import re from html.parser import HTMLParser import requests OWNER_HREF = re.compile(r"/(?:corporation|alliance)/(\d+)/?") class ZkillError(Exception): """ Marks a problem encountered when interfacing with Zkillboard's API. """ class RelatedParser(HTMLParser): """ Reads kill IDs and teams from Zkillboard's related kills page. """ def __init__(self): super().__init__() self._team = 0 self._kills = set() self._current = None def handle_starttag(self, tag, attrs): attrs = dict(attrs) if tag == "table" and attrs.get("id", "").lower() == "killlist": self._team += 1 if tag == "tr" and attrs.get("class", "").lower() == "killlistrow" and self._team > 0: self._flush() killid = attrs.get("killid", "") self._current = (killid, self._team, None) if tag == "a" and self._team > 0 and self._current: match = OWNER_HREF.match(attrs.get("href", "")) if match: self._current = (*self._current[:2], self._flush() def _flush(self): if self._current and all(self._current): self._kills.add(self._current) self._current = None @property def kills(self): """ Returns all kills found by the parser along with their team and the ID of the victim. """ self._flush() return self._kills def hash(kill_id): """ Looks up and returns the hash associated with *kill_id* using Zkillboard's API. """ response = requests.get("{}/".format(kill_id)) response.raise_for_status() data = response.json() if len(data) == 0: raise ZkillError("Could not find hash", kill_id) if len(data) > 1: raise ZkillError("Too many hashes found", kill_id) return data[0]['zkb']['hash'] def parse_battle_report(url): """ Builds a basic snapshot containing all killmails from the battle report at *url*. """ response = requests.get(url) response.raise_for_status() page = response.text related = RelatedParser() related.feed(page) killmails = [] teams = (set(), set()) for kill, team, victim in related.kills: killmails.append({'killmail_id': int(kill)}) destination = teams[team - 1] destination.add(int(victim)) return {'killmails': killmails, 'teams': list(map(list, teams))}