--- `Cloud` -- That white thing moving in the background. -- TODO: extends variables names to be readable. Cloud = { t = 1, -- type (sprite number) v = 13 -- velocity } -- TODO: allow maps to use other quads and sprites for clouds -- TODO: you know this isn't right, don't you? local animations = { default = { [1] = love.graphics.newQuad( 1, 1, 158,47, 478,49), frames = 1, repeated = true }, default2 = { [1] = love.graphics.newQuad(160, 1, 158,47, 478,49), frames = 1, repeated = true }, default3 = { [1] = love.graphics.newQuad(319, 1, 158,47, 478,49), frames = 1, repeated = true } } -- `Cloud` is a child of `Decoration`. require "not.Decoration" Cloud.__index = Cloud setmetatable(Cloud, Decoration) -- Constructor of `Cloud`. function Cloud:new (x, y, t, v) local o = setmetatable({}, self) o:init(x, y, t, v) -- Load spritesheet statically. if self:getImage() == nil then self:setImage(Sprite.newImage("assets/clouds.png")) end return o end -- Initializator of `Cloud`. function Cloud:init (x, y, t, v) Decoration.init(self, x, y, nil) self:setAnimationsList(animations) self:setVelocity(v) self:setType(t) end -- Setters for cloud type and velocity. function Cloud:setType (type) local animation = "default" if type > 1 then animation = animation .. type end self:setAnimation(animation) self.t = type end function Cloud:setVelocity (velocity) self.v = velocity end -- Update of `Cloud`, returns x for world to delete cloud after reaching right corner. function Cloud:update (dt) Decoration.update(self, dt) self.x = self.x + self.v*dt return self.x end