
Birds and Programming

The sole reason why birds are not excellent programmers is that they can't use keyboards very well. At some point in the future it will be required from them to develop an interface to computers. Be it fingers or something that will completely discard the concept of a keyboard.


Initialized website as git repository. Let's see if it will be useful.

Rewritten parts of and updated We Browsers Are No More.

Capitalized titles and fixed some links here and there.

Added Derelict homepage to the index.

Added subtitles with date of publication for each article. Last modified dates will be tracked from this point of time.

Removed structured sources in examples as a preparation to extend related topics.

Published FAQ and graveyard.

Published plop landing page.

Minor changes to Organizing your Lua project.

Published Organizing your Lua project.

Published LICENSE. Minor changes to index and style.

More minor changes done to the index, CSS and added index link in all of the articles.

Removed old standalone updates page and moved it to the index. Reindexed and removed some pages as they had no worth. I plan to rewrite, restructure and expand some texts. I also have new experiments coming in to fail miserably. Let's see how it goes!