.isWalking then self:setAnimation("walk") elseif self.current == self.animations.damage then self:setAnimation("default") end end -- Spawn `Effect` relative to `Hero` function Hero:createEffect (name, dx, dy) local x, y = self.body:getX()-8, self.body:getY()-8 -- 16px effect: -7 -7 if not (name == "trail") and not (name == "hit") then x, y = x-4, y-7 -- 24px effect: -12 -15 end if dx then x = x + dx end if dy then y = y + dy end self.world:createEffect(name, x, y) end -- Called by World when Hero starts contact with Platform (lands). function Hero:land () self.inAir = false self.jumpCounter = 2 self.salto = false self.smoke = false self:createEffect("land") end -- Creates temporary fixture for hero's body that acts as sensor. -- direction: ("left", "right", "up", "down") -- Sensor fixture is deleted after time set in UserData[1]; deleted by `not.Hero.update`. function Hero:punch (direction) self.punchCooldown = Hero.PUNCH_COOLDOWN -- Choose shape based on punch direction. local shape if direction == "left" then shape = Hero.PUNCH_LEFT end if direction == "right" then shape = Hero.PUNCH_RIGHT end if direction == "up" then shape = Hero.PUNCH_UP end if direction == "down" then shape = Hero.PUNCH_DOWN end -- Create and set sensor fixture. local fixture = self:addFixture(shape, 0) fixture:setSensor(true) fixture:setCategory(3) fixture:setMask(1,3) fixture:setGroupIndex(self.group) fixture:setUserData({Hero.PUNCH_FIXTURE_LIFETIME, direction}) self:playSound(4) end -- Taking damage of `Hero` by successful hit test -- currently called from World's startContact -- TODO: attack functions needs to be renamed, because even I have problems understanding them. function Hero:damage (direction) local horizontal, vertical = 0, 0 if direction == "left" then horizontal = -1 end if direction == "right" then horizontal = 1 end if direction == "up" then vertical = -1 end if direction == "down" then vertical = 1 end self:createEffect("hit") local x,y = self:getLinearVelocity() self:setLinearVelocity(x,0) self:applyLinearImpulse((42+self.combo)*horizontal, (68+self.combo)*vertical + 15) self:setAnimation("damage") self.combo = math.min(999, self.combo + 10) self.punchCooldown = 0.08 + self.combo*0.0006 self:playSound(2) if self.combo > 80 then self.smoke = true end end -- DIE function Hero:die () self:playSound(1) self.combo = 0 self.lives = self.lives - 1 self.isAlive = false self.spawntimer = Hero.RESPAWN_TIME self:setBodyActive(false) self.world:onNautKilled(self) end -- And then respawn. Like Jon Snow. function Hero:respawn () self.isAlive = true self:setLinearVelocity(0,0) self:setPosition(self.world:getSpawnPosition()) -- TODO: I'm not convinced about getting new position like this. self:setBodyActive(true) self:createEffect("respawn") self:playSound(7) end -- Sounds -- TODO: Possibly export to nonexistent SoundEmitter class. Can be used by World (Stage), too. function Hero:playSound (sfx, force) if self.isAlive or force then local source = love.audio.newSource(self.sfx[sfx]) source:play() end end return Hero