-- `Cloud` -- That white thing moving in the background. -- WHOLE CODE HAS FLAG OF "need a cleanup" -- Metatable of `Cloud` Cloud = { x = 0, y = 0, t = 1, -- Type of the cloud (quad number) sprite = love.graphics.newImage("assets/clouds.png"), quads = { [1] = love.graphics.newQuad( 1,159, 158,47, 480,49), [2] = love.graphics.newQuad(161,319, 158,47, 480,49), [3] = love.graphics.newQuad(321,479, 158,47, 480,49) } } -- Constructor of `Cloud` function Cloud:new(x, y, t) -- Meta local o = {} setmetatable(o, self) self.__index = self -- Init o.x = x or self.x o.y = y or self.y o.t = t or self.t return o end -- Update of `Cloud`, returns x for world to delete cloud after reaching right corner function Cloud:update(dt) self.x = self.x + 5*dt return self.x end -- Draw `Cloud` function Cloud:draw(offset_x, offset_y, scale) -- defaults local offset_x = offset_x or 0 local offset_y = offset_y or 0 local debug = debug or false -- draw love.graphics.setColor(255,255,255,255) love.graphics.draw(self.sprite, self.quads[t], (self.x+offset_x)*scale, (self.y+offset_y)*scale, 0, scale, scale) end