--- `Effect` -- Short animation with graphics that plays in various situation. Effect = require "not.Decoration":extends() -- Constructor of `Effect`. function Effect:new (name, x, y, world) -- TODO: Load spritesheet statically. Put it to load or somewhere else within non-existent resource manager. if Effect:getImage() == nil then Effect:setImage(Sprite.newImage("assets/effects.png")) end Effect.__super.new(self, x, y, world, nil) self.finished = false self:setAnimationsList(require("config.animations.effects")) self:setAnimation(name) end -- Update of `Effect`. -- Returns true if animation is finished and effect is ready to be deleted. function Effect:update (dt) Effect.__super.update(self, dt) return self.finished end -- Overridden from `not.Sprite`. -- Sets finished flag if reached last frame of played animation. function Effect:goToNextFrame () if not (self.frame == self.current.frames) then self.frame = (self.frame % self.current.frames) + 1 else self.finished = true end end return Effect