-- `Animated` -- Abstract class for drawable animated entities. -- Metatable Animated = { animations--[[table with animations]], current--[[animations.default]], sprite--[[love.graphics.newImage()]], frame = 1, delay = .1, } Animated.__index = Animated -- Cleans up reference to sprite on deletion. function Animated:delete() self.sprite = nil end -- Sets an Image as a sprite. function Animated:setSprite(image) self.sprite = image end -- Returns current sprite Image. function Animated:getSprite() return self.sprite end -- Sets new animations list. function Animated:setAnimationsList(t) self.animations = t self:setAnimation("default") end -- Sets current animation by table key. function Animated:setAnimation(animation) self.frame = 1 self.delay = Animated.delay -- INITIAL from metatable self.current = self.animations[animation] end -- Returns current animation table. function Animated:getAnimation() return self.current end -- Get frame quad for drawing. function Animated:getQuad() if self.animations and self.current then return self.current[self.frame] end end -- Drawing self to LOVE2D buffer. -- If there is no Quad, it will draw entire sprite. function Animated:draw(...) local s, q = self:getSprite(), self:getQuad() if s then love.graphics.setColor(255,255,255,255) if q then love.graphics.draw(s, q, ...) else love.graphics.draw(s, ...) end end end -- Animation updating. function Animated:update(dt) if self.animations and self.current then self.delay = self.delay - dt if self.delay < 0 then self.delay = self.delay + Animated.delay -- INITIAL from metatable self:nextFrame() end end end -- Moving to the next frame. function Animated:nextFrame() if self.current.repeated or not (self.frame == self.current.frames) then self.frame = (self.frame % self.current.frames) + 1 else self:setAnimation("default") end end