-- `Camera` -- Used in drawing. -- Metatable of `Camera` Camera = { x = 0, y = 0, dest_x = 0, dest_y = 0, scale = 4, shake = 0, timer = 0, delay = 0, origin_x = 0, origin_y = 0, shake_x = 0, shake_y = 0, world = nil, -- game world } -- Constructor of `Camera` function Camera:new (world) local o = {} setmetatable(o, self) self.__index = self o.world = world return o end -- Drawing offsets function Camera:getOffsets () return -self.x,-self.y end -- Position function Camera:setPosition (x, y) local x = x or 0 local y = y or 0 self.x, self.y = x, y end function Camera:getPosition () return self.x, self.y end -- Destination function Camera:setDestination (x, y) local x = x or 0 local y = y or 0 self.dest_x, self.dest_y = x, y end function Camera:getDestination () return self.dest_x, self.dest_y end -- Shake it -- Really bad script, but for now it works function Camera:shake () if self.shake_x == 0 then self.shake_x = math.random(-10, 10) * 2 elseif self.shake_x > 0 then self.shake_x = math.random(-10, -1) * 2 elseif self.shake_x < 0 then self.shake_x = math.random(10, 1) * 2 end if self.shake_y == 0 then self.shake_y = math.random(-10, 10) * 2 elseif self.shake_y > 0 then self.shake_y = math.random(-10, -1) * 2 elseif self.shake_y < 0 then self.shake_y = math.random(10, 1) * 2 end local x = self.origin_x + self.shake_x local y = self.origin_y + self.shake_y self:setDestination(x, y) end function Camera:startShake () self.timer = 0.3 self.origin_x, self.origin_y = self:getPosition() end -- Move follow function Camera:follow () local x,y,i = 145, 90, 1 for k,point in pairs(self.world.Nauts) do if point.body:getX() > -20 and point.body:getX() < 310 and point.body:getY() > -70 and point.body:getY() < 200 then i = i + 1 x = point.body:getX() + x y = point.body:getY() + y end end x = x / i - 145 y = y / i - 90 self:setDestination(x,y) end -- Update function Camera:update (dt) if self.timer > 0 then self.timer = self.timer - dt if self.delay <= 0 then self:shake() self.delay = 0.02 else self.delay = self.delay - dt end else self:follow() end local dx, dy = self:getDestination() dx = (dx - self.x) * 6 * dt dy = (dy - self.y) * 6 * dt self:setPosition(self.x + dx, self.y + dy) end