-- "NOTNAUTS" -- WHOLE CODE HAS FLAG OF "need a cleanup" require "ground" require "player" require "camera" debug = false function love.load () -- Graphics love.graphics.setBackgroundColor(189, 95, 93) love.graphics.setDefaultFilter("nearest", "nearest") -- World physics love.physics.setMeter(64) world = love.physics.newWorld(0, 9.81*64, true) world:setCallbacks(beginContact, endContact) -- Platforms (`Ground`) Platforms = {} table.insert(Platforms, Ground:new(world, 290/2, 180/2, {-91,1, 90,1, 90,10, 5,76, -5,76, -91,10}, "assets/platform_big.png")) table.insert(Platforms, Ground:new(world, 290/2+140, 180/2+50, {-26,1, 26,1, 26,30, -26,30}, "assets/platform_small.png")) table.insert(Platforms, Ground:new(world, 290/2-140, 180/2+50, {-26,1, 26,1, 26,30, -26,30}, "assets/platform_small.png")) table.insert(Platforms, Ground:new(world, 290/2, 180/2-50, {-17,1, 17,1, 17,17, -17,17}, "assets/platform_top.png")) -- Nauts (`Player`) Nauts = {} table.insert(Nauts, Player:new(world, 290/2-10, 180/2 - 80, "assets/leon.png")) table.insert(Nauts, Player:new(world, 290/2+10, 180/2 - 80, "assets/lonestar.png")) -- Temporary settings for second player Nauts[2].name = "Player2" Nauts[2].key_left = "a" Nauts[2].key_right = "d" Nauts[2].key_up = "w" Nauts[2].key_down = "s" Nauts[2].key_jump = "h" Nauts[2].key_hit = "g" -- Camera camera = Camera:new() end function love.update (dt) -- Put world in motion! world:update(dt) camera:moveFollow() -- Players for k,naut in pairs(Nauts) do naut:update(dt) end end function love.keypressed (key) -- Switch hitbox display on/off if key == "x" then debug = not debug end -- if key == "z" then camera.scale = (camera.scale % 4) + 1 end -- Players for k,naut in pairs(Nauts) do naut:keypressed(key) end end function love.keyreleased(key) -- Players for k,naut in pairs(Nauts) do naut:keyreleased(key) end end function love.draw () -- Draw SOME background -- I'm already bored with solid color! love.graphics.setColor(193, 100, 99, 255) love.graphics.rectangle("fill", 0, 0, love.graphics.getWidth(), love.graphics.getHeight()*0.25) love.graphics.setColor(179, 82, 80, 255) love.graphics.rectangle("fill", 0, love.graphics.getHeight()*0.8, love.graphics.getWidth(), love.graphics.getHeight()*0.2) -- Get camera (like this, for now ;_; pass camera object to draw function?) local offset_x, offset_y = camera:getOffsets() local scale = camera.scale -- Draw ground for k,platform in pairs(Platforms) do platform:draw(offset_x, offset_y, scale, debug) end -- Draw player for k,naut in pairs(Nauts) do naut:draw(offset_x, offset_y, scale, debug) end end function beginContact (a, b, coll) local x,y = coll:getNormal() if y == -1 then print(b:getUserData().name .. " is not in air") b:getUserData().inAir = false b:getUserData().jumpdouble = true end end function endContact (a, b, coll) print(b:getUserData().name .. " is in air") b:getUserData().inAir = true end