local menu = ... local Button = require "not.Button" local Element = require "not.Element" local width, height = love.graphics.getWidth()/getRealScale(), love.graphics.getHeight()/getRealScale() local bx = width/2-29 return { Button(menu) :setText("Go back") :setPosition(bx,144) :set("active", function (self) self.parent:open("main") end) , Element(menu) :setPosition(width/2, 30) :set("draw", function (self, scale) local x,y = self:getPosition() love.graphics.printf("A game by the Awesomenauts community including:\nSeltzy, PlasmaWisp, ParaDoX, MilkingChicken, Burningdillo, Bronkey and Aki.\n\n04font was used.\n\nBased on a game by Jan Willem Nijman, Paul Veer and Bits_Beats XOXO.\n\nAwesomenauts is property of Ronimo Games.", (x-110)*scale, (y+10)*scale, 220, "left", 0, scale, scale) end) , }