local Object = require "Object" assert(Object) assert(Object.extends) assert(Object.new) local object = Object() assert(object) assert(object:is(Object)) assert(not object:is(Child)) assert(not object:is(GrandChild)) assert(not object:is(Sibling)) assert(not object:is(Meta)) assert(not object:is(MetaChild)) local Child = Object:extends() local GrandChild = Child:extends() function Child:new (a) self.a = a end function GrandChild:new (b, a) self.__super.new(self, a) self.b = b end Child.NUMBER = 3 GrandChild.NUMBER = 11 local a = 10 local b = 15 local child = Child(a) local grandChild = GrandChild(b, a) assert(child:is(Object)) assert(child:is(Child)) assert(not child:is(GrandChild)) assert(grandChild:is(Object)) assert(grandChild:is(Child)) assert(grandChild:is(GrandChild)) assert(child.NUMBER == Child.NUMBER) assert(not (child.NUMBER == GrandChild.NUMBER)) assert(not (grandChild.NUMBER == Child.NUMBER)) assert(grandChild.NUMBER == GrandChild.NUMBER) assert(child.a == a) assert(grandChild.a == a and grandChild.b == b) assert(GrandChild.__class == GrandChild) assert(GrandChild.__super == Child) assert(grandChild.__class == GrandChild) assert(grandChild.__super == Child) assert(grandChild.__class.__super == Child) assert(grandChild.__super.__super == Object) local Sibling = Object:extends() function Sibling:new (p) self.p = p ^ 2 end local p = 6 local sibling = Sibling(p) assert(not sibling.NUMBER) assert(sibling.p == p ^ 2) local Meta = Object:extends() function Meta:new (x, y) self.x = x self.y = y end function Meta.__add (self, op) return self.__class(self.x + op.x, self.y + op.y) end local x = 5 local y = -2 local meta = Meta(x, y) local meta2 = Meta(x, y) assert(rawget(getmetatable(meta), "__add")) local sum = meta + meta2 assert(sum:is(Meta)) assert((sum.x == meta.x + meta2.x) and (sum.y == meta.y + meta2.y)) io.write("\27[1;32;40mSuccess\27[0m\n") io.flush() return true