-- `Controller` -- Used to manage controls -- Metashit Controller = { joystick = nil, left = "left", right = "right", up = "up", down = "down", attack = "return", -- accept jump = "rshift", -- cancel parent = nil, down = nil } -- Constructor -- joystick, left, right, up, down, attack, jump function Controller:new(joystick, ...) local o = {} setmetatable(o, self) self.__index = self if joystick ~= nil then o.joystick = joystick end o:setBindings(...) return o end function Controller:setBindings(...) local left, right, up, down, attack, jump = ... self.left = left or "left" self.right = right or "right" self.up = up or "up" self.down = down or "down" self.attack = attack or "return" self.jump = jump or "rshift" end function Controller:setParent(parent) self.parent = parent or nil end function Controller:testControl(control) if control == self.left then return "left" elseif control == self.right then return "right" elseif control == self.up then return "up" elseif control == self.down then return "down" elseif control == self.attack then return "attack" elseif control == self.jump then return "jump" else return nil end end function Controller:keypressed(key, scancode) if self.parent ~= nil and self.joystick == nil then local control = self:testControl(key) if control ~= nil then self.parent:controllerPressed(control) end end end function Controller:keyreleased(key, scancode) if self.parent ~= nil and self.joystick == nil then local control = self:testControl(key) if control ~= nil then self.parent:controllerReleased(control) end end end function Controller:isDown(control) if self.joystick == nil then return love.keyboard.isDown(self[control]) else return self.joystick:isGamepadDown(self[control]) end end