--- `Element` -- Empty element used inside `Menu`. Element = { parent = --[[not.Menu]]nil, x = 0, y = 0 } Element.__index = Element function Element:new (parent) local o = setmetatable({}, self) o.parent = parent return o end function Element:delete () end -- deletes Element function Element:getPosition () return self.x, self.y end function Element:setPosition (x, y) self.x = x or 0 self.y = y or 0 return self end function Element:set (name, func) if type(name) == "string" and func ~= nil then self[name] = func end return self end -- Called when menu tries to focus on this element. -- If it will return false then menu will skip element and go to next in list. function Element:focus () return false end function Element:blur () end -- Called when Element loses focus. -- LÖVE2D callbacks function Element:draw (scale) end function Element:update (dt) end -- Controller callbacks function Element:controlpressed (set, action, key) end function Element:controlreleased (set, action, key) end return Element