-- "NOTNAUTS" -- WHOLE CODE HAS FLAG OF "need a cleanup" -- Pretend you didn't see this -- This is work for scene manager Scene = nil function changeScene(scene) if Scene ~= nil then Scene:delete() end Scene = scene end -- Should be moved to scene/camera function getScale() return math.max(1, math.floor(math.max(love.graphics.getWidth() / 320, love.graphics.getHeight() / 180))) end function getRealScale() return math.max(1, math.max(love.graphics.getWidth() / 320, love.graphics.getHeight() / 180)) end -- Should be moved to Sprite metaclass (non-existent yet) function newImage(path) local imagedata = love.image.newImageData(path) local transparency = function(x, y, r, g, b, a) if (r == 0 and g == 128 and b == 64) or (r == 0 and g == 240 and b == 6) then a = 0 end return r, g, b, a end imagedata:mapPixel(transparency) local image = love.graphics.newImage(imagedata) return image end -- Require require "world" require "camera" require "menu" require "controller" require "music" -- Temporary debug debug = false -- LÖVE2D callbacks function love.load() -- Graphics love.graphics.setBackgroundColor(90, 90, 90) love.graphics.setDefaultFilter("nearest", "nearest") -- Font Font = love.graphics.newImageFont("assets/font-normal.png", " 0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz.,:;-_/\\!@#$%^&*?=+~`|'\"()[]{}<>", -1) Bold = love.graphics.newImageFont("assets/font-big.png", " 0123456789AEFILNORSTUW", -2) Font:setLineHeight(9/16) love.graphics.setFont(Font) -- Controller Controller.load() -- Scene Scene = Menu:new() end function love.update(dt) Scene:update(dt) end function love.draw() Scene:draw() if debug then local scale = getScale() love.graphics.setColor(255, 0, 0, 255) love.graphics.print("Debug ON", 10, 10, 0, scale, scale) love.graphics.setColor(255, 255, 255, 255) love.graphics.print("Current FPS: "..tostring(love.timer.getFPS()), 10, 10+9*scale, 0, scale, scale) end end -- Pass input to Controller function love.joystickadded(joystick) Controller.joystickadded(joystick) end function love.gamepadaxis(joystick, axis, value) Controller.gamepadaxis(joystick, axis, value) end function love.gamepadpressed(joystick, key) Controller.gamepadpressed(joystick, key) end function love.gamepadreleased(joystick, key) Controller.gamepadreleased(joystick, key) end function love.keypressed(key) Controller.keypressed(key) end function love.keyreleased(key) Controller.keyreleased(key) end -- Controller callbacks function Controller.controlpressed(set, action, key) -- pass to current Scene Scene:controlpressed(set, action, key) -- globals if key == "escape" or key == "f1" then love.event.quit() end if key == "f5" then debug = not debug end end function Controller.controlreleased(set, action, key) -- pass to current Scene Scene:controlreleased(set, action, key) end