-- TODO: These should be part of non-existent AssetsManager or something similar. local function testAvoidList (i, avoidList) for key,value in pairs(avoidList) do if i == value then table.remove(avoidList, key) return false end end return true end function createIconsList (sheetWidth, sheetHeight, iconWidth, keysList, avoidList) local avoidList = avoidList or {} local iconsList, newKeysList = {}, {} local iconsNumber = math.floor(sheetWidth / iconWidth) local iconHeight = sheetHeight for i=1,iconsNumber do if testAvoidList(i, avoidList) then iconsList[keysList[i]] = love.graphics.newQuad((i-1)*iconWidth, 0, iconWidth, iconHeight, sheetWidth, sheetHeight) table.insert(newKeysList, keysList[i]) end end return iconsList, newKeysList end function getNautsIconsList (avoidList) local avoidList = avoidList or {32,33,34,35,36} local keysList = require "config.nauts" local iconsList, newKeysList = createIconsList(1148, 27, 28, keysList, avoidList) return iconsList, newKeysList end function getMapsIconsList (avoidList) local keysList = require "config.maps" local iconsList, newKeysList = createIconsList(532, 37, 76, keysList, avoidList) return iconsList, newKeysList end