local menu = ... local Button = require "not.Button" local Selector = require "not.Selector" local Element = require "not.Element" local width, height = love.graphics.getWidth()/getRealScale(), love.graphics.getHeight()/getRealScale() local bx = width/2-29 local keys = {"Left", "Right", "Up", "Down", "Attack", "Jump"} local dimmer = Element(menu) :setPosition(width/2, 15) :set("visible", false) :set("currentControl", "Left") -- it actually means control that is being set CURRENTLY :set("previousControl", "") -- it actually means key that was set as this control PREVIOUSLY :set("draw", function (self, scale) if self.visible then love.graphics.setColor(0, 0, 0, 210) love.graphics.rectangle("fill",0,0,width*getRealScale(),height*getRealScale()) love.graphics.setColor(120, 255, 120, 255) love.graphics.printf("Press new key for: \n> " .. self.currentControl .. " <", (width/2-110)*scale, (height/2-4)*scale, 220, "center", 0, scale, scale) love.graphics.setColor(120, 120, 120, 255) love.graphics.printf("Old: " .. self.previousControl .. "", (width/2-110)*scale, (height/2+16)*scale, 220, "center", 0, scale, scale) love.graphics.setColor(255, 255, 255, 255) end end) -- CHANGER functions local isEnabled = function (self) if Controller.getSets()[self.setNumber()] and not self.inProgress then return true else return false end end local startChange = function (self) dimmer:set("visible", true):set("currentControl", "Left") self.parent.allowMove = false self.inProgress = true self.currentKey = 0 -- Displaying old key should be done less tricky; REWORK NEEDED dimmer:set("previousControl", Controller.sets[self.setNumber()][string.lower(keys[self.currentKey+1])]) self.newSet = {} end local controlreleased = function(self, set, action, key) if self.inProgress then if self.currentKey > 0 and self.currentKey < 7 then table.insert(self.newSet, key) dimmer:set("currentControl", keys[self.currentKey+1]) end -- There is something wrong with this `if` statements... I mean, look at these numbers. if self.currentKey > 5 then dimmer:set("visible", false) self.parent.allowMove = true self.inProgress = false table.insert(self.newSet, Controller.getSets()[self.setNumber()].joystick) print(self.newSet[7]) Settings.change(self.setNumber(), self.newSet[1], self.newSet[2], self.newSet[3], self.newSet[4], self.newSet[5], self.newSet[6], self.newSet[7]) else dimmer:set("previousControl", Controller.sets[self.setNumber()][string.lower(keys[self.currentKey+1])]) self.currentKey = self.currentKey + 1 end end end local a = { Button(menu) :setText("Keyboard 1") :setPosition(bx,80) :set("setNumber", function () return 1 end) :set("isEnabled", isEnabled) :set("controlreleased", controlreleased) :set("stopChange", stopChange) :set("active", startChange) , Button(menu) :setText("Keyboard 2") :setPosition(bx,96) :set("setNumber", function () return 2 end) :set("isEnabled", isEnabled) :set("controlreleased", controlreleased) :set("stopChange", stopChange) :set("active", startChange) , Button(menu) :setText("Gamepad 1") :setPosition(bx,112) :set("setNumber", function () return 3 end) :set("isEnabled", isEnabled) :set("controlreleased", controlreleased) :set("stopChange", stopChange) :set("active", startChange) , Button(menu) :setText("Gamepad 2") :setPosition(bx,128) :set("setNumber", function () return 4 end) :set("isEnabled", isEnabled) :set("controlreleased", controlreleased) :set("stopChange", stopChange) :set("active", startChange) , Button(menu) :setText("Go back") :setPosition(bx,144) :set("active", function (self) self.parent:open("main") end) , dimmer } return a